
R is a software package and programming language widely used for data analysis by researchers in the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. The materials offered in this resource provide instruction on using R for spatial data analysis and modeling. Readers who are unfamiliar with R should not fear, because the materials begin with an introduction to using R that covers everything from the installation and basic data types, to generating complex graphics like scatter plots. Once users are comfortable with R programming, they can move on to the spatial analysis instructions, which guide users through the basics of spatial data, remote sensing image analysis, and MODIS data. The site is easy to navigate by clicking the "Next" and "Previous" buttons to move through the materials in order. Each section of the instructions offers an introduction to the concept covered, programming language to apply and practice, and links to other materials for further reference. This resource was created by Robert J. Hijmans, a researcher at the University of California-Davis.
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This article, from the Sensors Online website, discusses MEMS accelerometers potential as high-quality acoustic pickups for musical instruments. The article includes the following sections: MEMS Accelerometer Technology, Accelerometers as Vibration Measurement Sensors, Acoustic Feedback, Acoustic Pickups, Contact Microphones, and Conclusion.
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Thursday, August 22, 2024
ATE Central is excited to inform you about the upcoming release of the new ATE Impacts 2024-2025 book!
Thursday, July 28, 2022
We are excited to announce the release of the ATE Impacts 2022-2023 book. Copies can be ordered online through the ATE Impacts website, and digital copies of the book can be accessed there as well. The digital copies are viewable across all devices....