Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Responsibility"
The meaning of "Responsibility" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит broad admitted responsibility for the affair?
Broad = disrespectful way to call a woman
admitted responsibility for the affair = agreed that she cheated
admitted responsibility for the affair = agreed that she cheated
Что значит to have responsibilities to someone?
it's like if you bought a dog you have a responsibility to that dog to take care of him because you bought him. you have to feed him and give him a bath and play with him. it's your responsibility
Что значит I'll take full responsibility?
제가 모든 책임을 지겠습니다
Что значит to duck responsibility?
In this sense, "to duck" means to shirk or to avoid doing something.
Что значит They are committed to global responsibility initiatives that make our world better. ?
They want to make the world (society) a better place to live, by having programmes that help work together. Instead of working for themselves.
Example sentences using "Responsibility"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с future, responsibility,as
Cám ơn bạn rất nhiều .Mong bạn giúp đỡ mình nhiều hơn.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с take responsibility for something.
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Покажите мне примеры предложений с Can "responsibility" be used as plural ?.
As a parent, you have a lot of responsibilities over your child.
This position entails responsibilities most people would shy away from.
This position entails responsibilities most people would shy away from.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с responsibility.
It is your responsibility to look after your little brother, if you don't something might happen to him.
It used to be my responsibility to take care of my granny when she was sick,but now when she has recovered she doesn't need my help anymore.
Every single soldier's responsibility is to protect his motherland.
It used to be my responsibility to take care of my granny when she was sick,but now when she has recovered she doesn't need my help anymore.
Every single soldier's responsibility is to protect his motherland.
Synonyms of "Responsibility" and their differences
В чем разница между responsibility и duty ?
They are almost the same thing and could be interchangeable. Here's some examples:
It is my responsibility to clean up after myself.
It is my duty to do good to others. (responsibility seems to imply having to account for some things, while a duty seems to be more of a sort of task or job)
Another example: They have kitchen duty this Thursday. (They have the job or task of working in the kitchen)
It is my responsibility to clean up after myself.
It is my duty to do good to others. (responsibility seems to imply having to account for some things, while a duty seems to be more of a sort of task or job)
Another example: They have kitchen duty this Thursday. (They have the job or task of working in the kitchen)
В чем разница между responsibility и obligation ?
So, a responsibility is something you can be held accountable for. ... Being responsible means you have a sense of moral or ethical duty to something or someone which may imply an obligation to do something. An obligation is simply a mandate to do something that does not connote any moral or ethical dimension
В чем разница между "I have to take the responsibility of my action" и "I have to take the responsibility for my action" ?
correct: "I have to take responsibility for my actions."
("the" is incorrect here, so both options in the question are incorrect)
("the" is incorrect here, so both options in the question are incorrect)
В чем разница между responsibility for ... и responsibility towards... ?
You would feel responsibility normally for an action, and towards a person or an organisation. Example, I must take responsibility for filling up my water & electricity bills. But I feel a sense of responsibility towards my family.
В чем разница между responsibility и accountability ?
When you are responsible for doing something, it means you have to do it. 책임지고 하다.
When you are accountable for something, it means you will be asked for its consequences. 책임을 묻다.
I'm responsible for taking my dog for a walk everyday.
I'm accountable for my actions.
When you are accountable for something, it means you will be asked for its consequences. 책임을 묻다.
I'm responsible for taking my dog for a walk everyday.
I'm accountable for my actions.
Translations of "Responsibility"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? His responsibilities include providing his family food by hunting
His responsibilities include providing his family with food by hunting.
His responsibilities include hunting in order to provide his family with food.
His responsibilities include hunting in order to provide his family with food.
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? responsibilities
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? responsibilities and opportunities
@SadekSalem: Here's me saying it, accents are different though depending on where you are in the states:)
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? responsibility
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? responsibility
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Other questions about "Responsibility"
It is necessary to have a responsibility for your actions. это звучит нормально?
× It is necessary to have a responsibility for your actions.
✓ It is necessary to take responsibility for your actions
It would also be a bit more natural so say: ‘you need to take responsibility for your actions’
✓ It is necessary to take responsibility for your actions
It would also be a bit more natural so say: ‘you need to take responsibility for your actions’
X-you have to shoulder the responsibility of the negotiation and if they putted the wool over your eyes, you must not point your finger at me!
Y -No problem, I know it’s not a breeze at all, but, I do it for my people… I go through with it without passing bucks or stuff. это звучит нормально?
Y -No problem, I know it’s not a breeze at all, but, I do it for my people… I go through with it without passing bucks or stuff. это звучит нормально?
× X-you have to shoulder the responsibility of the negotiation and if they putted the wool over your eyes, you must not point your finger at me!
✓ X-you have to shoulder the responsibility of the negotiation and if they put wool over your eyes, you must not point your finger at me!
× Y -No problem, I know it’s not a breeze at all, but, I do it for my people… I go through with it without passing bucks or stuff.
✓ Y -No problem, I know it’s not a breeze at all, but, I will do it for my people… I will go through with it without passing bucks.
I’ve tried correcting is as much as I can. Apologies in advance if any mistakes is detected 😅
✓ X-you have to shoulder the responsibility of the negotiation and if they put wool over your eyes, you must not point your finger at me!
× Y -No problem, I know it’s not a breeze at all, but, I do it for my people… I go through with it without passing bucks or stuff.
✓ Y -No problem, I know it’s not a breeze at all, but, I will do it for my people… I will go through with it without passing bucks.
I’ve tried correcting is as much as I can. Apologies in advance if any mistakes is detected 😅
I can’t take a responsibility for dating with her because I don't have enough money. это звучит нормально?
I can’t handle the responsibility of dating her because I don't have enough money.
There is a own responsibility as an adult and you can't escape from it.
Is therer any natural phrase? это звучит нормально?
Is therer any natural phrase? это звучит нормально?
As an adult, you have responsibility that can't be avoided
Responsibility and Accountability
What is the difference between a person who have a responsibility and a person who have an accountability?
What is the difference between a person who have a responsibility and a person who have an accountability?
good question!!
A person who has a responsibility for something has promised to look after it. In a venture, it’s success or failure is in his or her hands
If they fail, they are accountable. An account will be taken of their shortcomings.
If someone says to you in English, this is your responsibility, then they expect you to take it seriously
A person who has a responsibility for something has promised to look after it. In a venture, it’s success or failure is in his or her hands
If they fail, they are accountable. An account will be taken of their shortcomings.
If someone says to you in English, this is your responsibility, then they expect you to take it seriously
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