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      Japanese StudiesMiddle East StudiesEast AsiaEast Asian Studies
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      Japanese StudiesMiddle East StudiesThe Persian GulfMiddle Eastern Studies
В статье рассматривается политика Японии в Персидском заливе период ирано-иракской войны и ирако-кувейтского конфликта. Япония, исходя из принципов мирной конституции, не принимала участие в военных операциях в регионе, а была сторонница... more
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This paper examines political and economic strategy of Japan in Central Asia  and tries to reveal Japan's main interests in the region. Strategic geography and rich natural resources of Central Asian states are attracting Great Powers... more
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      Japanese StudiesCentral Asian StudiesJapanese Foreign Policy
В статье рассмотрены несколько спорные исторические и политические вопросы, касательно истории войны, виновности той или иной страны в различных политических инцидентах, а также проблемы, связанные с их освещением со стороны... more
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      Japanese HistoryWorld War IIWorld War II history
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    • Japanese Foreign Policy
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Foreign Policy
Official development assistance (ODA) is aid provided by developed countries to developing states aiming to support economic and social developments. Japan's ODA started in 1954 after joining the Colombo Plan which was established in... more
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      Japan's foreign policyJapanese foreign aidJapan's aid policy
The information about the beginning of Armenian-Japanese cooperation goes back to the 19th century, which mostly referred to the commercial sphere. Japan has always been interested in the fate of Armenians. Since 1894, the Japanese... more
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    • Japan's aid policy
The region of South Caucasus due to its geographical position and energy carriers possession has a strategic importance, being situated in the center of Eurasia continent and being the most important pivot connecting Asia with Europe.... more
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      GeorgiaAzerbaijanArmeniaSouth Caucasus