World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 2016
Military interventions have an important place in the Turkish Political History. Military interve... more Military interventions have an important place in the Turkish Political History. Military interventions are commonly called coup in the society. By coup we mean that the armed forces seize political power either by a group of officer in the army or by chain of command. Coups not only weaken but also suspend the democracy in a country. All periods of coup created its own victims. Two military coups which took place in May 27, 1960 and September 12, 1980 are the most important ones in terms of political and social effect in the Turkish Political History. Apart these, March 12, 1971, February 28, 1997 and April 27, 2007 e-memorandum are the periods when Army submitted a memorandum and intervened the political government indirectly. Beside the memorandums and coups there were also many coup attempts that have been experienced in the Turkish Political History. In this study, we examined the coup attempted by FETO’s military members in the evening of July 15, 2016 from the point of the Tu...
Papers by Muhammet Erbay
individuals’ food and beverage preferences and becomes a determining factor in the selection of tourist destinations. Television programs and movies also shape tourism demand by strengthening the image of destinations. The study aims to examine how social media and television programs, which are increasingly important in the tourism sector today, affect people’s travel decisions and their impact on a popular destination such as Antalya, especially in the context of gastronomy tourism.
leadership and communication. It is predicted that as firms realize the value of leadership in navigating the contemporary corporate landscape, their investments in strategic leadership development will increase. It is planned that students will study the theories of situational leadership, and transformational leadership, as well as the context and applicability of leadership development. The success of business will depend on leaders' ability to adjust to the requirements of their teams, as well as their readiness and creative communication. Business executives and other upper management of this age recommend concentrating more on the specifics of the firm. A manager can do all of this through successful planning, monitoring, communication, and leadership. Communication skills are used by managers to motivate and inspire their teams to work hard and achieve team and organizational goals. Leadership is shown as taking place through manipulative verbal exchange, due to the fact that verbal exchange constructs and constitutes manipulation. Effective communication is essential for establishing the dynamic nature of online
learning, especially in the face of unexpected situations or course delivery
modifications. Leaders who communicate openly and adaptably can effectively manage issues and offer effortless changes when needed. The bodily lecture room gaining knowledge of these days is now not relevant for the contemporary, more youthful generations. Internet and distance-gaining knowledge that's commonly called online learning plays a critical role in the country's knowledge-gaining system. It is simple that gaining knowledge online presents adequate advantages to younger learners. Several issues have been diagnosed, and those problems need to be solved for you to maintain the exceptional quality of training for future generations. Leadership development is intended to be a strategic investment that promotes professional advancement, employee happiness, and work-life balance. This paper will provide a comparative overview of communication research as it relates to the to the connection between communication and leadership. This study concludes that
leadership development may shape organizational communication and the work environment, helping organizations navigate the changing business landscape.
fields, including tourism, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gained considerable footing recently. Modern tourist systems are being reshaped by the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, which considers technological, economic, and social factors. It's changing the way visitors use and manage their interests from conventional to more tailored platforms. The coronavirus 2, which is causing the current worldwide pandemic, is the worst global public health catastrophe since the influenza pandemic of 1918. This witnessed one of the major troubles in the tourism industry, which made it difficult to operate effectively, as restrictions that were put in place to contain the spread of the virus. The role of Public relations (PR) post Covid-19 pandemic has risen and giving the industry more responsibility in ensuring that her brands and clients stay seen and relevant as the stigma surrounding the virus has made people afraid and unwilling to go back to other fun of life like touring and sightseeing. Hence, most industries continue to utilize various ways that could keep them connected to the customers and technology became one of the vital organs of these developments. The Internet of things continues to advance in terms of its implementations across the tourism industry’s PR. This paper will talk about the advancing roles of the IoT in Europe's tourism industry PR. European nations remain the largest when it comes to technological adoptions. As a result, the paper is likely to furnish changes meant to assist the tourist's bookings, customer engagement, search engine optimization (SEO), amongst many others.
growing trends in technological advancements has seen the public relations industry wanting to blend in and also embrace this new world, even though many of our communication experts are still coming
into the reality of metaverse (Cook et al., 2020). Metaverse has been predicted to be the new future and as such the public relation (PR) industry is persuade to create new ways by which it will sell its brands
and clients in the nearest future (Schenk, 2022). This evolution though still in its wake, promises to be a much more immersive way to connect and communicate which means richer and more compelling experiences which will engage both stakeholders and her key audiences (Brassell, 2022). Due to the acceptance of this new technology by top brands like Facebook and Gucci (Shapiro, 2021; Newzoo, 2021), PR industry must rise up to the use of this technology in a way that complements its practice
and also be ready to take responsibility of the risks that comes with new technological acceptance. This study looks into how metaverse fits into the PR industry, how it can be used by the industry to better serve her stakeholders.
Keywords: Public Relations, Metaverse, Virtual reality, Digital Public Relations
individuals’ food and beverage preferences and becomes a determining factor in the selection of tourist destinations. Television programs and movies also shape tourism demand by strengthening the image of destinations. The study aims to examine how social media and television programs, which are increasingly important in the tourism sector today, affect people’s travel decisions and their impact on a popular destination such as Antalya, especially in the context of gastronomy tourism.
