Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Subtle"
The meaning of "Subtle" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит subtle ?
not obvious, and therefore difficult to notice.
a subtle scent of lilacs.
I detected a subtle change in his attitude toward us.
a subtle scent of lilacs.
I detected a subtle change in his attitude toward us.
Что значит subtle ?
@morrisononodje - it can mean ‘slight’ or only just noticeable, such as a subtle hint, or a subtle sense of humour. A subtle change in the weather
Что значит subtle?
Nice question!
Subtle means delicate, gentle, fine, slight, indistinct, careful.
Examples: she handled the difficult situation calmly and with surprising subtlety.
The difference between red and orange can be quite subtle.
Even though she only gave the vase the most subtle touch, it still fell over.
You can barely see the scar from her operation, just a very subtle pale line.
Subtle means delicate, gentle, fine, slight, indistinct, careful.
Examples: she handled the difficult situation calmly and with surprising subtlety.
The difference between red and orange can be quite subtle.
Even though she only gave the vase the most subtle touch, it still fell over.
You can barely see the scar from her operation, just a very subtle pale line.
Что значит subtle?
so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe
Что значит subtle?
no, really just one, but it was hard to define in a simple way
ex: "the subtle distinction between green-blue and turquoise"
"the subtle note of annoyance in her tone of voice"
"the subtleties of the harmony in the piano composition"
"the subtle signs that spring was on the way"
think: nuance
something subtle needs attention and/or skill for you to notice it
no, really just one, but it was hard to define in a simple way
ex: "the subtle distinction between green-blue and turquoise"
"the subtle note of annoyance in her tone of voice"
"the subtleties of the harmony in the piano composition"
"the subtle signs that spring was on the way"
think: nuance
something subtle needs attention and/or skill for you to notice it
Example sentences using "Subtle"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с subtle.
My boyfriend tapped my shoulder, a subtle hint that we should leave the boring party.
Many new seltzer drinks have subtle fruit flavor without added sugar.
My little brother is never subtle. He always says the rudest things in public and embarrasses the family.
The artist added a subtle touch of red to create a light pink color in the sunset.
There is a subtle difference in meaning between “to fib” and “to lie”.
I hate overpowering perfumes and prefer to wear ones with a subtle fragrance.
Many new seltzer drinks have subtle fruit flavor without added sugar.
My little brother is never subtle. He always says the rudest things in public and embarrasses the family.
The artist added a subtle touch of red to create a light pink color in the sunset.
There is a subtle difference in meaning between “to fib” and “to lie”.
I hate overpowering perfumes and prefer to wear ones with a subtle fragrance.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с subtle.
There is a subtle difference between ‘should’ and ‘ought to.’
I like this soap with a subtle scent of lilacs.
I like this soap with a subtle scent of lilacs.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с subtle.
Subtle = not very obvious or noticeable.
Subtle change in your voice tone.
She is subtle in her approach.
A subtle hint about something.
Subtle change in your voice tone.
She is subtle in her approach.
A subtle hint about something.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с subtle.
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Покажите мне примеры предложений с subtle.
The colours were very subtle.
This argument is very subtle.
He is not subtle.
This argument is very subtle.
He is not subtle.
Synonyms of "Subtle" and their differences
В чем разница между subtle и tiny ?
Tiny is usually to refer to the size of a object or person ( she is tiny ) meaning she is short.
subtle is hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood; barely noticeable.
subtle is hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood; barely noticeable.
В чем разница между subtle и delicate ?
subtle is like when something isn’t very noticeable or it’s small and it’s usually paired with a change of things or someone doing an action -subtle movements- -subtle change in her routine-
Delicate is similar but it’s used to describe things and actions being soft and gentle
-the flower petals are very delicate- or -she picks up the bee delicately so as not to hurt it-
subtle is like when something isn’t very noticeable or it’s small and it’s usually paired with a change of things or someone doing an action -subtle movements- -subtle change in her routine-
Delicate is similar but it’s used to describe things and actions being soft and gentle
-the flower petals are very delicate- or -she picks up the bee delicately so as not to hurt it-
В чем разница между subtle и subtlety ?
@Joao054 No problem, I hope this helps:
When my dog wants a treat, his body language is not subtle at all - he constantly looks at the cabinet where I store the dog biscuits. My dog is not good at subtlety!
When my dog wants a treat, his body language is not subtle at all - he constantly looks at the cabinet where I store the dog biscuits. My dog is not good at subtlety!
В чем разница между subtle и slight ?
"Subtle" - hard to see, not easily understood, discreet.
Eg. "The taste of soy sauce in this dish is very subtle."
"Slight" - small, weak, unimportant.
Eg. "Use a slight amount of soy sauce in that dish."
Eg. "The taste of soy sauce in this dish is very subtle."
"Slight" - small, weak, unimportant.
Eg. "Use a slight amount of soy sauce in that dish."
В чем разница между subtle и tiny ?
tiny is usually referring to the size of something, something that is small while refer to a concept, subtle is hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood; barely noticeable.
I'll add some sentences
Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.
She's been dropping subtle hints about what she'd like as a present
The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them
It's a very small window. The small birds were singing softly. The vase had a very small neck, and spread out at the top like a bowl.
Subtle and Small could mean the same thing depending on the context of the sentence. it just that small refer to size and subtle usually do no it it refer to a concept or an idea most of the time. I hoped this helps
I'll add some sentences
Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.
She's been dropping subtle hints about what she'd like as a present
The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them
It's a very small window. The small birds were singing softly. The vase had a very small neck, and spread out at the top like a bowl.
Subtle and Small could mean the same thing depending on the context of the sentence. it just that small refer to size and subtle usually do no it it refer to a concept or an idea most of the time. I hoped this helps
Translations of "Subtle"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? subtle
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Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? subtle
the b is silent
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? subtle
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Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? subtle
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? subtle
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Other questions about "Subtle"
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится subtle .
"Sadl" (silet t and converted t into d)
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится subtle .
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Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится subtle.
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Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится sattle/ subtle.
They're pronunciation are quite same.
The more it's subtle the better это звучит нормально?
Personally, I would drop the 'it's' altogether for "The more subtle, the better", but both are fine.
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