Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Transfer"

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Q: About doing transfer at a station: I would like you to correct my sentences to more natural English please?
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While traveling from A Station to C Station by a local train, you need to transfer once at B Station.
An announcement or an electric message board at B Station informs you about next train bound for C Station. They might be confusing to do transfer, because of some reasons below.

One information tells you to move to platform No.5 and take a limited express train bound for C Station. You already choose taking only a local train, so you shouldn’t move to a limited express train at B Station.

Another information tells you to wait at platform No. 2. When the scheduled time comes, the train will come to the platform. At that time, please carefully check the destination on the respective train cars sign before boarding, more than checking the electrical massage board and announcement at the platform.

Even if eight cars come together at the same time to the platform, sometimes the cars will be divided into two destinations when the departure time comes, like some cars of them go to C Station but the others go to different destination.
These are confusing for tourists. это звучит нормально?

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