Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Senetor"
Synonyms of "Senetor" and their differences
В чем разница между senetor и lawmaker и congressman/congresswoman ?
Lawmaker: 議員(ぎいん)とは、国や地方公共団体に設置されている議会、及びその他の議決機関を組織し、その議決に加わる資格を有する者
Senator: 上院議員
(I don’t know the translations for the other 2- maybe someone else can help)
Senator: 上院議員
(I don’t know the translations for the other 2- maybe someone else can help)
В чем разница между senetor и lawmaker и congressman? ?
I think that "senator" would best apply to a member of the House of Councillors (upper house) and "congressman" would best apply to a member of the House of Representatives (lower house). However, I think these terms are culturally specific to the US, so I would probably say something like "a member of the Japanese House of Representatives/Councillors."
Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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