Papers by Roudlatun Nasikah
Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the impleme... more Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the implementation of loving motherland concept, as well as manifestation of exemplary to Prophet who not only as a religious leader, but also a statesman who leads the fight for peace, justice and prosperity. That role can be seen for example from the notice issued by the kiai in Presidential election 2019. The masyayikh (kiai) appeals the students and the extended family of the pesantren to not abstain and directs them to choose certain president candidate in the 2019 election. For santri, emulate and follow (ittiba>’) or that notice is a inevitability even though it seems contrary with the concept of democracy which adheres to the freedom of speech principle. Through this article, santri tradition in democracy will be analyzed descriptively analytically with the al-Qur'an and hadith approach. From the results of the study, it is found that that the observance of santri to Kiai is the actualization of the meaning of QS. al-Kahfi: 66 about the story of the Prophet Khidir and Musa, which illustrates the students obedience to the teacher. Beside, the santri democratic tradition concept can be called taadub democracy which is based on the santri manners or attitudes toward his teacher. Regarding to how the decision made, the kiai opens the opportunity and let the santri to decide, even though it will be responded by the santri with the principle of sami’na> wa at}a’na. If forced to be different, then they must pay attention to the relationship ethics between students and kiai, so it will not become obstacles to the benefit and blessing of knowledge.
Indonesian Islamic community is facing two unprofit concept. First, fundamentalism that has radic... more Indonesian Islamic community is facing two unprofit concept. First, fundamentalism that has radical action. Second, liberalism that grows desakralization of religion. Those conditions have a big role to influence how the sosiety act in religion, social, and politic. As a rahmah li al-'a> lami> n, Islam had offered a concept that full of solution from Rasulullah s alla Alla h 'alaih wa sallama utterance. That concept gives someone's Islamic indicator formula, not only be seen from identity, but also from their speak (lisa> n) and hands (yad). This article will explain the mean from utterance by integration-interconnection paradigm with communication psychology approachment and maudlu'i hadis. From this reseach, there's an information that oral meaning is related in how to communicate, both of spoken or written. While yad meaning is a mufti's knowledge, leader's authorization, wealth of rich people, and prayers of the poor. That concept is related how someone's speak and act well as their each proportion. By applying this concept, there is hoped Indonesia will be fair and prosperous country in God's forgiveness.
Keywords: Islamic Concept, Positive Communication, Proportional
Kajian ini membahas tentang hadits bekerja dengan menggunakan metode pemahaman hadits Yusuf al-Qa... more Kajian ini membahas tentang hadits bekerja dengan menggunakan metode pemahaman hadits Yusuf al-Qardhawi (Mata Kuliah Hadits Ahkam)
Resume ini akan mengulas pendapat ulama Klasik Sunni, Ulama Syi'ah, Ulama Kontemporer dan Orient... more Resume ini akan mengulas pendapat ulama Klasik Sunni, Ulama Syi'ah, Ulama Kontemporer dan Orientalis Barat (Mata Kuliah Madzhab Ahli Hadits)
Books by Roudlatun Nasikah
Buku kumpulan hadis-hadis tentang pendidikan Islam ini merupakan salah satu upaya agar hadis dan ... more Buku kumpulan hadis-hadis tentang pendidikan Islam ini merupakan salah satu upaya agar hadis dan ilmu hadis dapat dipelajari serta diamalkan dengan mudah bagi Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Islam maupun masyarakat umum. Bagian yang menarik dari buku ini dilengkapi dengan pesan-pesan yang terkandung dalam hadis dan takhrij al-hadis, sehingga mudah untuk dipahami dan bisa dijadikan bahan penelitian. Dan selanjutnya diharapkan kajian-kajian ilmu hadis dapat berkembang khususnya di Perguruan Tinggi Islam.
Papers by Roudlatun Nasikah
Keywords: Islamic Concept, Positive Communication, Proportional
Books by Roudlatun Nasikah
Keywords: Islamic Concept, Positive Communication, Proportional