Monument Valley
Monument Valley | |
Tsé Biiʼ Ndzisgaii | |
Najvišja točka | |
Nadm. višina | 1.500 do 1.800 m |
Koordinate | 36°59′N 110°6′W / 36.983°N 110.100°W |
Poimenovanja | |
Domače ime | Tsé Biiʼ Ndzisgaii (navajsko) |
Geografija | |
Lega: Arizona, Združene države Amerike | |
Geologija | |
Tip | Osamelec |
Tip kamnin | Fliš (meljevec) |
Monument Valley (navajsko Tsé Biiʼ Ndzisgaii, dobesedno »dolina skal«) je območje na planoti Colorado, kjer značilno izstopajo skupine osamelcev iz peščenjaka, najvišji se pno 300 m nad dnom doline.[1] Najbolj znane formacije takih osamelcev so v severovzhodni Arizoni vzdolž državne meje Utah–Arizona. Dolina, ki jo imajo Indijanci iz rodu Navajo za sveto, leži znotraj meja njihovega rezervata.[2]
Monument Valley so od leta 1930 dalje upodobili v številnih medijih. Tako je režiser John Ford to lokacijo uporabil za veliko svojih vesternov; kritik Keith Phipps je zato zapisal, da »... je pet kvadratnih milj doline določilo, kako si bodo filmski gledalci desetletja predstavljali ameriški Divji zahod.«[3]
Geografija in geologija
[uredi | uredi kodo]Območje je del planote Colorado. Nadmorska višina dna doline je od 1500 do 1800 m. Tla so v veliki meri sestavljena iz meljevca skupine Cutler ali iz njega pridobljenega peska, ki so ga nanesle vijugajoče se reke, ki so izdolble samo dolino. Živo rdeča barva doline izvira iz železovega oksida, izpostavljenega v preperelem meljevcu. Temnejše, modrosive kamnine v dolini dobijo barvo iz manganovega oksida.
Osamelci jasno prikazujejo kamnine s tremi glavnimi plastmi. Najnižja plast je skrilavec Organ Rock Shale, srednja je peščenjak de Chelly, zgornja plast pa je formacija Moenkopi, ki jo pokriva konglomerat Shinarump. V dolini so tudi velike kamnite strukture, med njimi znamenito Sončno oko.
Med letoma 1945 in 1967 so na južnem delu Monument Upwarp kopali uran, ki se pojavlja na razpršenih območjih konglomerata Shinarump; vanadij in baker sta v nekaterih nahajališčih povezana z uranom.[4]
Večji sklopi osamelcev so tudi West and East Mitten Buttes, Merrick Butte in Hunts Mesa.
[uredi | uredi kodo]Monument Valley vključuje velik del območja, ki sestavlja plemenski park naroda Navajo, ki je enakovreden narodnemu parku.
Obiskovalci lahko plačajo vstopnino in se peljejo skozi park po 27 km makadamske ceste. Deli Monument Valleyja, kot sta Mystery Valley in Hunts Mesa, so dostopni samo z vodenim ogledom.
[uredi | uredi kodo]Za Monument Valley je značilno puščavsko podnebje s hladnimi zimami in vročimi poletji. Čeprav so poletja lahko vroča, vročino ublaži visoka nadmorska višina regije. Kljub temu, da je v dolini v letnem povprečju 54 dni nad 32 °C, poleti najvišja temperatura redko preseže 38 °C. Poletne noči so prijetno hladne in temperatura po sončnem zahodu hitro pade. Zime so mrzle, vendar so dnevne temperature običajno nad lediščem. Tudi zimske temperature pod −18 °C so redke, a možne. V Monument Valleyju pozimi sicer občasno rahlo sneži, sneg se običajno stopi v dnevu ali dveh.
Podnebni podatki za Monument Valley, Arizona | |||||||||||||
Mesec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | Maj | Jun | Jul | Avg | Sep | Okt | Nov | Dec | Letno |
Rekordno visoka temperatura °C | 16 | 21 | 25 | 32 | 37 | 38 | 42 | 38 | 36 | 30 | 23 | 17 | 42 |
Povprečna maks. temperatura °C | 11.15 | 15.23 | 21.32 | 26.69 | 31.26 | 35.91 | 37.47 | 35.63 | 32.49 | 26.87 | 18.43 | 11.05 | 37.87 |
Povprečna visoka temperatura °C | 4.8 | 8.5 | 14.6 | 19.6 | 25.3 | 31.2 | 33.3 | 31.6 | 27.0 | 19.9 | 10.8 | 4.9 | 19.3 |
Povprečna nizka temperatura °C | −4.3 | −2.1 | 1.9 | 5.8 | 11.3 | 17.3 | 19.4 | 17.7 | 14.1 | 7.3 | 0.5 | −4.1 | 7.1 |
Povprečna min. temperatura °C | −10.97 | −9.31 | −5.53 | −1.84 | 1.80 | 8.38 | 14.21 | 12.63 | 7.07 | 0.34 | −7.36 | −10.68 | −11.39 |
Rekordno nizka temperatura °C | −22 | −20 | −13 | −9 | −7 | −1 | 9 | 3 | 1 | −6 | −14 | −23 | −23 |
Povprečna količina padavin mm | 6.6 | 4.8 | 4.8 | 6.1 | 7.6 | 2.5 | 14 | 20 | 19 | 17 | 8.1 | 4.8 | 115 |
Vir: The Western Regional Climate Center[5] |
V popularni kulturi
[uredi | uredi kodo]Monument Valley so prikazali v številnih računalniških igrah, v tisku in v filmih, vključno z več vesterni v režiji Johna Forda, na podlagi katerih se je oblikovala predstava gledalcev o ameriškem Divjem zahodu. Ti filmi so: Stagecoach (1939), My Darling Clementine (1946), Fort Apache (1948), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) in The Searchers (1956).[3][6] [7] [8]
V Monument Valleyju so posneli tudi veliko novejših filmov, med njimi Bilo je nekoč na zahodu Sergia Leoneja (1967), prvi špageti vestern, ki je nastal zunaj Evrope, in Osamljeni jezdec Gore Verbinskega (2013).[9]
V filmu Airwolf: The Movie in serijah, ki so mu sledile, je bil eden od osamelcev v Monument Valleyju (filmski ustvarjalci so območje poimenovali Dolina bogov) skrivališče za izmišljeni helikopter.
