Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Politics"

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Q: In the U. S., is it polite to talk about politics with strangers? If you were hearing someone talking about his/her political view point that I don't agree with, how would you react?
A: It depends on the setting and your tact--definitely don't do this if you treat discourse as a battle to be won (it'll just end with shouting most of the time). Many people's beliefs run deeper than their knowledge and will react poorly if you aggressively challenge them or highlight this. If you are civil about it, most (not all) of them will be, too. Many people are willing to disagree a bit, but seek some point they can agree on as a way to soothe the tension of disagreement or as a way show it wasn't a competition to prove the other wrong. Most people are not comfortable with facing someone and disagreeing for an extended period and it'll go smoother if you can give and take.

In general, if someone is already talking politics, it won't be considered impolite to join in. Bear in mind, foreigners that follow American politics often have a very different perspective and focus on different aspects than citizens so they may very well be ignorant of a topic you broach. If you intend to talk foreign politics, all but the most fervent political junkies will have little more than a few vague ideas of beliefs.

How do I react? It depends. If they are making actual points, or trying to, and aren't just a blustering buffoon, I'll engage. They are strangers, so I'm considerate--if I disagree, instead of saying they are wrong, I'll ask them questions that leave them to justify problems with their logic (in my opinion). That way, I'm not orating--they still have the floor and I've still communicated my issue. I think it's important to be able to justify your political beliefs with sound reasoning so I enjoy hearing others do the same.

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