🇺🇸~ Monthly Calender

”For a day in thy courts Is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, Than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.“ ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭84‬:‭10‬ ‭KJV‬‬ #month #calender #holidays #special
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The birthstone for February is amethyst, a purple variety of quartz. Amethysts can range in color from light lilac to deep violet. Meaning: Amethyst is a symbol of peace and protection. Energy healers use amethyst to represent the third eye and crown chakras, which are the highest energy centers of the bod
Robbie's AVONBiz & Adventures
Robbie's AVONBiz & Adventures
Robbie's AVONBiz & Adventures (mzprissyl) - Profile | Pinterest
5 Reasons Christians Should Care about Black History Month
5 Reasons Christians Should Care about Black History Month
February has two special birth flowers, violets and irises, which might be a surprise since roses are often expected. Violets symbolise humility, faithfulness, and wisdom, once used in love potions. Irises represent wisdom, hope, and trust, known for their vibrant colours and unique shape.
Robbie's AVONBiz & Adventures
Robbie's AVONBiz & Adventures
January Chapter 1 of 12, many challenging 😥 in this chapter in the U.S.A. PRAY 🤲🏽
#inauguration #president #snowbizzard #wildfire
Robbie's AVONBiz & Adventures
Robbie's AVONBiz & Adventures
What is MLK Day? What to know about the federal holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr.
What is MLK Day? What to know about the federal holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr.