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Postcard photo of Prince Manga Bell seated for portrait with four women nearby, possibly late-19th century style
Prince I-Manga Bell kanye nebafati labatintsandvokati.

Sitsembu ngumkhuba wekushada nebantfu labanyenti. Kantsi loku kuvame kutsii Indvodza ishade nebafati labangetulu kwamunye ngesikhatsi sinye. Tati tetenhlalakahle tibabita ngekutsi batsandzana. Uma umfati ashade nemadvodza langetulu kwamunye ngesikhatsi sinye, kubitwa ngekutsi yi-polyandry. Ku-Sociobiology kanye ne-zoology, bacwaningi basebentisa sitsembu ngemcondvo lowetayelekile kute basho nobe nguluphi luhlobo lwekuhlangana lokunyenti.