

Pardon, uklikol som sa.--Jetam2 (diskusia) 18:42, 17. apríl 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať

Urgentne upraviť

Ďakujeme Ti za informácie v článku Samsung Galaxy Note Fan Edition, no jeho spracovanie a/alebo rozsah zatiaľ nespĺňa požiadavky na encyklopedické heslo. Pokús sa prosím text upraviť, alebo rozšíriť aspoň do tej miery, aby sme ho mohli za článok naozaj považovať. Ak sa nám to ani spoločnými silami nepodarí, po 14 dňoch bude pravdepodobne tvoja úprava, vzhľadom na snahu udržať kvalitu, z Wikipédie odstránená. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

--Patriccck (diskusia) 12:26, 18. apríl 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať

Redaktor:Gepetito Proč jsi mě neupozornil na označení článku k urgentní úpravě??? 😌 Příště bych si přál, aby jsi mě informoval. DÍKY Mohl bys mi prosím napsat důvod označení článku šablonou? Co bych měl vylepšit? Patriccck (diskusia) 12:30, 18. apríl 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať
„příště“ to dám rovno na zmazanie, text čo je v tom článku má od slovenčiny ďaleko. vylepšiť treba celý článok, ani jedna veta nie je správne. --Gepetito (diskusia) 21:16, 18. apríl 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať

Roky a mesiace v budúcnosti


Zdravím. Manuálne zakladanie prázdnych hesiel budúcich rokov a mesiacov nie je moc produktívna aktivita. Keď to bude potrebné, dá sa to vybaviť strojovo, nateraz to skôr zbytočne zapĺňa log úprav a generuje prázdne články bez pridanej hodnoty. Zmysluplnejšia pomoc by bola normálna práca na encyklopedickom obsahu. --Teslaton (diskusia) 15:21, 15. jún 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať

Dobrý deň. Konanie vnímam podobne ako Teslaton. V súčasnosti sú to neproduktívne edity. Vasiľ (diskusia) 15:22, 15. jún 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať



Ďakujem za palec :) --Jetam2 (diskusia) 19:26, 22. jún 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať

@Jetam2: zasloužíš si ho 😄. :)--Patriccck (diskusia) 19:31, 22. jún 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať


Ďakujeme Ti za informácie v článku 2019 v hudbe, no jeho spracovanie a/alebo rozsah zatiaľ nespĺňa požiadavky na encyklopedické heslo. Pokús sa prosím text upraviť, alebo rozšíriť aspoň do tej miery, aby sme ho mohli za článok naozaj považovať. Ak sa nám to ani spoločnými silami nepodarí, po 14 dňoch bude pravdepodobne tvoja úprava, vzhľadom na snahu udržať kvalitu, z Wikipédie odstránená. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

WAM Postcard collection


Dear organiser,

Thanks for your patience, I apologise for the delay in sending the Google form for address collection. Please share this form and the message with the participants who created 4 or more than 4 articles during WAM. We will send the reminders directly to the participants from next time, but please ask the participants to fill the form before January 10th 2019.

Things to do:

  1. If you're the only organiser in your language edition, Please accept your article, keeping the WAM guidelines in mind.
  2. Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  3. Please update the status of your language edition in this page.

Note: This form is only accessed by WAM international team. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. If you have problems accessing the google form, you can use Email This User to send your address to my Email. Thanks :) --Saileshpat using MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 21:15, 19. december 2018 (UTC)Odpovedať

Invitation to Organize Wiki Loves Love 2019


Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an International photography competition of Wikimedia Commons to subject love testimonials happening in the month of February 2019.

The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects. February is around the corner and Wiki Loves Love team invites you to organize and promote WLL19 in your country and join hands with us to celebrate love and document it on Wikimedia Commons. The theme of 2019 is Festivals, ceremonies and celebrations of love.

To organize Wiki Loves Love in your region, sign up at WLL Organizers page. You can also simply support and spread love by helping us translate the commons page in your local language which is open for translation.

The contest starts runs from 1-28 February 2019. Independent from if there is a local contest organised in your country, you can help by making the photo contest Wiki Loves Love more accessible and available to more people in the world by translating the upload wizard, templates and pages to your local language. See for an overview of templates/pages to be translated at our Translations page.

Imagine...The sum of all love!

