Papers by suresh thontadarya
![Research paper thumbnail of Challenges Faced by Individuals with Hearing Impairment during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in India – A Pilot Study](
The international tinnitus journal, 2023
COVID-19 (Corona Virus Infectious Disease) situations reported in 2019, declared by World Health ... more COVID-19 (Corona Virus Infectious Disease) situations reported in 2019, declared by World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic is still a prevailing global crisis. Common regulations were implemented such as lockdown, wearing face masks as mandatory, face shields, gloves and maintaining physical and social distance in public places to reduce the spread of the virus. These pandemic induced challenges affected social communication, technical and behavioral aspects in lifestyle of people with hearing impairment. Along with medical, paramedical services, the crisis had challenged hearing, speech language pathology and therapy services too. The study aimed to explore the challenges that adults with hearing impairment had experienced during the pandemic and to suggest some practical solutions that can be implemented by audiologists. It is a questionnaire-based study with purposive sampling method employed in data collection. The questionnaire was administered on adult hearing aid users (mean age: 18 years) recruited for participation from different parts/ clinical setups across India. The outcome of the questionnaire did support the assumption that availing audiological services was difficult or impossible for most of the hearing aid users. Accessing batteries was reported to be the most frequent issue. Adequate level of hearing though hearing aid was important to them and clinical services could not be availed for long period of time due to travel related issues and closure of audiological services. Also, social isolation impacted on their quality of life and effective communication. As a possible solution most of the users chose tele services as a better solution.
![Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives towards Communication Options among Parents of Children with Hearing Impairment](
Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery
Introduction Intervention and educational approaches ranging from oral language only to oral lang... more Introduction Intervention and educational approaches ranging from oral language only to oral language combined with various forms of sign language have evolved. The aim of this study was to understand the choices of language for the deaf/ hearing impaired child for communication by the parents using a survey questionnaire. The objectives were to adapt the questionnaire given by to obtain the information about the choices of communication mode and the process of selection. Materials and Methods Participants included in this study were parents of hearing impaired and deaf children in Bengaluru. Modified and shortlisted 31 questions given to ten teachers of deaf and sign language users for content validation and those suggestions were incorporated. Questionnaire was provided to parents of hearing impaired and deaf children. Results Study showed majority were fitted with devices to help their hearing – hearing aid and cochlear implant and joined oral school for education. Age of Inter...
![Research paper thumbnail of An exploratory study for the perception and attitude of internship program by students of speech and hearing](
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health
Background: The attitude and opinion of internship experience as reported by students can be a us... more Background: The attitude and opinion of internship experience as reported by students can be a useful data for effective monitoring of any academic program. Such methods are common practice worldwide, e.g., ASHA publishes survey reports annually. The present project was aimed at evaluating the perception and attitude of students of the internship program of speech and hearing sciences at the graduate level of DrSRCISH. Methods: The data was from 75 intern students posted at different rehabilitation, diagnostic and school setups. The study used a self-administered questionnaire in digital form (Google form) which had 22 questions in multiple choice or true/false statements. The questionnaire had three sections-demographic, experiences of the internship, and shortcomings in the internship. Results: Completed forms were received from the 31 out of 75 subjects. The forms were available for internees for a period of one month. Return rate was 41%. Current internship is able to provide d...
Journal of the Indian Speech & Hearing Association, 2022
Journal of the Indian Speech & Hearing Association, 2022
![Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Musical Experience on Cochlear Frequency Resolution: An Estimation of PTCs, DLF and SOAEs](
The Journal of International Advanced Otology, 2021
Background : There is a lot of debate on whether musical experience/training can affect cochlear ... more Background : There is a lot of debate on whether musical experience/training can affect cochlear filter characteristics and thereby enhance frequency resolution skills in musicians (Ms). Thus, the objective of the study was to compare between Ms and non-musicians (NMs) and correlate the frequency resolution skills with years of musical experience, the difference limen for frequency (DLF), and the Q10 values of psychophysical tuning curves (PTCs) measured at 2 characteristic frequencies (CFs), 1000 and 4000 Hz. The secondary objective was to find out whether spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) can be recorded among Ms more frequently than among NMs. Methods: Thirty-six listeners with normal hearing participated in the study. They were 18 Ms with a minimum of 8 years of musical experience, and 18 NMs. Forward-masked PTCs and DLF tests were assessed for each listener in the right ear at 2 CFs, 1 and 4 kHz, and SOAEs were measured using standard protocol. Results: The results obta...
