Papers by Kunze Chimed
Buddhist women conference 2018 in Mongolia
This paper is an exploration of the lives of western women undertaking Buddhist ordination in the... more This paper is an exploration of the lives of western women undertaking Buddhist ordination in the Tibetan tradition and includes a variety of experiences that western Buddhist nuns undergo whilst living, studying, retreating and serving in the world. A key focus of the paper is to draw special attention to the challenges and opportunities the nuns have whilst working to effect positive transformation within themselves, for their ordained sisters and within the lay community; Methods employed to prepare the paper are by way of research, observation, sharing of personal experience and some comparison with life of our asian monastic sisters; The main result is to highlight a recognition and appreciation of the challenges and contributions of western Tibetan Buddhist nuns in the world; In conclusion noting the importance and value of the role of western Buddhist nuns.
revolution on meditation. author Allan Wallace
the paper by the Ms Oyunchimeg, meaning of her presentation is right ethic good way to live dail... more the paper by the Ms Oyunchimeg, meaning of her presentation is right ethic good way to live daily life
When I was trying to write a speech for this conference I also read again what I have said 2014. ... more When I was trying to write a speech for this conference I also read again what I have said 2014. And I couldn't find that so much has fundamentally changed since then. I mentioned that time how His Holiness the Dalai Lama said during the Lamrim teachings 2013: " …while we have the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and we don't take any care of it, and then making prayers that we may meet with the teachings of the Lord Maitreya in the future is quite silly. " This is still a very clear message: that we have to use this special opportunity now and study the essence of Buddhism and live accordingly. During teachings at Dharamsala some weeks ago His Holiness told the audience to imagine what would happen if Shakyamuni Buddha would appear to this earth. And He said that people would ask Him to teach. Then His Holiness said that Buddha may could reply: " I gave you all the teachings already. There is nothing new to teach. All there is to do is to study the teachings, reflecting and meditating on them and put them into practice. " I'm convinced that we have to take this advice of His Holiness very serious. We all live in a period of many changes, less stability, more violence. It's almost unbearable to see how much killing, how much unnecessary suffering, how much violence is happening every day. And for many of us it's also a personal time of changes and instability. Actually this is a very precious time to practice. As human beings we normally don't think too much about the real meaning of the teachings. When we have a good time, when we enjoy good company, are not facing big problems, we may do a few prayers, a few mantras or a few practices; and that's it. Or we try to get some initiations. But facing difficulties we look for solutions. And because solutions on the worldly level sometimes seem difficult or impossible to find we look for something different. And then we may remember some teachings we have heard and try to use their meaning to find peace of mind. A real practitioner of Buddhism is never avoiding problems. She or he is using the actual situation to put the teachings of Buddha into practice. Of course we can do 'lojong', 'mind training' or 'thought transformation' practices in meditation. And it is very beneficial to train our mind this way. But the difficult situations give us the opportunity to apply what we have trained – and it's not easy. Our habits are very strong. And it needs a lot of effort to change them. I like the story of the respected Geshe that has been invited to have a meal in the house of a sponsor. This Geshe was a very cunning thief when he was young. But only by realizing what he was doing, taking vows and studying and practicing he became a completely different person. When he had to leave the house to go to the outdoor toilet he had to go through the kitchen. And he saw a bag full of delicious tsampa. He couldn't resist and put his right hand into the bag to grab some tsampa. But just then he realized what he was doing. He grabbed his right arm with his left arm and shouted: " help, a thief, a thief'… I think it was from Lama Yeshe that I heard this story the first time. It's a perfect example for how we should always be mindful of our actions, applying what we have learned, and even expose our bad habits in order not play the proud practitioner without any faults. We can do this in everyday life. Getting back to what His Holiness said about putting into practice what we have learned: Again and again His Holiness is remembering us how important it is to have and live kindness and compassion. I really think that this is the main key to lead the world out of this spiral or hatred, violence, greed, pride and selfishness. Buddha's teachings are a perfect guideline how to develop kindness and compassion. I think everybody in this room has received some Lam-rim teachings and has some text at home. From there we have clear explanations how we should treat other beings. One key point is that we don't practice this only during our studies or meditations – but that we develop empathy and humbleness, which brings forth kindness and compassion in everyday life. By traveling to different countries we experiences different attitudes how people behave towards us. There are many countries, and many of them are not Buddhist countries, were you feel a genuine friendliness, were you meet always open and smiling faces, were people greet each other on the street, where caring of each other is almost natural.