Wiki Loves Love team

--MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 12:33, 6. január 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať

VisualEditor → Vizuálny editor


Zdravím. Ad [1]: takéto zmeny názvoslovia by bolo dobré najprv navrhnúť a prediskutovať, až potom ísť zapracúvať. Ak, tak to bude treba zapracovať konzistentne všade [2][3], nie len tamtých niekoľko výskytov. --Teslaton (diskusia) 12:28, 2. február 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať

@Teslaton: Mimochodem, Wikipédia není jen jeden slovenský web používající MediaWiki (jen největší), takže nemusí souhlasit úplně všichni. Samozřejmě, pokud bude souhlasit málo lidí, vrátím zpět název na VisualEditor :) --Patriccck 16:50, 2. február 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať
Nehovorím, že konsenzus je nutný tu (hoci tu je zrejme najviac sekundárnych závislostí). Aj okruh prekladajúcich na TW je trochu širší než len jeden človek a mám trochu problém 1. s tým, keď tam niekto príde a začne iniciatívne prekopávať reťazce, obsahujúce nejaké (už určitý čas zaužívané) názvoslovie a 2. keď sa do toho naviac pustí nekonzistentným spôsobom, tzn. že niekoľko výskytov nahradím a zvyšok nechám tak (vrátane sekundárnych na projektoch). --Teslaton (diskusia) 16:57, 2. február 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať
@Teslaton: Mimochodem, lepší odkaz na vyhledání všech VisualEditor na TW je zde. Stačí napsat insource:VisualEditor. --Patriccck 17:22, 2. február 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať
Hej, pravda, to je užšie kritérium, pokiaľ ma zaujímajú čisto výskyty v texte. --Teslaton (diskusia) 18:03, 2. február 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať

Ad [4][5]: do archívu treba vlákna presúvať najskôr v momente, keď uplynie 30 dní od posledného príspevku. --Teslaton (diskusia) 21:28, 15. február 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať

Invitation from WAM 2019


Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you are all doing well! Now it's a great time to sign up for the 2019 Wikipedia Asian Month, which will take place in November this year (29 days left!). Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. Please add your language project by 24th October 2019. Please indicate if you need multiple organisers by 29th October.
  2. Please update your community members about you being the organiser of the WAM.
  3. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  4. Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.
  5. If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 17:03, 2. október 2019 (UTC)Odpovedať

Wikipedia Asian Month 2020

Wikipedia Asian Month 2020

Hi WAM organizers and participants!

Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2020, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Fountain tool (you can find the usage guidance easily on meta page), or else you and your participants’ will not be able to receive the prize from WAM team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page before October 29th, 2020.
  3. Inform your community members WAM 2020 is coming soon!!!
  4. If you want WAM team to share your event information on Facebook / twitter, or you want to share your WAM experience/ achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to info@asianmonth.wiki or PM us via facebook.

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to WAM, a.k.a. WAM sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let’s edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from WAM team:

  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we hope all the Edit-a-thons are online not physical ones.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable enough at the moment, WAM team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers extra digital postcards/ certifications. (You will still get the paper ones!)
  3. Our team has created a meta page so that everyone tracking the progress and the delivery status.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the WAM team via emailing info@asianmonth.wiki or discuss on the meta talk page. If it’s urgent, please contact the leader directly (jamie@asianmonth.wiki).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2020

Sincerely yours,

Wikipedia Asian Month International Team 2020.10

Wikipedia Asian Month 2021


Hi Wikipedia Asian Month organizers and participants! Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Fountain tool (you can find the usage guidance easily on meta page), or else you and your participants' will not be able to receive the prize from Wikipedia Asian Month team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page before October 29th, 2021.
  3. Inform your community members Wikipedia Asian Month 2021 is coming soon!!!
  4. If you want Wikipedia Asian Month team to share your event information on Facebook / Twitter, or you want to share your Wikipedia Asian Month experience / achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to info@asianmonth.wiki or PM us via Facebook.

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to Wikipedia Asian Month, a.k.a. Wikipedia Asian Month sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let's edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from Wikipedia Asian Month team:

  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we hope all the Edit-a-thons are online not physical ones.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable enough at the moment, Wikipedia Asian Month team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers extra digital postcards/ certifications. (You will still get the paper ones!)
  3. Our team has created a meta page so that everyone tracking the progress and the delivery status.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the Wikipedia Asian Month team via emailing info@asianmonth.wiki or discuss on the meta talk page. If it's urgent, please contact the leader directly (jamie@asianmonth.wiki).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2021

Sincerely yours,

Wikipedia Asian Month International Team, 2021.10