Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Purist"
The meaning of "Purist" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит They (purists) usually object to the state of the language and/or the direction in which it appears to be going, suspect and disapprove of new words or of old wordswith new meanings,
insist on the literal meaning if words, and insist on logic in usage.
insist on the literal meaning if words, and insist on logic in usage.
This is a list of 4 things:
1. Purists don't like the way the language is right now. Purists don't like the language to change.
2. Purists don't like new words
Purists don't like old words with new meaning.
3. Purists accept only the literal meaning of words. This means purists don't like idioms or slang.
4. Purists require logic in usage. This means no phrases that don't follow the rules.
"the direction in which it appears to be going" means "the way the language is changing" but with less certainty
"insist on" means "require"
1. Purists don't like the way the language is right now. Purists don't like the language to change.
2. Purists don't like new words
Purists don't like old words with new meaning.
3. Purists accept only the literal meaning of words. This means purists don't like idioms or slang.
4. Purists require logic in usage. This means no phrases that don't follow the rules.
"the direction in which it appears to be going" means "the way the language is changing" but with less certainty
"insist on" means "require"
Что значит the purist of happiness?
The best happiness someone can have.
Что значит purist ?
A purist is someone who believes in doing or defining something in a simple or traditional way.
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Someone who only listens to music on expensive high-fidelity sound systems.
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