
164 Pins
1M views · 155K reactions | DIY Paper Christmas Tree 🎄 ✨This Christmas tree is made from the pages of an old book (needed 24 pages) ☝🏻I did not destroy this book, it was already destroyed, there were not enough pages in it and it was not possible to read #diy#homedecor#diyblogger#diyhomedecor#diytutorial#diycrafts#handmade#рукоділля#diyblog#honeycomb#christmastree#christmasdecor#christmashomedecor#christmastime#handmade#crafts#papercrafts#paperdecor#diyprojects#homedecor | Katerina | DIY
1M views · 155K reactions | DIY Paper Christmas Tree 🎄 ✨This Christmas tree is made from the pages of an old book (needed 24 pages) ☝🏻I did not destroy this book, it was already destroyed, there were not enough pages in it and it was not possible to read #diy#homedecor#diyblogger#diyhomedecor#diytutorial#diycrafts#handmade#рукоділля#diyblog#honeycomb#christmastree#christmasdecor#christmashomedecor#christmastime#handmade#crafts#papercrafts#paperdecor#diyprojects#homedecor | Katerina | DIY
242K views · 22K reactions | DIY Honeycomb Easter Bunny 🐰 made from sheets of an old book (☝🏻the book was unreadable, it was falling apart and there were no pages in it). For one Bunny I used 24 sheets #diy#diycrafts#diyhomedecor#diyideas#handmade#honeycomb#easter#easterdecor#easterbunny#diytutorial #homedecor#diyblogger#рукоділля#decor#easterbunny#diyeaster#eastercrafts#decor | Katerina | DIY
242K views · 22K reactions | DIY Honeycomb Easter Bunny 🐰 made from sheets of an old book (☝🏻the book was unreadable, it was falling apart and there were no pages in it). For one Bunny I used 24 sheets #diy#diycrafts#diyhomedecor#diyideas#handmade#honeycomb#easter#easterdecor#easterbunny#diytutorial #homedecor#diyblogger#рукоділля#decor#easterbunny#diyeaster#eastercrafts#decor | Katerina | DIY
25K views · 5.5K reactions | Recycled Paper Bird Craft Need an easy and low waste craft for spring? I created these birds using recycled paper and floral wire for feet! The body is cut from my first batch of handmade paper. My husband hung bird feeders outside our front window this winter and we have been birdwatching all day. Recently we have been seeing mourning doves, cardinals and lots of house sparrows! | Alyssa Stokes
25K views · 5.5K reactions | Recycled Paper Bird Craft Need an easy and low waste craft for spring? I created these birds using recycled paper and floral wire for feet! The body is cut from my first batch of handmade paper. My husband hung bird feeders outside our front window this winter and we have been birdwatching all day. Recently we have been seeing mourning doves, cardinals and lots of house sparrows! | Alyssa Stokes
202K views · 2.4K reactions | 🐱✨ Warning: This craft may result in the sudden creation of an entire paper roll cat army. And honestly? We're here for it. 😆 These adorable paper roll cats are made from upcycled toilet paper rolls, a little cardboard, and a whole lot of creativity! Paint them, personalize them, and give them names—because let’s be real, you’re going to end up with at least five. 🖤🤍🧡 | One Little Project
202K views · 2.4K reactions | 🐱✨ Warning: This craft may result in the sudden creation of an entire paper roll cat army. And honestly? We're here for it. 😆 These adorable paper roll cats are made from upcycled toilet paper rolls, a little cardboard, and a whole lot of creativity! Paint them, personalize them, and give them names—because let’s be real, you’re going to end up with at least five. 🖤🤍🧡 | One Little Project
34K views · 3.7K reactions | Girls night idea! DIY slate coasters 🍸 NO artistic skills required! These were so fun and easy to make! We just sealed them with a Mod Podge after (I used the mat dry). They look so fancy ! ✨I can send you the links to most of the supplies if you want them just let me know! ⬇️⬇️ (They’re also linked in my storefront). The mod podge and brushes are just from dollarama. #girlsnight#girlsnightin #girlsnightideas #craftnight #girlsnightgames | Brittany Ostofe
34K views · 3.7K reactions | Girls night idea! DIY slate coasters 🍸 NO artistic skills required! These were so fun and easy to make! We just sealed them with a Mod Podge after (I used the mat dry). They look so fancy ! ✨I can send you the links to most of the supplies if you want them just let me know! ⬇️⬇️ (They’re also linked in my storefront). The mod podge and brushes are just from dollarama. #girlsnight#girlsnightin #girlsnightideas #craftnight #girlsnightgames | Brittany Ostofe
