said something cruel i can't say i quite regret it
dm me for my email


Sorry im being annoying i just remembered that music is life the other day

misread the word “migration” as “migraine” and spent a moment rubbing my forehead wondering where the headache factored into all of this political stuff


human brain is so easy to manipulate its stupid. sun is out longer in evening = life is worth living…read some negative social media posts = everybody hates me…read one interesting article = i have the scholar’s ambition

i dont ever want to be someone who “knows” new york sorry brooklyn is a girl’s name to me queens are what i live for & manhattan is a drink you can order at a cocktail bar… that city does not need to matter at all if we just don’t let it



“Rationalism” is up there with “Objectivism” in terms of “definitionally funny things to call your own belief system”.

“Yeah man I’ve been doing some thinking and philosophy and I’ve come up with a framework called Being Right”

only way out is through & etc.

hypocritical as i spend a lot of time doing nothing/wasting away but the more cool stuff i do in my life the more i am viscerally disgusted by people who do absolutely nothing at all like nothing nothing not like work but just nothing.

i dont tag my ugly pictures with my face tag because these ugly pics are ephemeral and the face tag gets stalked sometimes by beautiful women who are deciding whether to follow me on tumblr and they dont need to see that …


crazy new toral pics just dropped please don’t be overwhelmed by how buff i am

kindof losing it bc i didnt study much today for my exam on friday and tomorrow i have meetings from 11 - 13 and then 14 - 17 and then choir from 19.45 - 22 so as you can imagine not much time to stdy at all which leaves me wednesday and thursday and friday morning to study. and our symposium is on saturday so im starting to get nervousssss about it. somehow it feels like 100% my fault and solely my fault that it has not been planned perfectly, even though of course it’s just unlucky sometimes.

well my boyfriend’s in a band….. *kills self*

sometimes i see a woman so beautiful it pisses me offfff we are not the same species we are not living the same lives at all… come over here and tell me what it’s like in your world

feeling this like indescribable fatigue in my entire upper body presumably from consuming not nearly enough food over the weekend. we had a sad pathetic lunch yesterday even by dutch standards. it was raining and there were no benches so we stood under the entrance of a cave and each had one or two slices of bread with some peanut butter or chocolate or a single slice of cheese….

muscle in my arm won’t stop twitching i feel like im losing my mind it’s distracting me from everything Also my computer mouse just ran out of battery but i dont have any AAs and don’t wanna go back to the store so im going laptop mode for the next day or two. 2 posts in 1 hope u enjoyed

what did they do to this website it’s so ugly

got a whole loaf of bread against my will from this camping trip so i guess tonight im habbing sandwich for dinner…
