Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Slack"
The meaning of "Slack" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит You have to cut him some slack.?
You have to not be so strict on the person. For example
A: John is really bad at driving the bus
B: Cut him some slack it's only his first week.
A: John is really bad at driving the bus
B: Cut him some slack it's only his first week.
Что значит give me some slack?
Yeah, that has the same meaning as "cut me some slack"
Что значит cutting yourself a little slack?
@revinneil it means being easy on yourself or another person, like if someone wants you to go to a party with them butyou have 6 AP classes and 3 jobs you can say “I have too much things to do could you cut me a little slack?”
Что значит slack off?
It means to be lazy/unproductive.
Что значит slack?
It generally means to be light on something. Cutting slack is giving the person the benefit of the doubt and being lenient. If someone "slacks" if means they're being lazy.
Example sentences using "Slack"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с slack off.
Hey, quit slacking off! We have work to do!
He needs to do his homework, but he just slacks off and plays video games instead.
He needs to do his homework, but he just slacks off and plays video games instead.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с slack off.
I slack off of work sometimes
Please don't slack off
I have been slacking off on homework
Please don't slack off
I have been slacking off on homework
Покажите мне примеры предложений с slack.
- oh come on! cut me some slack!
- you have to work hard, you can’t slack off
- you need to stop slacking and start working
- if you’re lazy I have to work twice as hard to pick up the slack. It’s not fair!
- the security was honestly kind of slack
- the rope was slack, not tight
- you have to work hard, you can’t slack off
- you need to stop slacking and start working
- if you’re lazy I have to work twice as hard to pick up the slack. It’s not fair!
- the security was honestly kind of slack
- the rope was slack, not tight
Покажите мне примеры предложений с You have to cut him some slack..
A - "Andrew's late again."
B - "Cut him some slack - his wife just had a baby."
A - “Sam got a B on his maths test!!”
B - “Cut him some slack, he worked really hard for that B”
A - "Andrew's late again."
B - "Cut him some slack - his wife just had a baby."
A - “Sam got a B on his maths test!!”
B - “Cut him some slack, he worked really hard for that B”
Покажите мне примеры предложений с slack off.
@she840305: he slacked off his training.
she slacked of her hard work.
she slacked of her hard work.
Synonyms of "Slack" and their differences
В чем разница между slack off и ditch ?
Slack off would mean you did something not using full effort. Ditch means you did not show up or left. ”I slacked off on the homework and only did 3 problems.” ”I ditched school and did not show up.”
В чем разница между slack off и goof off ?
Slack off would be closer to being lazy, which would mean that someone would not be doing their duty properly or is doing nothing instead of what needs to be done.
Goof off would mean that someone is playing around and isn't being serious.
Goof off would mean that someone is playing around and isn't being serious.
В чем разница между I'm slacking off и I'm chilling. и I'm hanging out at home ?
"I'm slacking off" = I am ignoring my responsibilities; I am procrastinating about doing my work
"I'm hanging out at home" = I'm at home and not doing anything important
"I'm chilling" = I am relaxing (at home/outside/at my friend's house/by myself/with friends/etc)
"I'm hanging out at home" = I'm at home and not doing anything important
"I'm chilling" = I am relaxing (at home/outside/at my friend's house/by myself/with friends/etc)
В чем разница между slack и lazy ?
Slack = loose
To slack off = to not do your work
To be lazy = to barely do anything
"Slack off" and "be lazy" are interchangeable.
To slack off = to not do your work
To be lazy = to barely do anything
"Slack off" and "be lazy" are interchangeable.
В чем разница между slack (off) и slacken ?
Slack: if someone slacks off, they stop working hard or putting effort into something: eg "He slacks of a lot at school" or "She's such a slacker"
Slacken: to make or become looser or less taut. relax, loosen, slack : eg "he slackened his grip on the rope"
Slacken: to make or become looser or less taut. relax, loosen, slack : eg "he slackened his grip on the rope"
Translations of "Slack"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? ถ้าฉันติดต่อคุณทาง slack ไม่ได้ ฉันจะสามารถติดต่อได้จากทางไหนบ้าง
If I can't contact you on Slack, is there another way?
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? what does " slack off" mean ? Exp: he slacks off during your practice!
"to do something with less effort or energy than before"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? slacking
In the UK to slack off or to be slacking have the same meaning.
" You should go back to work. Stop slacking off ! "
" you should go back to work. You're slacking again !"
It means neglecting your work / being lazy.
In the UK to slack off or to be slacking have the same meaning.
" You should go back to work. Stop slacking off ! "
" you should go back to work. You're slacking again !"
It means neglecting your work / being lazy.
Other questions about "Slack"
"I can't slack off myself." это звучит нормально?
@philoin88 When you say I, myself is already implied so: I can't slack off
I'm very sleepy now.
So,I slacking off to study English. это звучит нормально?
So,I slacking off to study English. это звучит нормально?
Actually the best way to say this is simply, "I'm slacking off studying English" ... no preposition is needed here.
"He is a slack worker." это звучит нормально?
"He is a slacker at work" sounds good in conversational English 😊
what does " slack" mean here:
If we suddenly increased the amount of carbon dioxide we produce, it would take 1,000 years for it to mix into seawater. so over the short term, we can't rely on the ocean to take up the slack for us.
If we suddenly increased the amount of carbon dioxide we produce, it would take 1,000 years for it to mix into seawater. so over the short term, we can't rely on the ocean to take up the slack for us.
so in this situation it means that if we can't rely on the ocean to do our job
I'll give you some slack this time.
I'll give you a break this time. это звучит нормально?
I'll give you a break this time. это звучит нормально?
I'll cut you some slack
I'll give you a break this time
Both are ok.
I'll give you a break this time
Both are ok.
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