450K views · 10K reactions | Nota | Facebook
450K views · 10K reactions | Nota | Facebook
156K views · 3.2K reactions | Easy Crafts Ideas | Easy_Crafts
156K views · 3.2K reactions | Easy Crafts Ideas | Easy_Crafts
1.2K reactions · 277 shares | Paper Cat activity 🙀 | Smiley Kids
1.2K reactions · 277 shares | Paper Cat activity 🙀 | Smiley Kids
282K views · 47K reactions | Otro reciclado imperdible!!!! Súper fácil!!!! Plástico blanco, de cualquier envase que tengan, una lijadita de ambos lados, unos detalles de pintura, alambre,alguna cuentita de madera y un poco de hilo , armado… y a colgar!!!! No son hermosos? Los pueden usar de manera individual, para regalar o decorar el árbol navideño, o armar la tira , en este caso de tres pajaritos. Ahhhhh , lo podes dejar afuera!!!!! Ya que es de plástico y no se va a arruinar! Espero les haya gustado, guarden el reel para poder hacerlo!!! Si alguna quiere el molde de pajarito, me comenta que lo quieren y se los envío por mensaje. Recuerden que les voy a enviar una imagen , que pueden guardar , ampliar o achicar , dependiendo de la superficie del plástico que van a usar! Nos vemos en próximos reel!!!!!!! #adornodenavidad #pajaritosreciclados #pajaritos #almazen #pinturafluida #reciclado #ideasoriginales | Alma Zen
282K views · 47K reactions | Otro reciclado imperdible!!!! Súper fácil!!!! Plástico blanco, de cualquier envase que tengan, una lijadita de ambos lados, unos detalles de pintura, alambre,alguna cuentita de madera y un poco de hilo , armado… y a colgar!!!! No son hermosos? Los pueden usar de manera individual, para regalar o decorar el árbol navideño, o armar la tira , en este caso de tres pajaritos. Ahhhhh , lo podes dejar afuera!!!!! Ya que es de plástico y no se va a arruinar! Espero les haya gustado, guarden el reel para poder hacerlo!!! Si alguna quiere el molde de pajarito, me comenta que lo quieren y se los envío por mensaje. Recuerden que les voy a enviar una imagen , que pueden guardar , ampliar o achicar , dependiendo de la superficie del plástico que van a usar! Nos vemos en pr
92K views · 6.7K reactions | ♡ |30.01.2025 . Dieses Video darf auch gerne zum 3. Mal in meinen Feed, denn ich mag die kleinen Vögel immer noch sehr und sie sind wirklich kinderleicht zu basteln. . This video can also be added to my feed for the 3rd time, because I still really like the little birds and they are really easy to make. . . _______________________________ #tproll #recycleandplay #recyclemeplay #mitklorollenbasteln #mitklopapierrollenbastelmittwoch #klopapierrollenbastelei #klorollen #bastelnmitkindern #basteln #bastelnmitpapier #bastelnmitnaturmaterialien #bastelideen #bastelideenfürkinder #bastelliebe #diyforkids #ministylemag #diycrafts #myfavouritediyoftheweek #kidscrafts #kidscraftideas #kidscraftyplay #kidscraftsideas #kidscraftart #homeschooldailyapple | Jasmin Markiewicz|@fraeullein_jasmin
92K views · 6.7K reactions | ♡ |30.01.2025 . Dieses Video darf auch gerne zum 3. Mal in meinen Feed, denn ich mag die kleinen Vögel immer noch sehr und sie sind wirklich kinderleicht zu basteln. . This video can also be added to my feed for the 3rd time, because I still really like the little birds and they are really easy to make. . . _______________________________ #tproll #recycleandplay #recyclemeplay #mitklorollenbasteln #mitklopapierrollenbastelmittwoch #klopapierrollenbastelei #klorollen #bastelnmitkindern #basteln #bastelnmitpapier #bastelnmitnaturmaterialien #bastelideen #bastelideenfürkinder #bastelliebe #diyforkids #ministylemag #diycrafts #myfavouritediyoftheweek #kidscrafts #kidscraftideas #kidscraftyplay #kidscraftsideas #kidscraftart #homeschooldailyapple
1.2K views · 1K reactions | Una simple lata de aluminio puede hacerte "volar" la imaginación. Con el resultado podrás decorar cualquier rincón de tu casa 🐦 ¿Te acordás de esta propuesta? ¿La hiciste? Contame, te leo 👇❤️ . . . #latadealuminio #latita #latitas #reuse #pajaros #pajaro | Manos & Alma
