Food & Wine

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This may contain: a person in black gloves is holding a piece of food on a plate with a fork and knife
Ингредиенты: - филе лосося (хвостовая часть) 600гр - креветки 150гр - вяленые томаты 3шт - шпинат 1/2 пучок - пармезан 50гр - соль 0,5ч.л - хлопья чили 0,5ч.л - терияки соус 1ст.л - соус свит Чили 2ст.л ☝️запекать 20 минут при 200
Couve flor ao molho pesto! 😋😋 Ingredientes: 1 couve flor médio 6 tomates cereja 50gr de queijo parmesão ralado 200gr de muçarela fresca Molho pesto: Bata no liquidificador ou mixer: 1/2 xícara de azeite extravirgem 1 punhado de nozes 3 dentes de alho 50gr de queijo parmesão ralado 1 punhado de manjericão Pimenta negra e sal a gosto Corte o couve flor em fatias grossas, e leve para uma assadeira forrada com papel manteiga. Pincele o molho pesto em cada fatia. Leve ao forno pré aquecido e...
This may contain: someone is pouring sauce on some food
Caramel Apple Mille-Feuille
If you've ever eaten the tradition French pastry, mille-feuille before, then you know how delicious it is. Translated as a thousand sheet, this delicately layered dessert is usually made with layers of flaky pastry and custard. We decided to put a delicious twist on this French classic and make this tasty treat out of layers of thinly sliced apples, coat it in a homemade caramel glaze, and serve it up with refreshing, sweet vanilla sauce. As elegant as it is delicious, this caramel apple mille-feuille is just what a dessert should be!
This may contain: a person cutting into some food on top of a white plate
Nhocão recheado com Cream Cheese ao molho de tomate com manjericão
Para a massa do nhocão: 550 g de batata cozida 150 g de farinha de trigo 1 gema 1 fio de azeite 1 pitada de sal Cream cheese para rechear. Para o molho de tomate: 2 colheres de sopa de azeite 2 dentes de alho 2 tomates italianos picados em cubos 400 ml de molho de tomate 80 g de parmesão ralado Algumas folhas de manjericão 50 ml de vinho tinto 1 colher de sopa de açúcar refinado sal e pimenta a gosto
This may contain: a black plate topped with french fries covered in seasoning next to a bowl of sour cream
🌶🥒🍆Crispy veggies with egg white mayo!
🍟 Crispy and golden baked veggies🍟 📌For the egg white mayonnaise: - 3 tbsp egg whites - 3/4 cup vegetable oil - salt - 1 tbsp lemon juice - 1/2 tbsp mustard - 1/2 tbsp turmeric 📌For the baked vegetables: - 1 red bell pepper - 1 yellow bell pepper - 1 green bell pepper - 1 zucchini - 1/2 eggplant - 3 tbsp very cold water - salt - Breadcrumbs Bake at 400°F for 12 minutes, or until the vegetables are crispy and golden. Serve with the prepared mayonnaise. ENJOY! ❤️ Follow @ketoflare for more keto tips and recipes❤️ 👆Credit: @giallolovesitaly on Instagram #keto #ketodiet #lowcarb #ketolife #weightloss #fitness #ketogenicdiet #highprotein #ketofam #ketorecipes #healthyfood #ketofood #lowcarbdiet #healthylifestyle #food #diet #intermittentfasting #lowcarbhighfat #foodie #health
This may contain: an eggplant sitting on top of a piece of paper
Crunchy eggplant cutlets FTW! 🍆😋 Dipped in sweet & sour sauce for extra yum
Ingredients: 2 eggplants 150g rice flour 200ml water 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon salt Breadcrumbs for coating Cooking oil Sweet and sour sauce for serving #giallozafferano #eggplant #recipe #fried #food #veggie
How to Roast Chestnuts in an Oven at Home | Video Guide!
How to roast #chestnuts in an oven at home! Watch this quick guide... ... Or watch the FULL VIDEO on YouTube: Prefer a written guide? On our website: #chestnut #chestnuts #roasting #roastedchestnuts #nuts #recipe #cooking #food
This may contain: a black plate topped with pasta covered in cheese
Spaghettini All acqua di Limone, Olio e Provolone
This may contain: three eggs in a bowl on top of a blender with the words ce sabia que ce mistura ovo
😋Maionese Verde Sem Óleo
Já deixa um ❤️ na tela para continuar recebendo meus vídeos! Já me siga pra receber mais Receitas ♥️ 4 ovos cozidos (10 minutos para cozinhar) 1 caixa de creme leite gelado 1/2 colher de chá de sal (coloquei quase uma cheia no vídeo, mas teria colocado menos, então meia já é suficiente) Salsinha a gosto 1 dente de alho Opcional: Suco de 1/2 limão (ajuda a suavizar o ovo pra quem sente mais) Vi essa receita no perfil @tocomfomebr_
This contains an image of: Soda Natural de Gengibre
Soda Natural de Gengibre
This may contain: the food is being cooked in the pot on the stove
Have you tried Garlic Confit Toast 🧈 📷: @whisperofyum