Easily convert Word documents to high-quality PDFs online for free. No sign-up needed, no watermarks added.
Want to turn a Word document into a polished PDF? Our online converter makes it easy. Just upload your DOC or DOCX file, and we’ll convert it in a snap. Formatting, fonts, and layout—as sharp as the original.
Turn any Microsoft Word document into a perfectly formatted PDF fast. Just upload your documents, then download your PDFs. You can even convert multiple files at once. It’s really that easy.
Our cloud-based Word to PDF tool runs in your browser, so you can convert on Mac, Windows, Linux, iPhone, or Android—anytime, anywhere. No installations, no compatibility issues.
Need to enhance your new PDF? Add annotations or page numbers, compress for easy emailing, or merge multiple PDFs for easier document management.
Word to PDF conversion couldn’t be easier. Upload a Word file, and we’ll handle the rest. The file conversion is quick, delivering your PDF in seconds. We support both DOC and DOCX files.
Have no worries! We permanently remove converted files from our servers after 1 hour. Create a free Smallpdf account if you want to store converted files online instead.
As an online tool, our Word to PDF converter is accessible anytime, anywhere. Use it from your PC’s browser, Android or iOS phone, or tablet for quick, hassle-free conversions.
And it doesn’t stop with Microsoft Word files. This all-in-one PDF converter lets you transform any file into a PDF, including formats like JPG, PNG, Excel, and PPT.
If you’re converting lots of files every day, try Smallpdf Pro. You can process as many Word files to PDF as you need in one go.
Our goal is to create a seamless digital workspace. After converting a DOC file to PDF, you can freely preview, edit, and securely store it—all conveniently in the cloud.
Yes! Anyone can use Smallpdf’s conversion tool to convert Word (and many other file types) to PDF format for free. You can unlock unlimited conversions, along with 30+ PDF tools, with a Pro subscription—give it a try with a 7-day free trial. You can cancel anytime within the trial period.
You bet! Our PDF converter works with Word (DOC, DOCX), Excel (XLS, XLSX), PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX), and all kinds of image files. You can convert between any of these formats with ease.
Yes, you can. Check out the Smallpdf Mobile App for iOS and Android—where you can convert, modify, and compress PDF documents without an Internet connection.
Yes. All file transfers are secured through advanced TLS encryption. On top of that, we automatically delete all files from our servers after one hour of processing, unless you choose to save them in your Smallpdf account.
You bet! Our PDF converter works with PowerPoint, Excel, and all kinds of image files. You can convert to and from any of them just as easily.
No problem! We have a 24/7 support team to assist you with all PDF-related needs. Contact us via support@smallpdf.com—we’ll reply within minutes.
Boost productivity in your business with unlimited access to all Smallpdf’s tools for taking the hassle out of document work. Do more, better, faster.