![Research paper thumbnail of Study of Perceptual Effects of Auditory Ecology on Phoneme Perception among Individuals with Mild to Moderate Sensori Neural Hearing Loss](
Global Journal of Otolaryngology, Mar 9, 2017
Backround: Speech signals are known to be altered to a significant level by background noise, rev... more Backround: Speech signals are known to be altered to a significant level by background noise, reverberation, and less than desirable specifications in frequency and temporal responses of communication channel. Everyday noises in an individual's own acoustic environment is a heterogeneous group and dynamic in that it changes throughout the day as well over a period of days/months. Therefore impact of these everyday noises on speech perception in individuals with normal hearing and hearing impairment is not easy to predict from clinical measures of word recognition scores. Effect of noise on word recognition score (WRS) is routinely measured using Speech in noise (SPIN) test, where in the competing signal is the audiometric noise. Hence, the present study aims to assess speech perception of an individual with hearing loss as measured using recorded noises which are representative of typical noises encountered by these individual's in their daily routine. The participants included 15 adults with bilateral mild to moderate hearing loss in the age range of 30-50 years. Detailed Audiological evaluation was carried out on all participants prior to the study to ensure compliancy to the selection criteria. Real world noises were recorded at locations which are frequented by the subjects in their daily life. This was done by a prior study (Sreelekha, 2014) using survey and questionnaire tool and all daily acoustic environment were tabulated on a frequency measure. Recording of these reported real world noises was done using a Sound Level Meter (SLM) with a condenser microphone connected to a laptop computer and software for audio recording. The speech perception was measured by using standard phoneme perception test in kannada (devaki..) and mixing these noise levels to the test materials at predetermined SNR level, i.e 0dB and +10dB SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio). Results: Results showed that certain noises like traffic noise effectively reduced speech perception ability more significantly than other noises. The effect was more for 0dB SNR than for +10dB SNR. The result suggests that not only overall amplitude of noise spectrum, the spectro-temporal distribution of energy also plays a key role in masking the cues for consonant perception of hearing impaired individual. The results of the current study reflects the importance of auditory ecology in understanding the acoustical world that an individual with hearing impairment is exposed to and how our intervention strategy must be changed depending on this.
![Research paper thumbnail of Study of Perceptual Effects of Auditory Ecology on Phoneme Perception among Individuals with Mild to Moderate Sensori Neural Hearing Loss](
Global Journal Of Otolaryngology, 2017
Backround: Speech signals are known to be altered to a significant level by background noise, rev... more Backround: Speech signals are known to be altered to a significant level by background noise, reverberation, and less than desirable specifications in frequency and temporal responses of communication channel. Everyday noises in an individual’s own acoustic environment is a heterogeneous group and dynamic in that it changes throughout the day as well over a period of days/months. Therefore impact of these everyday noises on speech perception in individuals with normal hearing and hearing impairment is not easy to predict from clinical measures of word recognition scores. Effect of noise on word recognition score (WRS) is routinely measured using Speech in noise (SPIN) test, where in the competing signal is the audiometric noise. Hence, the present study aims to assess speech perception of an individual with hearing loss as measured using recorded noises which are representative of typical noises encountered by these individual’s in their daily routine. Material and Method: The participants included 15 adults with bilateral mild to moderate hearing loss in the age range of 30-50 years. Detailed Audiological evaluation was carried out on all participants prior to the study to ensure compliancy to the selection criteria. Real world noises were recorded at locations which are frequented by the subjects in their daily life. This was done by a prior study (Sreelekha, 2014) using survey and questionnaire tool and all daily acoustic environment were tabulated on a frequency measure. Recording of these reported real world noises was done using a Sound Level Meter (SLM) with a condenser microphone connected to a laptop computer and software for audio recording. The speech perception was measured by using standard phoneme perception test in kannada (devaki..) and mixing these noise levels to the test materials at predetermined SNR level, i.e 0dB and +10dB SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio).Results: Results showed that certain noises like traffic noise effectively reduced speech perception ability more significantly than other noises. The effect was more for 0dB SNR than for +10dB SNR. The result suggests that not only overall amplitude of noise spectrum, the spectro-temporal distribution of energy also plays a key role in masking the cues for consonant perception of hearing impaired individual.Conclusion: The results of the current study reflects the importance of auditory ecology in understanding the acoustical world that an individual with hearing impairment is exposed to and how our intervention strategy must be changed depending on this.
