Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Smoothie"
The meaning of "Smoothie" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит He will treat himself to a smoothie.?
This means that if Shawn achieves his goal of writing more than 20 pages, he plans to reward himself with a smoothie. A smoothie is a drink made of blended fruit, vegetables, yogurt, milk and/or juice e.g. a strawberry and banana smoothie.
Что значит Hal’s smoothie contains complete proteins, age-defying antioxidants, omega-3 essential fatty acids, plus a rich spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and that’s just for starters.
It implies there are other ingredients that are good for you in it.
Что значит smoothie?
@OpparLuhan Ohh thank u so much both of you :)
Что значит smoothie ?
it is a drink beverage. it is fruit and ice blended together. ..I hope that helps
Что значит smoothie challenge ?
Desafio do smoothie, que é uma bebida gelada parecida com um milkshake ou uma vitamina.
Example sentences using "Smoothie"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с smoothie.
I never hear this word said with that definition
smoothie = drink with fruit/yogurt
smoothie = drink with fruit/yogurt
Synonyms of "Smoothie" and their differences
В чем разница между smoothie и slushy ?
I think a slushy usually has a lot small pieces of ice and a smoothie is more smooth and soft
В чем разница между
two smoothie recipes for weight loss и two smoothie recipes for losing weight
two smoothie recipes to lose weight ?
two smoothie recipes for weight loss и two smoothie recipes for losing weight
two smoothie recipes to lose weight ?
These mean the same, "to lose weight" (the purpose) or "for losing weight" (also the purpose), you could use either one!
В чем разница между smoothie и milkshake ?
A smoothie is blended fruit and vegetables with a liquid (water, milk, etc.). A milkshake is blended ice cream, milk, and flavoring. In America, the most common milkshakes are Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry.
В чем разница между smoothies и smoothes ?
A smoothie is a drink, typically blended fruit or sometimes green vegetables, often with milk or yogurt. Smoothes is a misspelling of the verb "smooths", mean to smooth something out in present tense, usually in American English in a sense of calming things down after or during an argument. "Smooths things over."
В чем разница между smoothie и milkshake ?
A smoothie is a thick drink made with blended fruits and can be juicy or milky.
A milkshake is thin and usually made with chocolate, banana, vaniĺla, strawberry ect.
A milkshake is thin and usually made with chocolate, banana, vaniĺla, strawberry ect.
Translations of "Smoothie"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? is it natural?
I don't really like smoothie. That's just a lump of sugar.
I don't really like smoothie. That's just a lump of sugar.
all you need is to plural the "smoothie" to "smoothies"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? smoothie
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? smoothie
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? smoothie
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? smoothie or fruit shake ?
I would definitely say smoothie, I rarely hear fruit shake. ☺
Other questions about "Smoothie"
The smoothie is able to replacement to meal.
(Must use “replacement”)
Does this sentence sound natural?
(Must use “replacement”)
Does this sentence sound natural?
This smoothie can be used as a replacement for meals.
This smoothie can be used as a meal replacement.
This smoothie can be used as a replacement for meals.
This smoothie can be used as a meal replacement.
1.if he makes for me a smoothie in every morning? actually he has my heart!
2.if someone who makes for me a smoothie in every morning? He would have already taken my heart. это звучит нормально?
2.if someone who makes for me a smoothie in every morning? He would have already taken my heart. это звучит нормально?
× 1.if he makes for me a smoothie in every morning?
✓ 1.if he makes me a smoothie every morning,
× actually he has my heart!
✓ he has my heart!
× 2.if someone who makes for me a smoothie in every morning?
✓ 2.if someone would make me a smoothie every morning,
× He would have already taken my heart.
✓ they would have already have my heart.
✓ 1.if he makes me a smoothie every morning,
× actually he has my heart!
✓ he has my heart!
× 2.if someone who makes for me a smoothie in every morning?
✓ 2.if someone would make me a smoothie every morning,
× He would have already taken my heart.
✓ they would have already have my heart.
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится smoothie challenge.
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"Nice tasty smoothie with some sesame and carob :) inspired by my friend Sergei " correct me pls
Perfect, and looks delicious
"This green smoothie looks good on a new bowl"
Does it make sense? If not, could u correct this for me? Thanks♡
Does it make sense? If not, could u correct this for me? Thanks♡
Peachyhope is correct. But I never heard of someone having a smoothly in a bowl.
Smoothies, in my experience, are always served in a glass (paper or plastic tall cup).
Si I would us the phrase "in a new glass". Or "in a new cup".
Soups are served in bowls. My experience in California.
Smoothies, in my experience, are always served in a glass (paper or plastic tall cup).
Si I would us the phrase "in a new glass". Or "in a new cup".
Soups are served in bowls. My experience in California.
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