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Chu Yong Cheng and Frank Lawson, 1991. The kinetics of leaching covellite in acidic oxygenated sulphate-chloride solutions. Hydrometallurgy, 27: 269-284. Synthetic covellite, CuS, was leached in oxygenated acidic sulphate-chloride... more
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The ability of algae and bacteria to accumulate heavy metals from the surrounding environment is a widely recognized phenomenon that has a number of important implications. This work reports on the development of a quantitative model that... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistrySulfateCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The mathematical model previously developed in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University for the metal uptake by living algal cells has been revised to take into account the actual surface area through which transfer... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryGreen AlgaeCadmium
In the industries involving alkaline solutions in dierent process streams, the nature and stability of oxide ®lms formed on the metallic surfaces determine the rates of erosion±corrosion of the equipment. In the present study the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringMaterials Science
Empirical correlation equations for the cementation of cadmium on zinc, of copper on zinc and of copper on cadmium have been developed. For each of the three different systems when the cementation reaction is carried out under an inert... more
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      ChemistryKineticsHydrometallurgySurface Roughness
The kinetics and mechanism of pentlandite leaching in aerated acidic chloridersulfate solutions were studied using electrochemical and chemical techniques. The electrochemical experiments showed that pentlandite experiences passivation at... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryKineticsHydrometallurgy
Lead smelter slags from two different sources have been leached using sulfurous acid/oxygen as the leachant so as to dissolve zinc and copper values but not the contained iron. The differences in the leaching behaviour are explained in... more
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The solubility of oxygen in a number of aqueous electrolyte solutions was determined using a colorimetric method based on the oxidation of indigo carmine. The effects of changes in electrolyte concentration, temperature and partial... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryHydrometallurgySolubility
The heterogeneous reduction of As (V) with SO2 gas has been studied; the results indicate that the homogeneous reactions between undissociated As(V) species and undissociated sulphurous acid and bisulphite ions are rate limiting as the... more
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This paper describes the application of mixed chloride-sulfate leaching at atmospheric Ž. pressure for the treatment of a CuFeS chalcopyrite concentrate. It was found that excellent 2 leaching kinetics exist for solutions containing... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryKineticsHydrometallurgy
The coprecipitation behavior of Co(II) and Ni(II) with Fe(III), Cr(III) and Al(III) from aqueous ammoniacal solutions.
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      ChemistryHydrometallurgyCoprecipitationAqueous Solution
Leaching studies of nickel(II) oxide and hydroxide, and high valence nickel hydroxide in sulphuric acid and in ammonium carbonate solutions were carried out. The dissolution rate of nickel(II) oxide in both solvents was influenced greatly... more
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The dissolution behaviour of cobaltous oxide and cobalto-cobaltic oxide in ammonia and in acid solutions has been investigated. The dissolution reaction for cobaltous oxide was found to be chemically controlled with apparent activation... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryHydrometallurgyCarbonate
The electrochemical oxidation of a CuFeS chalcopyrite concentrate in a mixed chloride-2 sulfate electrolyte was studied using carbon paste electrodes. This technique was found to give very reproducible results, and has the advantage that... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryElectrochemistryHydrometallurgy
Chu Yong Cheng and Frank Lawson, 1991. The kinetics of leaching chalcocite in acidic oxygenated sulphate-chloride solutions. Hydrometallurgy, 27: 249-268. Narrowly sized samples of synthetic chalcocite, CH2S , were leached in acidic... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryKineticsHydrometallurgy
The leaching of metallic tin in solutions of sodium hydroxide was studied using a rotating disc geometry. The rate-limiting step was found to be the diffusion of dissolved oxygen through the liquid boundary layer, the overall reaction... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryHydrometallurgyTin
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      ChemistryCyclic VoltammetryElectroanalytical ChemistryDissolution
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryWastewater TreatmentCadmium
The cementation of uncomplexed silver ions on to zinc and on to ferrous alloys. Hydrometallurgy, 14: 1-21. The kinetics of the cementation of uncomplexed silver ions from low concentration solutions on to zinc and on to ferrous materials... more
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      ChemistryMass TransferKineticsHydrometallurgy