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The frequency code (Ohala, 1994) posits that hearers associate higher frequencies of F0 and F2 with small size and lower frequencies with large size. There is some evidence that sound symbolism is at work in variation; Eckert (2010),... more
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Traditionally, within-turn pauses have been analyzed as silences that evince the hesitancy, disfluency, or ‘social ineptitude’ of the speaker (Goldman-Eisler 1968). Yet, interlocutors’ between-turn pauses have been analyzed as... more
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Research on dialect- and identity-based Arabic variation allows us to explore the sociolinguistic dynamics of Arabic speech communities beyond the influences of Classical Arabic (Haeri 1997). Four Cairene Arabic variants not present in... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyAmerican Indian Studies
Psycholinguistic experiments show that pronouns tend to be resolved differently depending on whether they occur in main or subordinate clauses. If a pronoun in a subordinate clause has more than one potential antecedent in the main... more
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In this paper, we describe the application of a bidirectional dependency parser trained on the Turin University Treebank.
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This paper describes a novel pedagogical software program that can be seen as an online companion to one of the standard textbooks of formal natural language semantics, Heim and Kratzer (1998). The Penn Lambda Calculator is a... more
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      SemanticsModel-theoretic SemanticsLinguisticsMathematical Linguistics
We introduce LTAG-spinal, a novel variant of traditional Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) with desirable linguistic, computational and statistical properties. Unlike in traditional LTAG, subcategorization frames and the... more
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This paper provides a unification-based implementation of Binding Theory (BT) for the English language in the framework of feature-based lexicalized tree-adjoining grammar (LTAG). The grammar presented here does not actually coindex any... more
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In this presentation, I provide an account for the weak/strong ambiguity of donkey anaphora. I argue that the way this ambiguity is resolved depends on the goals of the agents and on the background assumption that the individuals in the... more
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An argument by Kratzer (2000) based on Schein (1986, 1993) does not conclusively show that events and thematic roles are necessary ingredients of the logical representation of natural language sentences. The argument claims that... more
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      SemanticsModel-theoretic SemanticsLinguisticsPhilosophy of Linguistics
Constructions analyzed in this talk: - Distributively interpreted NPs: "Three boys hiccupped." "Each man wore a green tie." - for-adverbials: "run for fifty minutes" vs. "*run to the store for fifty minutes"; "run for five miles" vs. *run... more
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We explore configurations in which "dou" in Chinese is compatible with cumulative readings involving numeral quantifiers. Such readings pose prima facie problems for a view that uniformly translates dou as as Link’s (1983) star operator... more
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An NP-hardness proof for non-local Multicomponent Tree Adjoining Grammar (MCTAG) by Rambow and Satta (1992), based on Dahlhaus and Warmuth (1986), is extended to some linguistically relevant restrictions of that formalism. It is found... more
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      Mathematical LinguisticsFormal language theory
This paper proposes a solution to Haddock's puzzle: Why do embedded definites ("the rabbit in the hat") have different presuppositions from what would be expected on a strictly compositional semantics? For example, "the rabbit in the hat"... more
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      SemanticsModel-theoretic SemanticsSemantics/PragmaticsSyntax/Semantics
Zimmermann (2002) identifies two kinds of distance-distributive items across languages. The first kind (e.g. each) is restricted to distribution over individuals; the second kind (e.g. German jeweils) can also be interpreted as... more
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      SemanticsModel-theoretic SemanticsLinguisticsFormal Semantics
Temporal dependencies provide a useful testbed for syntactic and semantic theories of meaning/context interaction. In this poster, I consider two kinds of temporal dependencies: those that hold between temporal adjuncts as in (1a) and... more
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      SemanticsModel-theoretic SemanticsLinguisticsFormal Semantics