1.2K views · 1K reactions | Una simple lata de aluminio puede hacerte "volar" la imaginación. Con el resultado podrás decorar cualquier rincón de tu casa 🐦 ¿Te acordás de esta propuesta? ¿La hiciste? Contame, te leo 👇❤️ . . . #latadealuminio #latita #latitas #reuse #pajaros #pajaro | Manos & Alma
268K views · 5.9K reactions | DIY Waterproof Mod Podge Alternative | DIY Waterproof Mod Podge Alternative | By Our Upcycled Life | Going to take that Elmer School Glue and add one tablespoon. Then we're going to use that 100% silicone. And we're going to do equal amounts. Now this is where you can add a little bit of water. I'm using about a teaspoon and I like to apply it using a sponge. And I'm going to gently press it down into the mixture. I also like to use a bit of saran wrap to prevent any ripping or tearing. I let that sit for about 15 or 20 minutes. And now I'm going back in and I'm sponging on a top coat and as you can see I put it under water and it's repelling the water. It's bubbling off and not soaking through.
268K views · 5.9K reactions | DIY Waterproof Mod Podge Alternative | DIY Waterproof Mod Podge Alternative | By Our Upcycled Life | Going to take that Elmer School Glue and add one tablespoon. Then we're going to use that 100% silicone. And we're going to do equal amounts. Now this is where you can add a little bit of water. I'm using about a teaspoon and I like to apply it using a sponge. And I'm going to gently press it down into the mixture. I also like to use a bit of saran wrap to prevent any ripping or tearing. I let that sit for about 15 or 20 minutes. And now I'm going back in and I'm sponging on a top coat and as you can see I put it under water and it's repelling the water. It's bubbling off and not soaking through.
1.1M views · 2.7K reactions | GENIUS Fast Food Napkin Transformation | napkin | GENIUS Fast Food Napkin Transformation | By Our Upcycled Life | Hi, Deidra here from Our Upcycled Life and I want to show you today why you don't want to throw out your napkins from the fast food restaurant. We're going to take a piece of computer paper, put some tape on it, and stick that napkin onto the computer paper, put it through our printer, and print on it, and then we are going to turn it into full rice paper. I've got a piece of parchment paper and I'm just marking where that napkin is going to sit on the parchment paper. I'm taking an eighth of a cup of water and a quarter cup of clear swool glue. We're going to mix it together really well and then we're going to incorporate a little bit of instant coffee. This is just going to give it a little bit of an antique look or color. And then in between those marks that we put on the parchment paper we're going to put down that glue mixture. We're then going to take that napkin and set it right into that glue mixture and then put some glue on the top of it and then we're going to set it aside letting it dry completely. I like the edges to look a little bit ragged so I'm just taking my scissors and just going along the whole outside just so it doesn't look so perfect. Now, we're going to work on another one. Also, I'm going to scrunch this naskin all up And then lay it down on the parchment paper like we did the other one. Marking it so we know how big to put the solution on the parchment paper. This one I'm not adding any of the coffee. We're going to lay the napkin right into it embracing all of those wrinkles and then we're going to brush on the glue mixture on top. We're then going to set it aside and let it dry completely. Now, it's the next day, they're completely dried and we're just pulling 'em off that parchment paper. This is so cool and it's flexible and it's transparent. It looks just like full rice paper and here's the one without the writing and without the coffee mixture. Imagine the possibilities with all of your junk journaling, altered art, or scrapbooking that you can do with this paper. Let me know down in the comments if you've ever tried this technique before. I love using it in all kinds of my DIY projects. One of my favorite ways to use it is to wrap it around in an upcycled glass jar and put a candle in it. It just shows off the paper beautifully and you can see the candle shimmering inside. Thanks for watching.
