About me
IN BRIEF: I am a writer and web designer who works through Elan.Works. They have been seen in the Globe & Mail, Best Health, Woman's Day, and Flow magazines and at TEDxRegina and on CBC News and Radio. They believe in and work to grow both personal and professional quality, genuine community, and meaningful content online.
I go by the name Schmutzie (shmuht'sē), a pseudonym that I still carry over from my first years of blogging anonymously. I have been blogging here since August of 2003, which makes this weblog paleolithic by internet standards.
I live in Saskatchewan with my partner and our two cats, Lula and Augie. I took Lula, nearly starved to death and matted with mud, from a person who was trying to sell her for beer money. Augie followed me all the way up to my apartment after being abandoned and hiding out in our front entry all night. Cats don’t let you say no.
I am a writer, website designer, and content editor who runs ShiverYourTimbers.com and my work site, Elan.Works.
Shiver Your Timbers was originally hosted by Diaryland back in 2003. Then, beginning in July 2005, it was hosted by Blogger. Since March 2010, it has been hosted by Squarespace. Prior to August 2024, this website existed under a few other urls and names. Most, if not all, of my images have been created using an iPhone since 2009. The design is by me, because that's what I do.