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Datum izmjene: 18. juna 2004. u 21:02; autor/autorica: Rebelmouse (razgovor | doprinosi)
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  1. Povratak na Anarhizam
  2. Povratak na ANARHIZAM I KULTURA



Nastali su 1977 godine i za mene su najbolji bend. Sviraju HC sa anarhisic(kim tekstovima, strofe su kratke i jasne. HEAR NOTHING, SEE NOTHING, SAY NOTHING!

Od samog poc(etka je vokal bio Cal a ostali c(lanovi su se menjali tokom vremena. Tako su u poc(etku ovaj bend osnovali dva brata i Raini i u poc(etku su svirali lokalne koncerte, bez zabeleženih snimaka. Kada je Cal upao izmenjali su se u sviranju instrumanata i poc(eli su da prave nov materijal, za koji je Cal pisao tekstove. Znac(ajnije stvari su se desile kada je Mike Stone, koji je imao svoju diskografsku kuc'u, posetio njihov prvi koncert u Northwood Parish Hall. Zainteresovao se da ih ima u svojoj diskografskoj kuc'i. Izdali su svoj prvi EP 'Realities of War' u martu 80-te. Stone nije imao distributera pa je svojim autom prodavao EP prodavnicama. EP se popeo na Top 10 Indie chart in 'Sounds', uz minimum propagande, kao što su fotke, umetnic(ki radovi, ransom-note style cut-outs combined with b/w typeface typical to the genre (za mene je ovo zajebano za prevodjenje, pr.au.).

Prvi put kada su svirali izvan Stoke, posetili su Leicester, Preston i Glasgow. Sledec'i njihov snimak iste godine je bio 'Decontrol'. Tezz je prestao da svira gitaru u nekoliko lokalnih rok bendova, tako da su izdali i 12 EP 'Why'. Odradili su 'Apocalypse Now' turneju po Britaniji. Tada se i bubnjar menjao ali su izdali 'Never Again' pri kraju '81. Taj omot je i danas poznat kao sinonim za bend (nataknuti golub-anti ratni poster). Popeli su se na 64 mesto na nacionalnoj tabeli.

Sve ovo je prethodilo stvaranju njihovog prvog albuma koji je i najpoznatiji-HEAR NOTHING, SEE NOTHING, SAY NOTHING! Opet su se popeli na 40 mesto na nacionalnoj listi gde su ostali oko 5 nedelja. Tada su ih zvali iz major label ali su oni odluc(ili da ostanu sa Clay-om, jer im je Mike Stone dao prvi prekid i tražio je takve bendove koji c'e da potpišu za major at the time. Tada su krenuli na turneju u inostranstvo, u Italiju, Jugoslaviju i Holandiju. '82 su takodje svirali u Švedskoj, Finskoj, a takodje i u USA (gde nisu imali izdate vec' uvezene snimke) i u Kanadi.

Kada su se vratili u Englesku izgledalo je kao da više nikada nec'e biti kao pre...

Bones je napustio bend i osnovao Broken Bones, zajedno sa svojim bratom Tezz-om koji je inac(e ex c(lan (kasnije je svirao u UK Subs, Ministry...). To se sve dešavalo za vreme njihovog poslednjeg singla koji je izdat '82 a koji se zove 'State Violence, State Control'. Kada je u bend došao Peter 'Pooch', promenili su svoj zvuk i ponovo su krenuli u Kanadu i USA sa snimljenim 12 singlom 'Warning: Her Majesty's Government Can Seriously Damage Your Health'. Tokom turneje su izdali još jedan singl '83: 'The Price of Silence'. Nakon toga su Pooch i Garry napustili bend tako da su bend c(inili Rainy i Cal. Snimili su još jednu traku 'The More I See', u isto vreme kad i Warning... koji je remiksovan i postao je novi singl, a posle nekoliko meseci i kompilacijski album singlova i EP traka. 'Never Again' je izdat '84, a 'Ignorance' '85, sa novim gitaristom i bubnjarem.

'86 su izdali i 'Grave New World' nakon c(ega su opet poc(ele promene u bendu i Cal i Kalvin su napustili bend '87. Od tada pa do izdanja Clay-a se nije desilo ništa znac(ajno. Izdao je 'Never Again' i 'Discharge 1980-86'. Krajem '89 su izdali album uživo a koji je snimljen na drugoj turneji po USA 'Live at The City Garden, New Jersey' i još jedan CD uživo 'The Nightmares Continues'.

'91 Discharge su se još jednom okupili i izdali novi materijal 'Massacre Devine' i 'Shooting Up The World' sa Cal-om kao vokalom i Brian Johnsonom (AC/DC). Kasnije, '97, opet su se okupili stari c(lanovi, Tezz, Bones, Cal i Rainy, i iako nisu svirali koncerte ostaju skladni.

Sada naravno postoje mnoge kolekcije singlova, LP traka, remixovanih i ponovo izdatih na CD-ima...Discharge 1980-86, Never Again, live, Vision of War, Discharged, a i Metallica je pevala 2 njihove pesme: 'Free Speach For The Dumb' i 'The More I See'.

