Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tool"
The meaning of "Tool" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит a tool in this sentence ?
it's slang for idiot or dickhead, someone who isn't very nice
Что значит This tool is to be used. ?
it means " you should use this tool."
Что значит This tool is to be used for a specific purpose.?
It means that the tool can only be used for one thing.
For example:
The specific purpose of a shovel is for digging.
The specific purpose of wearing glasses is to help you see better.
The specific purpose of a screwdriver is to unscrew screws.
The specific purpose of glue is to help keep things together.
For example:
The specific purpose of a shovel is for digging.
The specific purpose of wearing glasses is to help you see better.
The specific purpose of a screwdriver is to unscrew screws.
The specific purpose of glue is to help keep things together.
Что значит " Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are we? "?
It is an expression that is used to call someone stupid in a very rude way.
Что значит "tool" in 1234?
It's like "jerk" or "idiot"
Synonyms of "Tool" and their differences
В чем разница между He was told to put it in his tool basket, which he did. и He was told to put it in his tool basket, and he did it. ?
The first one sounds natural and the second one sounds unnatural. Using it when referring to an action in the same sentence seems redundant. You only need to include it when you're referring to a noun.
He found a recipe for stew, and he cooked it yesterday. (it=stew)
He wanted to try the new recipe for stew, and yesterday he did. (No "it" because he did an action.)
Starting a phone call with your friend: "Guess what? I finally did it!" "What?" "I cooked the stew using the new recipe!"
Here "it" is an action, but you should use "it" because the listener doesn't know what it is yet, because you didn't already mention the action.
He found a recipe for stew, and he cooked it yesterday. (it=stew)
He wanted to try the new recipe for stew, and yesterday he did. (No "it" because he did an action.)
Starting a phone call with your friend: "Guess what? I finally did it!" "What?" "I cooked the stew using the new recipe!"
Here "it" is an action, but you should use "it" because the listener doesn't know what it is yet, because you didn't already mention the action.
В чем разница между tool и device и instrument ?
a tool is a object like scissors a device is also object but has a electric thing and a instrument is a object used to make music
В чем разница между #1 English is such an essential tool и #2 English is an essential tool ?
Yes. "SUCH" can be used to emphasize something for it means "to a high degree" / "at a great extent."
But "SUCH" can also be used to:
- give examples
i.e, "There are many seach engines available SUCH as google and bing."
- relate to what was PREVIOUSLY mentioned
i.e, "They say that boys are dangerous but I've never been with such ([kind of] boys)."
- relate to what is GOING TO BE mentioned
i.e, "There's no such thing as a happy ending."
- roughly mean "like" / "the same as"
i.e, "Have you got any lighter and such?" Although this sentence is asking if the person has a lighter or anything "like" a lighter, this could be simply be asked as "Have you got a lighter?"
"I threw a party last night. There were mariachis and such."
But "SUCH" can also be used to:
- give examples
i.e, "There are many seach engines available SUCH as google and bing."
- relate to what was PREVIOUSLY mentioned
i.e, "They say that boys are dangerous but I've never been with such ([kind of] boys)."
- relate to what is GOING TO BE mentioned
i.e, "There's no such thing as a happy ending."
- roughly mean "like" / "the same as"
i.e, "Have you got any lighter and such?" Although this sentence is asking if the person has a lighter or anything "like" a lighter, this could be simply be asked as "Have you got a lighter?"
"I threw a party last night. There were mariachis and such."
В чем разница между this the tool to help you и this is the tool helping you ?
'this is the tool to help you' would mean i was saying that in the future you should use this tool, and would probably be said whilst trying to persuade you to buy the tool.
'this is the tool helping you' means it's helping you right now.
'this is the tool helping you' means it's helping you right now.
В чем разница между There do not seem to be tools other than this. и It seems that there are no tools other than this. ?
It's the same baccalaureate the same sentence. It's more of a matter of if you want to speak naturally or fluently. Americans would more often say the second sentence because it's more fluent.
Translations of "Tool"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? can you say "The tool is out of order. "?
(a hand drill)
(a hand drill)
The hand drill isn't working well/properly
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? I don't know which tool is on the table.
I don't know which Is the tool that is on the table.
yo no sé cuál es la herramienta que está sobre la mesa.
I don't know which Is the tool that is on the table.
yo no sé cuál es la herramienta que está sobre la mesa.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? ・Can you secure a tools?
Does this expression sound natural?
Does this expression sound natural?
"Can you secure a tool" ・単数
"Can you secure the tools" ・複数
"Can you secure the tools" ・複数
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? it was used many tools or it were used many tools?
I feel like most people would say "a lot" instead of "many."
"A lot of tools were used."
"Many" makes it sound too book-bounded (if you are using it in essays/emails/etc, this is fine). "A lot" is used fluently in day to day speech.
"A lot of tools were used."
"Many" makes it sound too book-bounded (if you are using it in essays/emails/etc, this is fine). "A lot" is used fluently in day to day speech.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? What do you call this tool?
a crow bar.
Other questions about "Tool"
I received a German tool and said, "No, the instructions are written in German, so I don't know what it says." Then I took a closer look at it, and found that there was English between German and German, and I was embarrassed. это звучит нормально?
I received a German tool and said, "Sorry, the instructions are written in German, so I don't know what it says." Then I took a closer look at it, and realized that there was English in between the German, so I was embarrassed.
Time to learn German! :)
Time to learn German! :)
It's not really a tool that urban fire departments have in their belts.
Does the phrase " have in their belts " have a figurative meaning or it's just literal meaning in this sentence ?
Does the phrase " have in their belts " have a figurative meaning or it's just literal meaning in this sentence ?
In this sentence it's literal meaning.
what does 'this simple tool will save editorial effort' mean?
This simple tool will mean that editors don't have to work as hard.
This tool is to be used for a obscure purpose.
This tool is to be used for a peculiar purpose. это звучит нормально?
This tool is to be used for a peculiar purpose. это звучит нормально?
This tool is to be used for a specific purpose.
This tool is to be used for a specific purpose.
Without Chris’s tools, it was about being delayed our job. это звучит нормально?
Yes, it’s good.
This is also correct:
Without Chris’s tools our job would have been delayed.
Yes, it’s good.
This is also correct:
Without Chris’s tools our job would have been delayed.
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