Yall I’ve just realized that Matt has a pressed flower from Foggy’s funeral on his table.
Sorry but the bit with the one bank robber calling matt a charles dickens character made me lose it. love love love when superhero comics point out the insanity of superhero comics
Bro you know it’s bad when a man in a devil themed bondage suit is after you and you’re still the freakiest person in the room.
I love that we’re all collectively still freaking out over the thigh thing. Marvel knew what they were doing with that lmao.
They look like a married couple in therapy
Guys, season three is even better on the rewatch. I’m noticing so many little details that I didn’t see the first time. Why did I never clock the parallels between Ray and Jack? omgggg
S3.E4 “Blindsided“
Rewatching Daredevil after a few years is just me realizing that Matt is kind of an asshole.
Kingpin is literally such a pretentious simpy nerd that I forget he’s an actual villian and not a teenage boy waxing poetic about Dostoevsky or something on Reddit and then he just turns around and beats the shit out of people and it’s like wowee zowee.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier + trivia
I will never deny that Bucky Barnes and his strange, weirdo fake psycho smile…has an effect.
When you are Captain America’s slightly deranged best friend.
I will now only refer to foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock as legally blonde and Legally blind. No I will not elaborate
heard the winter soldier’s turning over a new leaf
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law — Charlie Cox official posters.