Galerija slik
[uredi | uredi kodo]-
Monument Valley, izvidnik plemena Apači
West, East Mittens in Merrick Butte po sončnem zahodu
Zasnežen sončni vzhod Monument Valley januarja
Monument Valley West in East Butte ob 6:00 zjutraj
Peščeni vihar v Monument Valley
Rastlinstvo Monument Valley
Pokrajina Monument Valley
Pogled na Monument Valley s Hunts Mese
[uredi | uredi kodo]Sklici
[uredi | uredi kodo]- ↑ Scheffel, Richard L., ur. (1980). Natural Wonders of the World. Reader's Digest. str. 255. ISBN 978-0895770875.
- ↑ King, Farina (2018). "Náhookọs (North): New Hioes for Diné Students." The Earth Memory Compass: Diné Landscapes and Education in the Twentieth Century. University Press of Kansas. str. 142–74. doi:10.2307/j.ctv6mtdsj.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Phipps, Keith (17. november 2009). »The Easy Rider Road Trip«. Slate. Pridobljeno 16. decembra 2012.
- ↑ Malan, Roger C. (1968). »The uranium mining industry and geology of the Monument Valley and White canyon districts, Arizona and Utah«. Ore Deposits of the United States, 1933–1967. New York: American Institute of Mining Engineers. str. 790–804.
- ↑ »Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Information«. Western Regional Climate Center. Pridobljeno 24. marca 2013.
- ↑ Howze, William (2. september 2011). »Ford's consistent use of popular imagery in Western and Non-Western films«. The Influence of Western Painting and Genre Painting on the Films of John Ford (Revised izd.). "Ford is popularly regarded as a director of westerns, the director who made John Wayne a star and made Monument Valley the locus for the myth of the American West. It was a reputation he encouraged. 'My name's John Ford – I make westerns', he once said by way of introduction.1 Among his most popular westerns are Staqecoach (1939), My Darlinq Clementine (1946), Fort Apache (1947), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949), The Searchers (1956), and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962). "Western or non-western, Ford's films exhibit characteristics that transcend those categories. Critics have recognized Ford's preoccupation with the traditional values of home and country, whether the country is Ireland or the United States; they have characterized his heroes as loners, men disappointed with life in some way that is only implied; and they have enumerated the elements of a typical Ford film: Monument Valley, the Seventh Cavalry, a fight, a dance, a wedding, a funeral, and the members of the so-called John Ford Stock Company, actors who appeared again and again in his films: John Wayne, Victor McLaglen, Henry Fonda, Ward Bond, Olive Carey, Harry Carey, Jr., John Qualen, and Hank Worden among others.
- ↑ Punch, David A. (2. september 2018). »Stagecoach: Defining the Western, How John Ford's 1939 western classic transformed the dying genre into the epitome of American cinema«. Medium. "Monument Valley resides on the Utah–Arizona border, within the territory of the Navajo Reservation. Encompassing approximately 30,000 acres, the land is noteworthy for its incredible sandstone buttes, which reach as high as 1,000 ft. Realizing how magnificent the location would be for a western picture, resident Harry Goulding approached John Ford about shooting his next film there. After previewing the landscape through some pictures Goulding brought along with him, Ford was certain he wanted to film Stagecoach there. Some of the motivation for that was the remoteness of the location. Hundreds of miles away from any form of civilization, it certainly discouraged nosey producers from prying, though the natural beauty of the terrain was a deciding factor. It became his preferred location for shooting westerns; Ford favored its majesty over accuracy in films like My Darling Clementine (1946), set in Tombstone, Arizona, and The Searchers, which substitutes the location for practically everywhere the characters travel to. The expansive countryside embodied the untamed potential of the western frontier so vividly it has become the iconic image of the west. Ford's discovery of Monument Valley was crucial in piecing together his image of the frontier — a vision which has become the defining portrait of the American West."
- ↑ Movshovitz, Howard (1984). »The Still Point: Women in the Westerns of John Ford«. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. University of Nebraska Press. 7: 68–72. doi:10.2307/3346245. JSTOR 3346245.
- ↑ »50 Years Ago, Two Iconic Films Featured Monument Valley«. 5. junij 2017. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 7. marca 2024. Pridobljeno 7. marca 2024.
Zunanje povezave
[uredi | uredi kodo]- Predstavnosti o temi Monument Valley v Wikimedijini zbirki
- »Monument Valley Tours & Tickets«. Travel Guide.
- »Complete Monument Valley Guide: Drive, Hotels, Camping, Seasons«. When To Go. 12. november 2017.
- »List of movies and television shows with scenes in Monument Valley«. IMDb.
- »Monument Valley«. American Southwest Guide.
- »Monument Valley«. Navajo Nation Parks. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 4. januarja 2006.
- »Photographs and documents of pre-automobile access Monument Valley from the Monument Highway Digital Collection«. Utah State University.
- »Uranium mining in Monument Valley and its decommissioning«. Energy Information Administration. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 14. oktobra 2003.