(PDF) Study of Perceptual Effects of Auditory Ecology on Phoneme Perception among Individuals with Mild to Moderate Sensori Neural Hearing Loss. Available from: [accessed Jan 12 2022].
![Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Musical Experience on Cochlear Frequency Resolution: An Estimation of PTCs, DLF and SOAEs](
The Journal of International Advanced Otology, 2021
BACKGROUND: There is a lot of debate on whether musical experience/training can affect cochlear f... more BACKGROUND: There is a lot of debate on whether musical experience/training can affect cochlear filter characteristics and thereby enhance frequency resolution skills in musicians (Ms). Thus, the objective of the study was to compare between Ms and non-musicians (NMs) and correlate the frequency resolution skills with years of musical experience, the difference limen for frequency (DLF), and the Q10 values of psychophysical tuning curves (PTCs) measured at 2 characteristic frequencies (CFs), 1000 and 4000 Hz. The secondary objective was to find out whether spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) can be recorded among Ms more frequently than among NMs. METHODS: Thirty-six listeners with normal hearing participated in the study. They were 18 Ms with a minimum of 8 years of musical experience, and 18 NMs. Forward-masked PTCs and DLF tests were assessed for each listener in the right ear at 2 CFs, 1 and 4 kHz, and SOAEs were measured using standard protocol. RESULTS: The results obtained indicated that values of the psychophysical measures, DLF and Q10, were better among the Ms group. Statistically significant differences were seen when measurements were done at 1 KHz and 4 KHz. SOAEs were recorded in a higher number of Ms than NMs. Musical experience had a moderate positive correlation with PTC Q10 values at both 1 and 4 kHz, but not DLF values. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that musical experience enhances peripheral filtering, and thereby betters cochlear frequency selectivity in Ms.
![Research paper thumbnail of Effect of multichannel and channels free hearing aid signal processing on phoneme recognition in quiet and noise](
Introduction: Older adults with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) find it difficult to understand... more Introduction: Older adults with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) find it difficult to understand speech especially, in noise. Hearing aid is one among the rehabilitative option available to them. Even with advent in hearing aid technology, adequate benefit for hearing loss is a colossal challenge. It was hypothesized that channel free hearing aid improves the speech perception in presence of noise. Aim & Objective: To document consonant identification scores (CIS) and sequential transfer of information from multichannel and channel free hearing aids, in noise. Materials and Methods: Fourteen participants having bilateral sloping SNHL were included. Each participant was presented 21 syllables in unaided and aided conditions (4 channels, 12 channels, and channel free hearing aids) at quite, +10 dBSNR and 0dBSNR, to determine CIS and sequential transfer of information. Results: It was observed that signal-processing strategies did not significantly affect consonant identification at q...
![Research paper thumbnail of Usefulness of Extended Audiological Test Battery for Identifying Unsafe Type of CSOM in A Non Hospital Audiology Set Ups- Single Case Study on Secondary Acquired Cholesteatoma](
Background: The present paper highlights a single case study where inclusion of additional Immitt... more Background: The present paper highlights a single case study where inclusion of additional Immittance procedures such as Multifrequency tympanometry (MFT), Multicomponent (MCT) tympanometry along with single frequency tympanometry, reflexometry and other tests in a test battery approach helped in identifying a cholesteatoma / CSOM during our regular outpatient audiological procedures of a teaching college of speech and hearing. Method: Pure tone audiometry, Single probe tone frequency tympanometry, MFT, MCT, Reflexometry and Bone Conduction Auditory brainstem response (BC-ABR) were carried out. Result and conclusion: The results of Pure-tone audiometry test indicated Normal hearing sensitivity in left ear and a Profound mixed hearing loss in right ear. The single probe tone tympanometry revealed an „As‟ type and an „A‟ type tympanogram in the right and left ear respectively. MFT revealed a mass dominated pathology in the right ear and a normal resonance in the left ear which in turn...
![Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Musical Experience on Cochlear Frequency Resolution: An Estimation of PTCs, DLF and SOAEs](
The journal of international advanced otology , 2021
BACKGROUND: There is a lot of debate on whether musical experience/training can affect cochlear f... more BACKGROUND: There is a lot of debate on whether musical experience/training can affect cochlear filter characteristics and thereby enhance frequency resolution skills in musicians (Ms). Thus, the objective of the study was to compare between Ms and non-musicians (NMs) and correlate the frequency resolution skills with years of musical experience, the difference limen for frequency (DLF), and the Q10 values of psychophysical tuning curves (PTCs) measured at 2 characteristic frequencies (CFs), 1000 and 4000 Hz. The secondary objective was to find out whether spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) can be recorded among Ms more frequently than among NMs. METHODS: Thirty-six listeners with normal hearing participated in the study. They were 18 Ms with a minimum of 8 years of musical experience, and 18 NMs. Forward-masked PTCs and DLF tests were assessed for each listener in the right ear at 2 CFs, 1 and 4 kHz, and SOAEs were measured using standard protocol. RESULTS: The results obtained indicated that values of the psychophysical measures, DLF and Q10, were better among the Ms group. Statistically significant differences were seen when measurements were done at 1 KHz and 4 KHz. SOAEs were recorded in a higher number of Ms than NMs. Musical experience had a moderate positive correlation with PTC Q10 values at both 1 and 4 kHz, but not DLF values. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that musical experience enhances peripheral filtering, and thereby betters cochlear frequency selectivity in Ms.
![Research paper thumbnail of Usefulness of Extended Audiological Test Battery for Identifying Unsafe Type of CSOM in A Non Hospital Audiology Set Ups-Single Case Study on Secondary Acquired Cholesteatoma](
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research , 2019
Background: The present paper highlights a single case study where inclusion of additional Immitt... more Background: The present paper highlights a single case study where inclusion of additional Immittance procedures such as Multifrequency tympanometry (MFT), Multicomponent (MCT) tympanometry along with single frequency tympanometry, reflexometry and other tests in a test battery approach helped in identifying a cholesteatoma / CSOM during our regular outpatient audiological procedures of a teaching college of speech and hearing. Method: Pure tone audiometry, Single probe tone frequency tympanometry, MFT, MCT, Reflexometry and Bone Conduction Auditory brainstem response (BC-ABR) were carried out. Result and conclusion: The results of Pure-tone audiometry test indicated Normal hearing sensitivity in left ear and a Profound mixed hearing loss in right ear. The single probe tone tympanometry revealed an "As" type and an "A" type tympanogram in the right and left ear respectively. MFT revealed a mass dominated pathology in the right ear and a normal resonance in the left ear which in turn correlated with the results of MCT. The threshold of right BC-ABR was obtained at 40dBnHL, which indicated cochlear hearing to be affected to a smaller degree as to be expected in advanced CSOM conditions. Compilation of results of test battery assists the Audiologist to draw the attention of the treating ENT specialist towards appropriate diagnosis, designing a suitable intervention plan, effective counselling and appropriate referrals.
![Research paper thumbnail of Study of Perceptual Effects of Auditory Ecology on Phoneme Perception among Individuals with Mild to Moderate Sensori Neural Hearing Loss](
Glob J Otolaryngol, 2017
Backround: Speech signals are known to be altered to a significant level by background noise, rev... more Backround: Speech signals are known to be altered to a significant level by background noise, reverberation, and less than desirable
specifications in frequency and temporal responses of communication channel. Everyday noises in an individual’s own acoustic environment
is a heterogeneous group and dynamic in that it changes throughout the day as well over a period of days/months. Therefore impact of
these everyday noises on speech perception in individuals with normal hearing and hearing impairment is not easy to predict from clinical
measures of word recognition scores. Effect of noise on word recognition score (WRS) is routinely measured using Speech in noise (SPIN)
test, where in the competing signal is the audiometric noise. Hence, the present study aims to assess speech perception of an individual with
hearing loss as measured using recorded noises which are representative of typical noises encountered by these individual’s in their daily
Material and Method: The participants included 15 adults with bilateral mild to moderate hearing loss in the age range of 30-50 years.
Detailed Audiological evaluation was carried out on all participants prior to the study to ensure compliancy to the selection criteria. Real
world noises were recorded at locations which are frequented by the subjects in their daily life. This was done by a prior study (Sreelekha,
2014) using survey and questionnaire tool and all daily acoustic environment were tabulated on a frequency measure. Recording of these
reported real world noises was done using a Sound Level Meter (SLM) with a condenser microphone connected to a laptop computer and
software for audio recording. The speech perception was measured by using standard phoneme perception test in kannada (devaki..) and
mixing these noise levels to the test materials at predetermined SNR level, i.e 0dB and +10dB SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio).
Results: Results showed that certain noises like traffic noise effectively reduced speech perception ability more significantly than other
noises. The effect was more for 0dB SNR than for +10dB SNR. The result suggests that not only overall amplitude of noise spectrum, the
spectro-temporal distribution of energy also plays a key role in masking the cues for consonant perception of hearing impaired individual.
