Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tiger"
The meaning of "Tiger" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит Slow down tiger?
It's a way of saying "calm down" or "back off." It's a term used to basically say "be careful/slow down."
Что значит "I said: the tiger not meow said the cat"?
That sentence is a bit unnatural. It should be written like
"The tiger does not meow," said the cat.
This means that a tiger - the animal, does not meow (the sound a cat makes)
It is probably to show that something so fierce is not harmless like a cat even though a tiger is from the cat family.
I hope this makes sense! 😊
That sentence is a bit unnatural. It should be written like
"The tiger does not meow," said the cat.
This means that a tiger - the animal, does not meow (the sound a cat makes)
It is probably to show that something so fierce is not harmless like a cat even though a tiger is from the cat family.
I hope this makes sense! 😊
Что значит easy tiger?
The phrase "easy tiger" means calm down or not get too over-emotional.
Ex) A kid begs for a pet fish. She's begs her Mom but her Mom says "No". So the girl throws a fit in the pet store. The Mom says "Easy tiger! If you can show me that you're a big girl and can be responsible I'll reconsider it"!
Ex) A kid begs for a pet fish. She's begs her Mom but her Mom says "No". So the girl throws a fit in the pet store. The Mom says "Easy tiger! If you can show me that you're a big girl and can be responsible I'll reconsider it"!
Что значит A tiger can’t change it’s stripes. ?
they both mean the same thing, but it's "a leopard can't change it's spots"
Что значит she was a tiger in the sack.?
"The sack" means "bed". So by saying "She is/was a tiger in the sack." means that she is wild like an animal when she has sex.
Example sentences using "Tiger"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с tiger.
The tiger is beautiful.
The tiger has stripes.
The tiger eats other animals.
The tiger has stripes.
The tiger eats other animals.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с go get them, tiger.
"Go get them, tiger." is usually just a one-liner. Maybe you would use it when encouraging someone to go on stage to perform. This is at least my knowledge.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с The tiger is killing her . tell in hindi.
a tiger is killing her.
the tigers are killing her.
the tigers are killing her.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с tiger.
a tiger is an animal
Synonyms of "Tiger" and their differences
В чем разница между He shot at the tiger. и He shot the tiger. ?
I would agree that “shoot at the tiger” means to shoot in the direction of the tiger, without any indication of whether the tiger was actually hit by the bullet(s) or not.
However, it may seem nitpicky but “he shot the tiger” does not necessarily mean that the tiger was killed. It just means that the tiger was in fact hit by one or more bullets. He may or may not have been killed, but just saying that he was shot does not inherently mean that he was killed.
However, it may seem nitpicky but “he shot the tiger” does not necessarily mean that the tiger was killed. It just means that the tiger was in fact hit by one or more bullets. He may or may not have been killed, but just saying that he was shot does not inherently mean that he was killed.
В чем разница между The tiger killed its keeper this morning which has been put to death. и The tiger killed its keeper this morning that has been put to death. ?
Both sentences are not great.
"The tiger killed its keeper this morning and has been put to death." is correct. "The tiger that/which killed its keeper has been put to death". is also correct.
If you want to use a relative clause with "has been put to death", then you can say "The tiger that/which has been put to death killed its keeper this morning".
The difference is essentially that "the tiger that killed its keeper" defines the tiger — it's key to your understanding of the sentence that it's the tiger that killed its keeper and not any other tiger. "the tiger which killed its keeper" doesn't define the tiger — it's additional information that could be removed and the sentence would remain the same. Here, it probably makes more sense to use "that" because the two things are related and it's important to know that it's not just any tiger which killed its keeper and was put to death.
"The tiger killed its keeper this morning and has been put to death." is correct. "The tiger that/which killed its keeper has been put to death". is also correct.
If you want to use a relative clause with "has been put to death", then you can say "The tiger that/which has been put to death killed its keeper this morning".
The difference is essentially that "the tiger that killed its keeper" defines the tiger — it's key to your understanding of the sentence that it's the tiger that killed its keeper and not any other tiger. "the tiger which killed its keeper" doesn't define the tiger — it's additional information that could be removed and the sentence would remain the same. Here, it probably makes more sense to use "that" because the two things are related and it's important to know that it's not just any tiger which killed its keeper and was put to death.
