Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Prefecture"
The meaning of "Prefecture" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит prefecture?
in Japan, it is a governmental district, equivalent to either a county or a state, within the nation.
Что значит prefecture?
While you can look up the definition in the dictionary, nobody uses the word to describe anything in the USA.
Что значит prefecture?
it’s a political region or local government area in some countries, for example Japan, France, and Italy
EX: An elderly woman in Kanagawa prefecture is the only person in Japan to have died of the virus.
EX: An elderly woman in Kanagawa prefecture is the only person in Japan to have died of the virus.
Что значит we'll see which prefecture I end up in.?
I think Japan use prefecture as a political region 都道府県 so it would mean let's see where do I end up ( where will I go I don't know but time will tell and we will know)
Synonyms of "Prefecture" and their differences
В чем разница между What prefecture is the largest in Japan? и What is the largest prefecture in Japan? и What prefecture has the largest area in Japan? ?
Thank you :)
В чем разница между Forty-seven prefectures compose Japan. и Forty-seven prefectures constitute Japan. ?
They have the same meaning, but constitute is used more for cooking or things with ingredients.
Compose is a more common way to say what something is made up of
Compose is a more common way to say what something is made up of
Translations of "Prefecture"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? 隣人のおばさんに、』何で貴方たちは夫婦それぞれ車を持ってるの?』って聞かれて、その人の息子は違うprefectureに引っ越したら車を売ったんだ。と言われて、まるで私達が贅沢をしてて悪いような言い方をされた。
その後、外からそのおばさんが違う隣人にelectricity billを聞いてて、厚かましいと思った。
贅沢 splurge? treat ourselves?
厚かましい intrusive? nasty or offensive?
その後、外からそのおばさんが違う隣人にelectricity billを聞いてて、厚かましいと思った。
贅沢 splurge? treat ourselves?
厚かましい intrusive? nasty or offensive?
"The aunty next door asked me, 'Why do you and your husband each have a car?' and she told me that her son sold his car when he moved to a different prefecture. She made it sound like we were splurging and doing something wrong. 😩"
"Later, I heard her asking another neighbor about their electricity bill from outside, and I thought she was really intrusive. 😡"
⚠️ NOTE:
ー In this context, you could use "splurge" rather than "treat ourselves" because "treat ourselves" suggests a more positive connotation.
ー "Intrusive" is a good word to describe someone who is overly nosy or prying, while "nasty" or "offensive" could be used to describe someone's behavior if they were being deliberately hurtful.
Yeah, I have that kinda neighbor too 😭😭😭
"Later, I heard her asking another neighbor about their electricity bill from outside, and I thought she was really intrusive. 😡"
⚠️ NOTE:
ー In this context, you could use "splurge" rather than "treat ourselves" because "treat ourselves" suggests a more positive connotation.
ー "Intrusive" is a good word to describe someone who is overly nosy or prying, while "nasty" or "offensive" could be used to describe someone's behavior if they were being deliberately hurtful.
Yeah, I have that kinda neighbor too 😭😭😭
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? Mt.Fuji crosses the three prefectures. Is this grammatically correct?
「Mr.Fuji」って、あの山ですか? |ω・`)
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? prefecture
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Other questions about "Prefecture"
I live in the prefecture where the headquarter of the company exists. это звучит нормально?
I live in the prefecture where the company headquarters is located.
I think either of the prefectures has the smallest population in Japan, but I forgot which one it is. это звучит нормально?
I believe either prefecture could have the smallest population in japan, but I forgot which one it is.
Which sounds more natural?
I guess A prefecture and B prefecture are about the same in terms of the area.
I guess A prefecture and B prefecture are about the same size. это звучит нормально?
I guess A prefecture and B prefecture are about the same in terms of the area.
I guess A prefecture and B prefecture are about the same size. это звучит нормально?
The second one sounds more natural :)
The prefecture used to have the highest longevity in Japan, but it fell to 2nd because of changing diet. это звучит нормально?
you could change it slightly by saying it fell to 2nd place.
I went to the near prefecture to see Bon-odori that is the Japanese traditional dance in summer yesterday.
I only planned to see it, but I also danced with people around there. I really enjoyed it and now I'm so sore.
это звучит нормально?
I only planned to see it, but I also danced with people around there. I really enjoyed it and now I'm so sore.
это звучит нормально?
@michiko_otsuka_28 I went to a nearby prefecture to see Bon-odori, that is the Japanese traditional dance in summer, yesterday.
I only planned to see it, but I also danced with people around me. I really enjoyed it and now I'm so sore.
I only planned to see it, but I also danced with people around me. I really enjoyed it and now I'm so sore.
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