leadership and communication. It is predicted that as firms realize the value of leadership in navigating the contemporary corporate landscape, their investments in strategic leadership development will increase. It is planned that students will study the theories of situational leadership, and transformational leadership, as well as the context and applicability of leadership development. The success of business will depend on leaders' ability to adjust to the requirements of their teams, as well as their readiness and creative communication. Business executives and other upper management of this age recommend concentrating more on the specifics of the firm. A manager can do all of this through successful planning, monitoring, communication, and leadership. Communication skills are used by managers to motivate and inspire their teams to work hard and achieve team and organizational goals. Leadership is shown as taking place through manipulative verbal exchange, due to the fact that verbal exchange constructs and constitutes manipulation. Effective communication is essential for establishing the dynamic nature of online
learning, especially in the face of unexpected situations or course delivery
modifications. Leaders who communicate openly and adaptably can effectively manage issues and offer effortless changes when needed. The bodily lecture room gaining knowledge of these days is now not relevant for the contemporary, more youthful generations. Internet and distance-gaining knowledge that's commonly called online learning plays a critical role in the country's knowledge-gaining system. It is simple that gaining knowledge online presents adequate advantages to younger learners. Several issues have been diagnosed, and those problems need to be solved for you to maintain the exceptional quality of training for future generations. Leadership development is intended to be a strategic investment that promotes professional advancement, employee happiness, and work-life balance. This paper will provide a comparative overview of communication research as it relates to the to the connection between communication and leadership. This study concludes that
leadership development may shape organizational communication and the work environment, helping organizations navigate the changing business landscape.
fields, including tourism, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gained considerable footing recently. Modern tourist systems are being reshaped by the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, which considers technological, economic, and social factors. It's changing the way visitors use and manage their interests from conventional to more tailored platforms. The coronavirus 2, which is causing the current worldwide pandemic, is the worst global public health catastrophe since the influenza pandemic of 1918. This witnessed one of the major troubles in the tourism industry, which made it difficult to operate effectively, as restrictions that were put in place to contain the spread of the virus. The role of Public relations (PR) post Covid-19 pandemic has risen and giving the industry more responsibility in ensuring that her brands and clients stay seen and relevant as the stigma surrounding the virus has made people afraid and unwilling to go back to other fun of life like touring and sightseeing. Hence, most industries continue to utilize various ways that could keep them connected to the customers and technology became one of the vital organs of these developments. The Internet of things continues to advance in terms of its implementations across the tourism industry’s PR. This paper will talk about the advancing roles of the IoT in Europe's tourism industry PR. European nations remain the largest when it comes to technological adoptions. As a result, the paper is likely to furnish changes meant to assist the tourist's bookings, customer engagement, search engine optimization (SEO), amongst many others.
growing trends in technological advancements has seen the public relations industry wanting to blend in and also embrace this new world, even though many of our communication experts are still coming
into the reality of metaverse (Cook et al., 2020). Metaverse has been predicted to be the new future and as such the public relation (PR) industry is persuade to create new ways by which it will sell its brands
and clients in the nearest future (Schenk, 2022). This evolution though still in its wake, promises to be a much more immersive way to connect and communicate which means richer and more compelling experiences which will engage both stakeholders and her key audiences (Brassell, 2022). Due to the acceptance of this new technology by top brands like Facebook and Gucci (Shapiro, 2021; Newzoo, 2021), PR industry must rise up to the use of this technology in a way that complements its practice
and also be ready to take responsibility of the risks that comes with new technological acceptance. This study looks into how metaverse fits into the PR industry, how it can be used by the industry to better serve her stakeholders.
Keywords: Public Relations, Metaverse, Virtual reality, Digital Public Relations
This comprehensive guide navigates through the nuances of building and maintaining a positive brand image, crisis management, leveraging social media, fostering consumer trust, and engaging with diverse stakeholders. It sheds light on the intricacies of communicating effectively with the public, media outlets, and regulatory bodies while aligning organizational goals with societal expectations and ethical considerations.
Drawing from case studies, expert insights, and industry best practices, this book offers practical frameworks and actionable steps to develop and implement successful public relations campaigns. It serves as an indispensable resource for professionals, marketers, entrepreneurs, and students aspiring to understand, strategize, and excel in the realm of public relations within the dynamic and ever-evolving food industry.
in its field. It will probably be read by media professionals and public
relations people who are already highly proficient in their craft. They
are reading a book to demonstrate a passion for their professions and an interest in learning more.
If you’re one of those readers, then you might be wondering why you’d
bother to read a book that specializes in something so narrow as the relationship between media and PR. You are probably very familiar with the long-held conventions and rules of media relations, which have been in place for decades.
This book serves multiple purposes:
1. It is intended to introduce what has been called “new media.” This term
includes everything from blogs to social networking sites to a Web-based
encyclopedia. It is for people interested in learning more about how these
new forms of communication fit into the big picture of public relations.
2. It is intended to guide people who want to learn how to effectively use these new forms of communication in their day-to-day jobs.
3. The book is designed to explore the relationships between old and new
faaliyet sürdüren ve mutfakların bilinirliğini arttıran birçok kurum ve kuruluş bulunmaktadır. Bu araştırmada da bahsedilen bağımsız gıda otoritelerinin Türk mutfağının tanınırlığı üzerindeki olası etkilerinin araştırılması amaç olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma evreni, Michelin Guide (Michelin Rehberi), The World's 50 Best, TasteAtlas ve CNN Travel olarak sınırlandırılmıştır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemi tercih edilmiş olup, araştırma deseni
olarak doküman analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma evrenine dahil edilen otoriteler gıda sektöründe doğrudan ya da dolaylı yoldan tanıtım faaliyetlerine katkı sağlamaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde gastro-diplomasi ve yumuşak güç kavramları açıklanmış olup ardından tüm gıda otoriteleri tek tek tanıtılmıştır. Tartışma, sonuç ve öneriler bölümünde ise
araştırma evrenini oluşturan gıda otoritelerinin Türk mutfağının tanınırlığına olan etkileri açıklanmış olup tanıtım konusunda olumlu bir etki yaptığı saptanmıştır.