RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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  Last Friday

🔥 Recreating the Classic Snake Game in Ruby: A Nostalgic Coding Adventure 🐍🎮

Remember the good old days of Nokia phones and endless hours spent playing Snake? I recently took a trip down memory lane and recreated this timeless game using Ruby and the curses library—and I’m excited to share my journey with you! In this article, I break down how I built the game from scratch, covering everything from dynamic food placement and collision detection to wall wrapping and modular design. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this project is a fantastic way to sharpen your coding skills while having fun. [more inside]

Compile Ruby apps with Tebako

I wrote about my experience distributing Ruby apps to users that don’t have Ruby on their machines via Tebako at Overall, I’ve been really pleased! The biggest surprise is that my binaries weigh in at 15 MB (compare that to 450 MB for Heroku’s CLI). There are a few other things you’ll want to think about if you choose Tebako for your CI workflows and file paths that I go over. Hope this helps if you’re also crazy like me and think about distributing Ruby apps as installed software.

🚀 Unlock the Power of Ruby Metaprogramming!

Have you ever wondered how to add dynamic behavior to your Ruby classes effortlessly? Or how to enforce constraints and enhance functionality when including modules? In my latest article, I dive deep into the magic of Module#included, a powerful yet often underutilized feature in Ruby. Learn how this callback can: [more inside]

🚀 Boost Your Rails Development with Better Seeding! 🌱

Seeding your database the right way can save time, improve maintainability, and speed up development. In my latest article, I explore: ✅ Best practices for seeding in Rails ✅ How to use find_or_create_by to avoid duplicates ✅ Generating realistic data with Faker ✅ Faster bulk inserts with ActiveRecord-Import ✅ Organizing seeds for different environments If you want to level up your Rails seeding strategy, check it out! 👇 [more inside]

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