1.1M views · 2.7K reactions | GENIUS Fast Food Napkin Transformation | napkin | GENIUS Fast Food Napkin Transformation | By Our Upcycled Life | Hi, Deidra here from Our Upcycled Life and I want to show you today why you don't want to throw out your napkins from the fast food restaurant. We're going to take a piece of computer paper, put some tape on it, and stick that napkin onto the computer paper, put it through our printer, and print on it, and then we are going to turn it into full rice paper. I've got a piece of parchment paper and I'm just marking where that napkin is going to sit on the parchment paper. I'm taking an eighth of a cup of water and a quarter cup of clear swool glue. We're going to mix it together really well and then we're going to incorporate a little bit of instant c
1M views · 206K reactions | TREE DOLLHOUSE REVEAL! This year’s theme was Brambly Hedge @bramblyhedgeofficial and the gorgeous homes and lives of the mice that live there - you guys thought that rather than just giving my daughters the books, I should make their tree home, and how could I say no to that challenge?! The verdict? I don’t know about you but I am honestly dying this is sooooo cute and better than I could have ever imagined. I had so much fun learning all about the different techniques for doing this, I know it seems quite complicated so check out @ojala_crafts Where the Gnomes Live on YouTube, @withhisgrace’s Heartwood Hotel and the Mad Mouse House on Wordpress for amazing step by steps! For interiors I feel like it’s giving @itsmargoroth @mymulberryhouse and I wanna live here. The girls are absolutely over the moon and can’t believe they get to play with it, and I agree lol. Thank you so much for being here and humoring me through another Christmas creation. #bramblyhedge #mouseshouse #treedollhouse #dollhouse #miniatures #dollhousemaking #diy | Geneva Vanderzeil
1M views · 206K reactions | TREE DOLLHOUSE REVEAL! This year’s theme was Brambly Hedge @bramblyhedgeofficial and the gorgeous homes and lives of the mice that live there - you guys thought that rather than just giving my daughters the books, I should make their tree home, and how could I say no to that challenge?! The verdict? I don’t know about you but I am honestly dying this is sooooo cute and better than I could have ever imagined. I had so much fun learning all about the different techniques for doing this, I know it seems quite complicated so check out @ojala_crafts Where the Gnomes Live on YouTube, @withhisgrace’s Heartwood Hotel and the Mad Mouse House on Wordpress for amazing step by steps! For interiors I feel like it’s giving @itsmargoroth @mymulberryhouse and I wanna live here.
22K views · 3.3K reactions | Knuffige Pinguine 🐧 🐧 Ich fange ab heute mit den Winterbastelideen an 😅. Speichert die Idee, damit ihr nicht verliert😉 #bastelnmitnigora #bastelnohneworte #bastelideen #winterbasteln #crafts #craftsideas #pinguine #bastelnmitpapier | Crafting with Nigora ✂️
22K views · 3.3K reactions | Knuffige Pinguine 🐧 🐧 Ich fange ab heute mit den Winterbastelideen an 😅. Speichert die Idee, damit ihr nicht verliert😉 #bastelnmitnigora #bastelnohneworte #bastelideen #winterbasteln #crafts #craftsideas #pinguine #bastelnmitpapier | Crafting with Nigora ✂️