we gaze at each other, we speak of dark things,
we love each other like poppy and memory, we sleep like wine in the seashells, like the sea in the moon’s blood-beam.
Paul Celan
God circled her.
Fire. Time. Fire.
Choose, said God.
And all my days are trances,
And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy grey eye glances,
And where thy footstep gleams
In what ethereal dances,
By what eternal streams.
Edgar Allan Poe - To One in Paradise
I am thinking up a word that will find and recognize her.
Branko Miljković, Between Two Days
We dream and fight with demons real and imagined; we only live if we dream;
Dejan Stojanović
The biggest star doesn’t take any space; it lives within, feeds all other stars, all other matter.
Dejan Stojanović, A Star Deep In The Mind
Blood to blood. Desire to desire. We were wild. Bewildered.
Beautiful in our wilderness and wildness.
In the most extreme conditions
we proved that life can exist.
Paul Tran, Bioluminescence
(Source: shisasan)
O kad se opet rastanemo i pođemo na naše
tamne puteve kroz beskraj,
na kojoj ćemo se opet sresti zvijezdi?
I hoće li pri novom susretu opet naše duše zadrhtati
u tamnom sjećanju da bijasmo nekada ljudi
koji su se ljubili na nekoj zvijezdi
što se zove Zemlja?
[Oh when we part again and go on our
dark pathways through infinity,
on which star will we meet again?
And will upon the new meeting our souls again tremble
in dark memory that once we were people
that loved each other on some star
that is called Earth?]
― Antun Branko Šimić [1898-1925]
(Source: shi-saa)
Rainer Maria Rilke,
Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems to God
[originally published 1905]
(Source: shi-saa)