Sciences Po Grenoble
UMR Pacte 5194
Cet article s'inscrit dans la lignée des travaux qui analysent l'encastrement organisationnel des pratiques scientifiques. Il s'intéresse à une dimension organisationnelle peu explorée jusqu'alors, les règles qui définissent la... more
Pour citer cet article : Louvel, S. (2009) « Organiser les incertitudes locales dans le contexte d'une nouvelle recherche-technologie : le cas d'un laboratoire de protéomique », in Chalas, Y., Gilbert, C., Vinck, V. (ed.) Comment les... more
Le financement sur projet: quelles conséquences sur le travail des chercheurs? ". Mouvements, 71(3), p.13-24.
There is growing concern that academic work is becoming more and more 'industrialized' in various disciplinary and institutional settings -that the work practices, professional identities and values of academia are becoming similar to... more
The engagement of academics in organizational change in higher education institutions is generally understood as involving a wide range of behaviors, and previous studies have situated academics' actions at various points along a... more
ScIence and technology Studies usually consider social practices and their environments as dynamic socio-material relations where the stabilising processes of establishing facts, measures, rules, labels and/or standards are at stake. This... more