Over 30 unique channels of listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio broadcasting to the world. All music hand-picked by SomaFM's award-winning DJs and music directors.

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SomaFM News:

If you connect to SomaFM's streams using "ice4", please be advised that it is under maintenance for the next 24 hours or more. If you have no idea what that means, that's fine. 30-Jan-2025

We had a partial stream outage last night, starting around 4am Pacific time and resolved around Noon. We're still trying to track down what caused it. Sorry about that. 29-Jan-2025 [more news]

Fundraising Update as of February 03 at 5PM PST: To meet our budget, we need to raise $1,580 a day for the next 25 days. So far today we've raised $614, and for the month $3,524. We still are trying to raise $39,475 more by the end of the month.

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