Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Steadfast"
The meaning of "Steadfast" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит steadfast ?
Unmovable, holding steady (sort of like stubborn but not really)
Ex. Steadfast integrity which cannot be shaken, even if integrity causes suffering
Ex. Steadfast integrity which cannot be shaken, even if integrity causes suffering
Что значит steadfast?
If a person is steadfast, they will always be there for you. It also means loyal - your best friend is a very steadfast person. :)
Что значит steadfast?
Steadfast: Faithful, loyal, constant, staunch, resolute.
If someone is steadfast they are sure that what they are doing is right and they will not give it up.
Examples: "He was steadfast that they would win the baseball game." (Meaning, 'He was absolutely sure they would win the baseball game.'
"She was steadfast their relationship would last." (Meaning, 'There was no doubt their relationship would last.')
If someone is steadfast they are sure that what they are doing is right and they will not give it up.
Examples: "He was steadfast that they would win the baseball game." (Meaning, 'He was absolutely sure they would win the baseball game.'
"She was steadfast their relationship would last." (Meaning, 'There was no doubt their relationship would last.')
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