Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Veer"
The meaning of "Veer" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит I veer away from ?
@sofyaorel It’s like saying “urgently avoid”.
Что значит to veer off?
To "veer" means to move to one side without actually turning.
Что значит veer?
to make a sharp turn
I saw a car coming towards me so I veered out of the way.
I saw a car coming towards me so I veered out of the way.
Что значит veer?
To suddenly change direction, usually to avoid something.
"The car veered off the road to avoid hitting the cat."
"When she saw her ex-boyfriend across the street, she veered into the nearest shop."
"The car veered off the road to avoid hitting the cat."
"When she saw her ex-boyfriend across the street, she veered into the nearest shop."
Example sentences using "Veer"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с veer off .
The car went too fast and veered off the road. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
I started to talk about something important, but the conversation veered off when my friend changed the subject.
I started to talk about something important, but the conversation veered off when my friend changed the subject.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с veer.
He veered off of the road.
She veered into oncoming traffic.
Ice on the road may cause you to veer to the side.
She veered into oncoming traffic.
Ice on the road may cause you to veer to the side.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с veer.
@rtavares: "I was in the car, there was a dog in the road, so I had to veer."
"I was walking down the street, when I saw my ex, so I quickly veered into a convenience store."
"My aunt is a horrible driver, she constantly veers around corners with no warning."
"I was walking down the street, when I saw my ex, so I quickly veered into a convenience store."
"My aunt is a horrible driver, she constantly veers around corners with no warning."
Synonyms of "Veer" and their differences
В чем разница между veer off и veer over ?
“Veered off” example would be “the car veered off the road” the car completely went off the road.
“Veered over” example would be “the car veered over to the next lane” the car is still on the road, but quickly moved over into the other lane.
“Veered over” example would be “the car veered over to the next lane” the car is still on the road, but quickly moved over into the other lane.
В чем разница между veer off и drive off ?
"Veer off" can be used with any noun or subject. "As I drew the circle, my line veered/veered off in another direction." (Veer/veered off is interchangeable here. Drive/drive off are not.) "Drive off" is used only with things you can drive, such as a car. "When he drove off the road, he hit a tree."
В чем разница между veer и turn ?
veer = turn suddenly OR change suddenly
The truck veered off-course and plunged into the canyon.
Obviously drunk, the driver veered his car across the road and slammed it into a tree.
This conversation was veering off the original topic.
Please turn right at the next junction.
Upon fermentation, sugars are turned into alcohol.
In essence, both words have similar, multiple meanings, but "veer" has the nuance of a sudden change. :)
The truck veered off-course and plunged into the canyon.
Obviously drunk, the driver veered his car across the road and slammed it into a tree.
This conversation was veering off the original topic.
Please turn right at the next junction.
Upon fermentation, sugars are turned into alcohol.
In essence, both words have similar, multiple meanings, but "veer" has the nuance of a sudden change. :)
В чем разница между veer и turn ?
Veer = to turn *suddenly* away from where you want to go
The car veered off the road (into a lake) - disaster!
The car turned off the road (to stop at a shop) - OK
The plane veered off course (and hit a mountain) - disaster!
The plane turned to the left (to land at the airport) - OK
Veer = to turn *suddenly* away from where you want to go
The car veered off the road (into a lake) - disaster!
The car turned off the road (to stop at a shop) - OK
The plane veered off course (and hit a mountain) - disaster!
The plane turned to the left (to land at the airport) - OK
Translations of "Veer"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? veer
bro / brother
bro / brother
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