Lua FBO and RBO
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( [ table initialization ] ) -> userdata fbo
initialization table can contain:
attachment ::= luaTex or RBO or nil or { luaTex [, num target [, num level ] ] }
{ depth = attachment, stencil = attachment, color0 = attachment, color1 = attachment, color2 = attachment, .. color15 = attachment, drawbuffers = { GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT, ..} }
gl.DeleteFBO (This doesn't delete the attached objects!)
( fbo ) -> nil
( fbo [, number target ] ) -> boolean valid [, number status ]
( fbo [, number target ] [, boolean identities ] , lua_function, arg1, arg2, ... ) -> nil
gl.UnsafeSetFBO (Binds a FBO like gl.ActiveFBO() does, but you have to unbind it yourself!)
( nil [, number target = GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT ] ) -> nil (Bind default screenbuffer) ( fbo [, number target = ] ) -> nil
gl.RawBindFBO (Replaces UnsafeSetFBO starting from 104.0.1-1003-gb3e02a6 maintenance)
( nil [, number target = GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT ] [, number rawFboId = 0] ) -> nil (Bind default or specified via rawFboId numeric id of FBO) ( fbo [, number target = ] ) -> number previouslyBoundRawFboId
gl.BlitFBO needs GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_blit
( int x0Src,y0Src,x1Src,y1Src, int x0Dst,y0Dst,x1Dst,y1Dst [, number mask = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT [, number filter = GL_NEAREST ] ] ) -> nil
( fboSrc , int x0Src,y0Src,x1Src,y1Src, fboDst , int x0Dst,y0Dst,x1Dst,y1Dst [, number mask = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT [, number filter = GL_NEAREST ] ] ) -> nil
Userdata FBO
attachment ::= luaTex or RBO or nil or { luaTex or RBO [, num target [, num level ]] }
write-only methods are: fbo.depth = attachment fbo.stencil = attachment fbo.color0 = attachment .. fbo.color15 = attachment fbo.drawbuffers = { GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT, ..} fbo.readbuffer = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT
( int xsize, int ysize, [ { target = GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, format = GL_RGBA, [samples = number], any number here will result in creation of multisampled RBO (Added in 104.0.1-1015-g8e36ef2 maintenance) } ]) -> userdata rbo
( rbo ) -> nil
Userdata RBO
read-only methods are: = number rbo.format = number rbo.xsize = number rbo.ysize = number rbo.valid = boolean rbo.samples = number will return globalRendering->msaaLevel for multisampled RBO or 0 otherwise (Added in 104.0.1-1015-g8e36ef2 maintenance)