Jan 3, 2025

We all knew it was gonna come back down to this...Who's the Best Blorbo?

Garrus Vakarian

Zevran Arainai

I've only played DA or ME and my answer would be biased (see results)

See Results

rb's are appreciate so this gets as far outside of my bubble as possible

Mar 17, 2024


could today be the perfect day for you to read a chapter of my visual novel, soul of sovereignty? it could be.

"what's it about?" two unlikely companions seek out the power to recreate their dying world in the all-pervading shadow of the capitalist church state

"that sounds heavy" it's about a mild-mannered wizard dad getting his shit rocked by a sexy clown

"ok, but i've never played a visual novel before. i'm scared." that is o.k. my friend. it's just like reading a regular novel, except it has pretty pictures and also music by my dear friend toby fox.

soulsov could be real... life could be dream...

what say you, traveler...?

and also it's 30% off for four more days ^_^

Nov 16, 2023


I love RPG games. And some of the best ones were made by Squaresoft. And some of the best ones were made in the 90's

There's people out there who call it Square's golden era. Banger after banger of quality RPGs, with wonderful worlds, beautiful art and magical stories. They're still remembered to this day as some of the best in the genre

Today i bring you something that i've decided to call, The Squaresoft RPG Golden Era Legacy Collection™

Bahamut Lagoon Chrono Trigger Chrono Cross Final Fantasy 4, 5, and 6 Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantasy 7 Live A Live Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Romancing Saga 1, 2, and 3 Saga Frontier 1 and 2 Final Fantasy Gaiden/Adventure (Seiken Densetsu 1) Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2) Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3) Super Mario RPG Final Fantasy Legend 1, 2 and 3 Legend of Mana (Seiken Densetsu series) Vagrant Story XenogearsALT

25 of the best games ever made. Now ALL of them translated and available on PC

The collection contains SNES, PS1, and Gameboy games. Emulators for all 3 are included in the pack. DOWNLOAD HERE!! (3.5 GB)

Notebook theme by egg.design