Bugs fixed in this release:
- All-Day events now are imported onto the correct day (instead of a day early)
- Non @gmail.com usernames are accepted. If you use “thegooley” it will assume “thegooley@gmail.com”, but you can also use “thegooley@hotmail.com” by providing your entire email address
- The FAILED error message has been modified to display the actual error text, so please report what it says when you post about a problem
- Error log file changed from ApplicationData\GCalSync\GCalSyncErrors.xml to GCalSyncErrors.txt (it was never actually an XML file, but was named that due to an oversight by me)
Important Note
Make sure your device timezone is set correctly.
When the app launches, the status bar will show your timezone, if it’s not correct go fix it before you sync. Google stores in GMT, and the app has to convert to local time for you. If your timezone isn’t right you’ll get wierd times on all your appointments, then you’ll have to delete them all off your device and re-sync. Not fun. Trust me.Basic Usage
- After you put in your account information and click Pick Calendars, it will connect and attempt to list your available calendars for you
- Check off one or more calendars.
- Make sure you go to Options->Choose Default. This will allow events created on the mobile device to be exported back to the google calendar.
- Click Done and then Yes to do the initial import.
- Import will take a little while, depending on how many events you have in the calendar. (All events are imported, this will be more flexible in the future)
Sync Functions
New events created either on the Mobile or Online are synced. Changes made Online to dates and titles will be reflected on the mobile device. Other changes will not be merged. Date/Title changes on the mobile device to events already existing online will be overwritten by the online data. I need to write a better sync/merge function and that will come in the next release.
- アカウント情報を入力した後で、「Pick Calendars」をタップすると、接続して、取得可能なカレンダーのリストアップを試みます。
- 1つないしそれ以上のカレンダーをチェックします。
- 必ず「Options」→「Choose Default」を確認してください。ここの設定により、モバイルデバイスで作成されたイベントがGoogleカレンダー側に出力させることができます。
- 「Done」をタップし「Yes」で初期インポートを実行します。
- インポートは少し時間がかかります。これはカレンダーにどれだけ沢山のイベントがあるかによります。(全てのイベントがインポートされます。これは将来、もっと柔軟にできるようにする予定です)