Sign in to an account on your Mac with a passkey
A passkey is a way to sign in to an app or website account, without needing to create and remember a password. Instead of a password, a passkey uses Touch ID or Face ID to identify you. You can create and save passkeys for apps and websites that support them.
If your Mac or Magic Keyboard has Touch ID, you can sign in with Touch ID. You can also sign in with an iPhone or iPad by scanning a QR code and using Face ID to verify your identity.
Create a passkey for a new account
When you sign up for a new account, enter an account name, then click to submit.
To create a passkey, iCloud Keychain must be set up on your Mac.
When you see the option to save a passkey for the account, choose how you want to sign in:
Touch ID on your Mac: Place your finger on the Touch ID sensor.
Scan a QR code with your iPhone or iPad: Click Other Options.
External security key: Click Other Options.
Replace the password for an existing account with a passkey
Go to the app or website account to replace your password with a passkey. The passkey appears in Passwords.
Sign in to an account with a passkey
On the account sign-in page, enter your account name, then click the account name field.
Click your account in the list of suggestions.
Do one of the following:
If you have Touch ID on your Mac: Place your finger on the Touch ID sensor.
If you have an iPhone or iPad: Click Other Options, click “Passkey from nearby device”, then click the QR code.
Note: Bluetooth® must be turned on in Settings > Bluetooth for your iPhone or iPad. Bluetooth must also be turned on for your Mac. See Turn Bluetooth on or off.
External security key: Click Other Options, click “Security key”, then follow the instructions onscreen.
Each passkey is stored in iCloud Keychain, so they’re available on all your devices where you’re signed in to the same Apple Account.