Stellenbosch University
While African merchandise trade has lagged behind other developing countries, services exportsnotably tourism -have shown remarkable growth over the last decade. This paper calculates revealed comparative advantage for 147 countries using... more
World service exports have grown at a rapid rate over the past few decades. While some countries have benefited from the surge in service exports, others have been left behind. This paper provides a snapshot of South Africa's comparative... more
T h e s o u r c e s o f c o m p a r a t i ve a d v an t ag e i n t o u r i s m ABSTRACT Tourism flows are usually explained through demand-side factors such as income growth in developed economies and changes in the preferences of... more
The causes of the poor white problem, first noted at a Dutch Reformed Church Synod in 1886, were unclear; many blamed the inadequate education system, urbanisation, cheap wages or cultural factors, while others argued that external events... more