Papers by Sahar Ahadi
... in Research Universities. Ahadi, Sahar and Suandi, Turiman and Ismail, Maimunah and Omar, Zoh... more ... in Research Universities. Ahadi, Sahar and Suandi, Turiman and Ismail, Maimunah and Omar, Zoharah (2011) Influence of Organizational Culture on Psychological Empowerment of Academicians in Research Universities. ...

This current research sought to study a model of empowerment in a Malaysian sample of research un... more This current research sought to study a model of empowerment in a Malaysian sample of research universities' academicians by investigating how psychological empowerment could mediate the relationship between structural empowerment and attitudes related to work, particularly organizational commitment. To test this relationship a crosssectional survey with self-reported questionnaires was conducted. Cluster random sampling was used to generate a randomly selected sample of 400 academic staff in four research universities in Malaysia. A total of 260 valid questionnaires were returned, yielding a response rate of 65%. The confirmatory factor analysis including all hypothesized variables provided an adequate fit. The model fit indices indicated good mode: fit : = 2.316; CFI = .937; TFI = .937; GFI = .918; RMSEA = .051. The result of structural measurement indicated that psychological empowerment partially mediates the relationship between structural empowerment and organizational commitment. Psychological empowerment mediating the relationship between structural empowerment and organizational commitment emerged as an important factor. Structurally empowered universities which practice psychological empowerment skills are provided with another tool by which leaders can work to enhance the level of organizational commitment of their academics.

Like other workplaces, universities believe that the key to achievement is to focus on the empowe... more Like other workplaces, universities believe that the key to achievement is to focus on the empowerment of their human resource. Empowering academics can enhance the fulfillment of the university’s mission and to improve its organizational learning culture. However, there are few systematic studies of relationship between empowerment and organizational learning among academics in research universities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between structural and psychological empowerment and their effects on organizational learning. The sampling frame was drawn from academics working in four universities selected as research universities by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia in 2006. A questionnaire was used for data collection and a total of 260 completed questionnaires (65% return rate) were obtained. A quantitative co-relational research design was used to test a hypothesized model derived from Workplace Empowerment Theory. The results of the study reveal that structural and psychological empowerment had a significant effect on organizational learning explaining 29% of the variance. The findings support previous studies on workplace empowerment. An empowered environment influences the organizational learning in the research universities considerably. The present study suggests that leaders in higher education have to use the two approaches to empowerment together to increase organizational learning culture among academic staff.

The University of Gloucestershire Cheltenham, England Published, Jan 1, 2011
Psychological empowerment of refers to dimensions of autonomy, professional growth, status, self-... more Psychological empowerment of refers to dimensions of autonomy, professional growth, status, self-efficacy, impact and decision making of the academicians in a university. Organizational culture can be a powerful influence on the psychological empowerment because it describes the link between contextual factors and employees’ work behaviors. A question arises: Which type of culture is needed in a university that helps academicians to feel empowered? This study aimed to examine the relationship between organizational culture and psychological empowerment of academicians in research universities in Malaysia. Methods: The respondents of the study were academicians from four research universities in Malaysia. The study used a cluster random sampling technique. Ratios of academicians in each university were considered for distributing the questionnaires. A total of 135 completed questionnaires were obtained out of 400 distributed. The study utilized Common Methods Variance bias (of AMOS) for factor analysis. A step-wise regression analysis was performed to predict the influence of organizational culture on the psychological empowerment dimensions. Results and conclusion: Results of the study revealed organizational culture associated with psychological empowerment and its dimensions. The dominant culture in research universities was hierarchy culture, while the strongest predictor of psychological empowerment was clan culture. Implications for human resource development in higher education particularly the research universities were put forth.
Background and Purpose: Psychological empowerment of refers to dimensions of autonomy, profession... more Background and Purpose: Psychological empowerment of refers to dimensions of autonomy, professional growth, status, self-efficacy, impact and decision making of the academicians in a university. Organizational culture can be a powerful influence on the psychological empowerment because it describes the link between contextual factors and employees' work behaviors. A question arises: Which type of culture is needed in a university that helps academicians to feel empowered? This study aimed to examine the relationship between organizational culture and psychological empowerment of academicians in research universities in Malaysia.
Thesis Chapters by Sahar Ahadi
ii To the meaning of my life
Papers by Sahar Ahadi
Thesis Chapters by Sahar Ahadi