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Highest Rated
satisfies all my needs. numpy + matplotlib + python much better than using matlab. I'm glad and proud that i switched.
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I know I want to use NumPy, however easy_install for NumPy version 1.7.0 fails (writing out of sandbox), and the link to the project web site is broken ... is the rest of the software also so ... quirky ???
User Reviews
Great package. I was using it few years ago in one high-load computational task.
Absolutely the worst install process. Not clear. All attempts have failed. Wasted 3 hours and nothing works. I just want to use numpy, not compile it! Please cater to users, not boffins. Simple install please - maybe pip.
Good project! As it comes to Windows, I've found it is easier to use DMelt ( using Jython scripts on the Java platform.
guedor ! The solution is that you need to install Python only for you, not for all users. The problem is with registry. When I reinstalled my Python, this solution helped :)
Excellent application.
@guedor hi, guedor. maybe you can try to re-install python 3.4 and choose the "only for me" option. best regards
I have installed Python 3.4 and now I try to install numpy-1.9.2-win32-superpack-python3.4.exe for Windows 8.1 64bit. But I got any time the message that Python 3.4 is not found in the regestry...! What is wrong? Can someone give me a hint? Thank you for your support!
Thank you for this.
@jeruprogrammer I installed Numpy on Windows 7. After unzipping the folder I moved the directory to the python scripts directory I opened "Windows Powershell", changed directories to the "Scripts" directory. Then I typed ".\pip install numpy-1.9.2" and waited for it to install. After it finished unstalling I deleted the numpy folder from the scripts directory. Hope this helps
I download and unzip, but I can't figure out how to set this up and install so that I can start accessing the NumPy's modules. Please help!
Excellent package, for an excellent language, opening the way for open source scientific computation, allowing you to leverage the huge number of packages available on the Python package index (aka PyPI).
Great project. Makes my life easier
Very helpful and powerful package. Except that there is no Python 3.3 installer for Windows
Numpy works fine.
Thanks for good program!
Numpy is the best! Thanks.
I know I want to use NumPy, however easy_install for NumPy version 1.7.0 fails (writing out of sandbox), and the link to the project web site is broken ... is the rest of the software also so ... quirky ???
Wow, great software.
82% accept rate
This is surely one of the best open source projects.
Amazing tool. Works perfect. Very helpful.
This is the best programm. I have ever used... Congratulations...
great project, this package is exempt from the vast amount of routine work
The best suite basen on free apps!