love to teach ~ famous artists & musicians

58 Pins
How to Make Self-Portraits with Toddlers and Preschoolers
Making self-portraits can be fun, memorable, and simple! Plus, toddlers and preschoolers learn about famous artists (like Monet and Picasso) in the process!
Famous Artists Kids Crafts and Activities
Famous Artists Kids Crafts and Activities | Teach kids about famous artists through fun activities, easy crafts and art projects.
Famous Artists Lessons and Activities
Teaching young children about famous artists leads to a lifetime of appreciation for the field and maybe even inspire the next famous artist!
This was pinned as just a picture but can be translated into an open-ended musical learning opportunity for preschoolers. Turn on music and allow children to explore the music through art. You could also compare children's artwork that was done while listening to different genres of music. I wonder if the art would be influenced differently with different music?!