This presentation by Ichinkhorloo, who was give speech to the Buddhist women conference in Mongol... more This presentation by Ichinkhorloo, who was give speech to the Buddhist women conference in Mongolia,Gandantegchenling
Монгол орон дахь Бурханы шашин эдүгээ, ирээдүйд -зарим нэгэн бодол эргэцүүлэл 2500 гаруй жилийн т... more Монгол орон дахь Бурханы шашин эдүгээ, ирээдүйд -зарим нэгэн бодол эргэцүүлэл 2500 гаруй жилийн тэртээ Шагжамуни бурхан гэгээрлийн хутгийг олж, энэ дэлхийд Бурханы номыг айлджээ. Түүний айлдсан сургаал номын мөн чанар нь өнөө ч гэсэн хүчин төгөлдөр байгаа бөгөөд харин оршин тогтнож буй соёл заншлуудаас хамааран гадна төрхөө өөрчилж ирсэн байна. Энэхүү бодит байдлын үнэн мөн чанарыг сургасан гүн ухаан, гайхамшигт сэтгэл зүй буюу сэтгэлийн гүн гүнзгий шинжлэх ухаан нь бидэнд асар их адистидыг хайрласан хэвээр байгаа билээ.
Чойжи Баром их мутарлигийн зургаан номыг барих өмнөх бэлтгэл хөтөлбөрийн амны уншлага сэлт магад ... more Чойжи Баром их мутарлигийн зургаан номыг барих өмнөх бэлтгэл хөтөлбөрийн амны уншлага сэлт магад утгын сайн зам гэтлэхүй гишгүүр хэмээх оршивой.
Санскрит хэлээр Важраёогини ,Түвд хэлээр Доржэ Налжорма,Монголоор орчуулваас Огторгуйд одогч ба Н... more Санскрит хэлээр Важраёогини ,Түвд хэлээр Доржэ Налжорма,Монголоор орчуулваас Огторгуйд одогч ба Нар хажид ч хэмээн нэрлэдэг Хажид бурхан нь бурхан шашны хамгийн дээд очирт хөлгөний идам шүтээн бөгөөд Дэмчог бурхантай хослон оршдог эх.Түвдийн Буддизмын 4 урсгалын нэг Сажийн ёсын дээд бүтээлийн арван гурван алтан номын нэг дэх,Дорж Чан бурханаас Нар Хажид бурханд Хажид бурхан нь бүтээл номоо Дүвчин Нароба болон бусад урсгалуудаар дамжигдан ирсэн билээ,Хажидыг ёсчлон бүтээж үйлдвээс түүний үйл түргэнээ бүтэх бөгөөд ялангуяа энэ насанд ариун Хажидын оронд бодтой одох, завсрын төрөлд бурхны хутгийг олох,бурхны дээд замд хүрэх гэх мэт цаглашгүй эрдэм бий.
Сайн цагийн мянган бурханаа мөргөмү.
Books by Kunze Chimed
Liberator Mother Tara
I was translated and published several works,specially my researching works... more Liberator Mother Tara
I was translated and published several works,specially my researching works focus of the source of Goddess Tara.
This is the part of the book on Tara, talking on her origin and symbolize of her image and proceed.
Drafts by Kunze Chimed
Vajrayana, Padampa Sangye, lineage on Gelug, transmitted by 9th Khalka Jetsun Dampa, women chodpa... more Vajrayana, Padampa Sangye, lineage on Gelug, transmitted by 9th Khalka Jetsun Dampa, women chodpa's of Mongolia
Buddha's taught about sutra and tantra included in Ganden tradition
this abstract for the BWA, Politics and within temples communications and law
Conference Presentations by Kunze Chimed
Gelug chod lineage by 9th Khalka Jetsun Dampa, included in this lineage Buddha's teaching sutra a... more Gelug chod lineage by 9th Khalka Jetsun Dampa, included in this lineage Buddha's teaching sutra and tantra. Women Chodpa's of Mongolia
Papers by Kunze Chimed
Books by Kunze Chimed
I was translated and published several works,specially my researching works focus of the source of Goddess Tara.
This is the part of the book on Tara, talking on her origin and symbolize of her image and proceed.
Drafts by Kunze Chimed
Buddha's taught about sutra and tantra included in Ganden tradition
Conference Presentations by Kunze Chimed
I was translated and published several works,specially my researching works focus of the source of Goddess Tara.
This is the part of the book on Tara, talking on her origin and symbolize of her image and proceed.
Buddha's taught about sutra and tantra included in Ganden tradition