Naravno, original je ipak original.



Realities of War 7" Clay 1
Why 12"(Mini LP/CD) Plate 2
Fight Back 7" Clay 3
Decontrol 7" Clay 5
Never Again 7" Clay 6
State Violence State Control 7" Clay 14
Warning 12" Clay Plate 5
The Price of Silence 7" Clay 29
The More I See 7"/12" Clay 34
Ignorance 7"/12" Clay 43


Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing Clay LP/CD 3
Grave New World Clay LP/CD 19
Massacre Divine Clay CD 110
Shooting Up the World Clay CD 118
Discharge 1980-86 Clay LP 19
The Clay Punk Punk Singles Collection Clay CD 120
Never Again Clay LP/CD 12
Protest and Survive(Double CD) Clay CD 113
Live-The Nightmare Coninues Clay LP/CD 107
Live at the City Garden,New Jersey Clay LP/CD 103
Vision of War Recall SMD CD131
Hardcore Hits Cleopatra CLP0540-2

Ovde su neki textovi pesama:

You Take Part in Creating This System

You take part in creating this system
That we all must suffer in
We can't stop going round and round
We got to fix this rat race
This is the system you helped to create
They use you for corruption schemes
You're the unrealized and intended
You're the one the one they don't like
You let them know your fears
This is the system you helped to create
You ask me why I'm fighting the system
Why I'm preaching anarchy
I'm fighting for the freedom
Fighting for the rights
For the likes of you and me
This is the system you helped to create
This is the system you helped to create

Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing

Lied to threatened cheated and deceived
Hear nothing see nothing say nothing
Led up garden paths and into blind alleys

The Nightmare Continues

And still men and women drag out their lives in misery
The nightmare continues
Blinded disfigured and mentally scarred

In Defence Of Our Future

We Have No Choice But To Fight Back
In Defence Of Our Future
In Defence Of Our Future
It's Up To You And I
To Make A Stand To Make A Stand

They Declare It

They have the right what fuckin' right?
To say I must fight in their fuckin' wars
They declare it!
Why should I fight in their fuckin' wars?
When they never show realities of war
They declare it!
Why should I fight in their fuckin' wars?
Why should I do their killing and be killed?
They declare it!
It ís down to them there's no doubt in my mind
All they want is lots of glory
They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
They! They! They declare it!
War! War! War!

Fight Back

This desire results from people's anger
Towards the system
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
People die in police custody
Why donít you go see if God can see them
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
We been shit on far too long
London wants is no freedom
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
Stand up fight for freedom
Stand up fight for your rights
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back
Fight the system fight back

A Look at Tomorrow

I look out my window to a blinding bright light
Enola passes passes by
Tomorrow tomorrow
A look at tomorrow
Hysterical men women and children
Run in search of their families
I look out of my window to a blinding bright light
Enola passes passes by
Skin is shed like that of snakes
But itís not the work of mother nature

I Remember

All The Marks It Left Up My Arm
Just Trying To Find My Vein
Sometimes It Would Hurt Hurt So Much
But I Kept On Going
Ignoring Ignoring The Pain

As I Sat
With Blood Pouring Down
My Nose And
Nose And Throat
I Lost Contact
Contact With The Real
Real Real Me

I Wasn't As Careful
As I Should Have Been
And Soon It Began To Show
I Started To Feel
Tired And Very Sick
And I Watched My Eyes
Eyes Turn Yellow
It Was Just About Then
That I Parted With Drugs
And Just Had A Drink Now And Then
But Even Before
I Was over Hep
I Had My Friend
In My Arm Again

I Met Up With A Girl A While Ago
She Was Living The Same Life
Lost In The Same Dream
We Shared A Room In The City
Though You Couldn't Really Call It Home
Well It Seemed As Though
Drugs just Destroyed Her Will To Live
She Always Had A Smile For Me Though
Even When She Was Filled With Pain

I Remember That Grey Day
She Lay Still On The Floor
Needle Still In Her Arm
Eyes Staring At The Wall
The Tears Didn't Come Right Then
I Don't Know If They Ever Came
But Something In Me Died Back Then And I Know
It'll Never Be The Same
It Seems Like Years Ago
But I think It Was Only Yesterday
The Picture's Still Locked In My Mind And I Know
It Will Always Stay It Will Always Stay

After Reading This
This To Myself
I Know I Know
You'll Be Filled With Pain
So Please Please
Keep My Memory
Close To Your Heart
And Your Love Love
Love For me The Same

Cause At This Stage
I Need Need Your
Friendship More Than Pity
Friendship More Than Pity
Friendship More Than Pity
More Than More Than Pity

And Maybe Just Now
I Can Tell You The Reason
For All These Drugs
These Drugs I'm Taking
For Although I'm
So Scared Of Dying
I'm Terrified
Terrified Of Living

  1. Povratak na Anarhizam
  2. Povratak na ANARHIZAM I KULTURA