В чем разница между The tiger who came to tea. и The tiger came to tea. ?
1) お茶に来た虎。
2) 虎はお茶に来た。
2) 虎はお茶に来た。
В чем разница между Has she seen a tiger? и Has she ever seen a tiger? ?
The second sentence, "Has she ever seen a tiger?" is asking if she has ever seen a tiger in her lifetime.
The first sentence can be a bit more confusing, because it depends on whether you stress the word "seen" in the sentence.
If there is no stress, and you simply ask "Has she seen a tiger?", it suggests that you are asking if she has seen a tiger recently. But, if you stress the word "seen," as in "Has she SEEN a tiger?" it would most likely be taken to mean the same as "Has she ever seen a tiger?"
I hope this helps. If you are still confused, I'd be happy to do them in a voice clip so you can hear the difference.
The first sentence can be a bit more confusing, because it depends on whether you stress the word "seen" in the sentence.
If there is no stress, and you simply ask "Has she seen a tiger?", it suggests that you are asking if she has seen a tiger recently. But, if you stress the word "seen," as in "Has she SEEN a tiger?" it would most likely be taken to mean the same as "Has she ever seen a tiger?"
I hope this helps. If you are still confused, I'd be happy to do them in a voice clip so you can hear the difference.
В чем разница между tiger и cat ?
Cat in the right, Tiger in the left
Translations of "Tiger"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? what is tiger growling sound?
We say “The tiger growls/roars. “ The sound effect can be written as “grrr”.
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? The tiger are wild animal. is this sentence correct?
"Tigers are wild animals." or "The tiger is a wild animal."
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? tiger shroff ki movie dekhne ke bajae mai sauna pasand karanga
I would like to sleep rather than watch tiger Shroff's movie.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? a tiger happened to pass () that place, across or through?here. the place is somewhere in the forest
A tiger happened to pass that way.
I know it sounds strange but it is easy to understand for me.
I know it sounds strange but it is easy to understand for me.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? this is tiger
This is a tiger. 🐯
Other questions about "Tiger"
"I've never feeded a tiger that up close. I literally felt its breath with my hand." это звучит нормально?
- "they stood closer to the door" this works!
- "do it closer" - I wouldn't say this for taking a photo, but maybe like if two people were singing together, you could say this for them to be closer to the audience.
- "get up closer" is what i would say if i wanted someone to get closer for a picture.
- "they stood closer to the door" this works!
- "do it closer" - I wouldn't say this for taking a photo, but maybe like if two people were singing together, you could say this for them to be closer to the audience.
- "get up closer" is what i would say if i wanted someone to get closer for a picture.
a tiger cub
a baby tiger
is there any difference?
a baby tiger
is there any difference?
@richurchoi a baby tiger is more common and used more than tiger cub. A tiger cub is a more formal term
Tiger is a dangerous animal. ( I'm wondering if I can say just 'tiger' without 'a') это звучит нормально?
This one is tricky... Morning can be without an A or a The because it is not a physical object. English can be weird this way and if a sentence needs an A or The on the beginning can depend on what noun you use.
For this sentence you wouldn’t say “A morning is an important time of day.” But you CAN say “The morning is an important time of day.”
I am not sure if this helped or just made you more confused, sorry! Feel free to ask me more questions about this!
For this sentence you wouldn’t say “A morning is an important time of day.” But you CAN say “The morning is an important time of day.”
I am not sure if this helped or just made you more confused, sorry! Feel free to ask me more questions about this!
Which one is the best?
1) Tiger is in danger of extinction.
2) A tiger is in danger of extinction.
3) The tiger is in danger of extinction.
1) Tiger is in danger of extinction.
2) A tiger is in danger of extinction.
3) The tiger is in danger of extinction.
1 or 3
We called it what a tiger was marrying. это звучит нормально?
i think i do not understand the idiom, but you would say:
We call it what the tiger married.
We call it what the tiger married.
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