Conclusion: The results of the current study reflects the importance of auditory ecology in understanding the acoustical world that an
individual with hearing impairment is exposed to and how our intervention strategy must be changed depending on this.
Papers by suresh thontadarya
(PDF) Study of Perceptual Effects of Auditory Ecology on Phoneme Perception among Individuals with Mild to Moderate Sensori Neural Hearing Loss. Available from: [accessed Jan 12 2022].
specifications in frequency and temporal responses of communication channel. Everyday noises in an individual’s own acoustic environment
is a heterogeneous group and dynamic in that it changes throughout the day as well over a period of days/months. Therefore impact of
these everyday noises on speech perception in individuals with normal hearing and hearing impairment is not easy to predict from clinical
measures of word recognition scores. Effect of noise on word recognition score (WRS) is routinely measured using Speech in noise (SPIN)
test, where in the competing signal is the audiometric noise. Hence, the present study aims to assess speech perception of an individual with
hearing loss as measured using recorded noises which are representative of typical noises encountered by these individual’s in their daily
Material and Method: The participants included 15 adults with bilateral mild to moderate hearing loss in the age range of 30-50 years.
Detailed Audiological evaluation was carried out on all participants prior to the study to ensure compliancy to the selection criteria. Real
world noises were recorded at locations which are frequented by the subjects in their daily life. This was done by a prior study (Sreelekha,
2014) using survey and questionnaire tool and all daily acoustic environment were tabulated on a frequency measure. Recording of these
reported real world noises was done using a Sound Level Meter (SLM) with a condenser microphone connected to a laptop computer and
software for audio recording. The speech perception was measured by using standard phoneme perception test in kannada (devaki..) and
mixing these noise levels to the test materials at predetermined SNR level, i.e 0dB and +10dB SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio).
Results: Results showed that certain noises like traffic noise effectively reduced speech perception ability more significantly than other
noises. The effect was more for 0dB SNR than for +10dB SNR. The result suggests that not only overall amplitude of noise spectrum, the
spectro-temporal distribution of energy also plays a key role in masking the cues for consonant perception of hearing impaired individual.
Conclusion: The results of the current study reflects the importance of auditory ecology in understanding the acoustical world that an
individual with hearing impairment is exposed to and how our intervention strategy must be changed depending on this.
(PDF) Study of Perceptual Effects of Auditory Ecology on Phoneme Perception among Individuals with Mild to Moderate Sensori Neural Hearing Loss. Available from: [accessed Jan 12 2022].
specifications in frequency and temporal responses of communication channel. Everyday noises in an individual’s own acoustic environment
is a heterogeneous group and dynamic in that it changes throughout the day as well over a period of days/months. Therefore impact of
these everyday noises on speech perception in individuals with normal hearing and hearing impairment is not easy to predict from clinical
measures of word recognition scores. Effect of noise on word recognition score (WRS) is routinely measured using Speech in noise (SPIN)
test, where in the competing signal is the audiometric noise. Hence, the present study aims to assess speech perception of an individual with
hearing loss as measured using recorded noises which are representative of typical noises encountered by these individual’s in their daily
Material and Method: The participants included 15 adults with bilateral mild to moderate hearing loss in the age range of 30-50 years.
Detailed Audiological evaluation was carried out on all participants prior to the study to ensure compliancy to the selection criteria. Real
world noises were recorded at locations which are frequented by the subjects in their daily life. This was done by a prior study (Sreelekha,
2014) using survey and questionnaire tool and all daily acoustic environment were tabulated on a frequency measure. Recording of these
reported real world noises was done using a Sound Level Meter (SLM) with a condenser microphone connected to a laptop computer and
software for audio recording. The speech perception was measured by using standard phoneme perception test in kannada (devaki..) and
mixing these noise levels to the test materials at predetermined SNR level, i.e 0dB and +10dB SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio).
Results: Results showed that certain noises like traffic noise effectively reduced speech perception ability more significantly than other
noises. The effect was more for 0dB SNR than for +10dB SNR. The result suggests that not only overall amplitude of noise spectrum, the
spectro-temporal distribution of energy also plays a key role in masking the cues for consonant perception of hearing impaired individual.
Conclusion: The results of the current study reflects the importance of auditory ecology in understanding the acoustical world that an
individual with hearing impairment is exposed to and how our intervention strategy must be changed depending on this.