Sarah Watches Things

It's a box, Jamie.

If you lose a white cat during shedding season, rest assured that many, many little parts of them will remain with you.

You know you’re in a bad place mentally when you keep getting songs from the House MD soundtrack stuck in your head.





We all know what erectile dysfunction is but literally no one is ever taught what vaginismus is and it can cause people to feel extremely lost, broken, and cause people to take their own lives.

Raise. Awareness.

For the uninformed, vaginismus is when the vagina painfully tightens and spasms when faced with pressure, usually from anything trying to insert into the vagina. It’s the reason I can’t wear tampons, and why many people can’t have vaginal sex without severe pain.

There’s not a lot of treatments, and there isn’t a single one that is for vaginismus exclusively - they’re all medications or treatments to treat symptoms, but not the causes. In fact, for a long time doctors waved off vaginismus as a purely psychological disorder in cis women.

Seriously, this is so unaddressed and uncared for in medical circles. Please spread awareness, even if all it’s for is to let those who have it but don’t have a name for it finally be able to understand what’s happening to their bodies.

Certified Sex Ed Post!

Hi hello! This post is almost 10 years old and there ARE treatments for this. Vaginismus is otherwise known as pelvic hypertonia and it is a MUSCULAR condition that can be caused by many different factors including endometriosis, trauma, chronic UTIs, and connective tissue disorders.

It’s incredibly common! And it can be treated by physiotherapy.

I know this because I’m currently undergoing physio and although it can take months to recover, I’m already seeing improvement. A lot of the pelvic floor exercises are available online, but if you have these symptoms please TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR and see if you can get a physio referral (or investigation for underlying causes like endometriosis).

Also, my additions to posts never get reblogged so a note to my followers: this is SUPER IMPORTANT ISSUE that affects many people and is rarely talked about. Please reblog, and please share this info with as many people as possible.

Pelvic hypertonia/vaginismus is incredibly debilitating and psychologically damaging but it CAN BE TREATED. Spread the word, and you never know who you’ll be throwing a lifeline to.



how to say I love you in x-files [113/?]
⤷ 1.13 — “Beyond the Sea”

if I lose him too…



I love how the two most autistic dorks in the galaxy just somehow gravitated toward each other and immediately started working on a dubious hyperfixation project together and asking each other bizzare questions like “Does your hair GROW!?”

A+ accidental representation guys


He’s killing me. He’s been regularly lying and sleeping next to his sister’s blanket since she passed.

I don’t think I ever really understood their dynamic. He seemed to drive her nuts, but I think he just wanted to be friends. And they’d sleep or sit in the same place a lot. Were they friends? Was he her annoying little brother that she put up with anyway? I don’t know. But I do know he misses her.





earlier this week Twitter user ppuccin0 tweeted about a fashion article that advised against tops with large floral patterns, saying the wearer was in danger of looking like a “ロマンティックおばさん,” or a “romantic auntie.” the tweet went viral with many agreeing that a “romantic auntie” sounded like a very nice thing to aspire to be, and some even posted illustrations or photos tagged with the trend


illustration by Toyota Yuu (author of Cherry Magic)


illustration by 141shkw/Sora Midori (author of Beautiful Curse)


photos by Takinami Yukari (author of Motokare Mania and Watashi-tachi wa Mutsuu Ren'ai ga Shitai or “We Want A Painless Romance”)


illustration by m:m (mangaka of Matataki no End Roll)


illustration by ooinuai (mangaka of Onikui Kitan)


illustration by ma2 (mangaka of The Reason We Fall In Love)



Twitter user WomeGa55 drew some art of “Romance Auntie x Combat Auntie”



when mulder still grieved and felt no relief after being told that nightgown in the dirt wasn’t his sister’s but some other little girl’s, because it was still someone’s sister. someone’s daughter. someone’s endless questions and possibilities and pleads answered in the worst of ways. even though it wasn’t his little girl’s, it held the same little silhouette. she wore pink, too. she was gone, too. a dead little girl is a dead little girl, and they’re all his even when they’re not


jamie being perfectly able to understand futuristic technology but having no sense for 1960s propriety or what is situationally appropriate is WAY funnier than “being from the past makes you stupid” jokes. like yeah he doesn’t understand what a passport is but he DOES understand what a ray gun is and has no idea which of this things is actually relevant at an airport

“ adorably-confused-fallen-angel:
“ sparklesmccheesy:
“ ittygittydiddynator:
“ iheichouguys:
“ lifehackable:
“ This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.









This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.

No you guys this post helped me find my cat. He was missing for almost a month and I’ve had him for over 12 years. After seeing this I put his favorite blanket he always slept on outside hoping he would smell mine or his scent and he was back the next fucking day asleep on it.

When my cat got out, we called and called for him, and then, later that night, I remembered similar advice to this, and so put his little scratching pad, which he adores, on the front porch. Not even half an hour later, I heard a thump, opened the door, and there was his big butt, meowing at me.

Important and vital

I don’t care that I reblogged this today I’m reblogging it again

This is an exception to not being related to writing.

I hope this helps somebody

Whenever someone in one of my buy swap sell groups reports a missing cat, I remember this post and pass the advice on. So far, ALL of the missing cats have come home.

Parrises squares has claimed more lives than all enemies of the Federation combined.

My remaining cat keeps looking for his sister. I can’t make him understand why she’s not here. ):


Watching “Dark Page” was really emotional this time. Actually crying.

I dug up a treasure trove of pictures of our cats, including this video of Seo as a tiny kitten, making a tiny little squeak.

Theme by Little Town