Publications by Rumyana Popova
64/, 2024
Основна характеристика на съвременното демократично общество е участието на гражданите в политиче... more Основна характеристика на съвременното демократично общество е участието на гражданите в политическите процеси. В този смисъл, образованието или образователните институции са ключови агенти на политическата социализация, засягаща процесите, чрез които се възприемат ценностите, идеите и символите, институционализират се политическите роли, като те са едни от механизмите за оформянето на политическа култура и обществено мнение и развитие на поведенчески атрибути в демократичните общества. В контекста на гражданското образование и формирането и изразяването на отношение към начина на функциониране на държавата като политическа единица, обучаемите правят първите сериозни стъпки към осъществяването на своето гражданско и политическо участие, които могат да бъдат определени като едни от характерните постижения на съвременната политическа култура. Силните страни на обучението по гражданско образование са свързани с познанието, редица компетенции и умения, които учениците ще имат възможност да получат. Гражданското образование е в основата на създаването и оформянето на информирани, активни, и обществено отговорни граждани в демократичните общества на национално, европейско и международно ниво. Ключови думи: гражданско образование, демократични общества, политическа социализация, политическа култура
Съвременната международна система е изградена от модерни национални държави. Именно това придава ... more Съвременната международна система е изградена от модерни национални държави. Именно това придава изключително важното значение на явлението и понятието „нация“. Изясняването на нейната същност е важно при определянето на национализма като термин, идеология и явление, особено днес. Нацията като понятие има широк и в същото време спорен обхват, и се свързва с термини като народ, етнос, раса, държава, модерна национална държава и др. Представянето на различните гледни точки по отношение на термина „нация“, дава възможност да бъдат разбрани неговата същност, особености и влиянието му в съвременния свят. Нацията е сред най-обсъжданите феномени в нашето съвремие.
The contemporary international system is comprised of modern nation-states. This is precisely why the phenomenon and concept of “nation” are of a major significance. Clarifying the nature of the nation is essential for defining the nationalism as a term, ideology and phenomenon, especially today. The scope of the concept of nation is both broad and controversial, and is associated with terms such as people, ethnicity, race, state, modern nationstate, etc. The introduction of the various perspectives on the nation as a concept enables the comprehension of its nature, particular features and characteristics, and influence in the contemporary world.
This paper examines the contradictive in the scientific field of linguistics question of the role... more This paper examines the contradictive in the scientific field of linguistics question of the role of the proper names and nicknames in literary works. More specifically, it analyzes the meaning and interpretation of nicknames of an excerpt of characters of selected works of Chudomir, and proposes English translation for the given names. Nicknames are a distinctive feature of Chudomir's written works. The topic of proper names and nicknames is very important to get a better understanding of the interrelation between the names on the one hand and the meaning and basic goals behind it in the work, on the other. The question of nicknames in Bulgarian linguistic literature is quite relevant and yet, still has not been thoroughly explored.
Democracy and Digital Sphere: Some Problems, 2020
State is the main political organization and the primary subject or actor in the international la... more State is the main political organization and the primary subject or actor in the international law and international relations. The state has and executes somefundamental functions in social relations.Modern democracy is being realized in an entirely different environment comparing to the ХХthcentury. With the development of the Internet and digital means, public relations are also changing. This implies a new role for the democratic state in the fulfillment of its functions.
Nationalism can be defined as the most widespread modern political ideology. It has been the subj... more Nationalism can be defined as the most widespread modern political ideology. It has been the subject of research and debate for decades, but regarding it as a phenomenon, there can be a different sense. Furthermore, its meaning has a different emotional charge. Historically, there have been various manifestations of nationalism caused by a number of purposes - in some cases, it can help build a unified state, while in other cases it may appear as a factor of disintegration of large state formations. These manifestations are determined depending on the so called starting points - specific situation, age, political situation, etc. Contemporary nationalism manifesting nowadays in Europe, is mainly associated with the European integration deepening processes and the effects of the globalization. Extreme forms of nationalism, manifestations of which have been increasing in recent years, create peculiar barriers for the processes of enlargement and integration, as well as the successful implementation of European policies. Understanding nationalism is key when clarifying many social conflicts with dominant place in contemporary daily round.
2015 is a year marked by the European’s refugee crisis. The concept is descriptive of the challen... more 2015 is a year marked by the European’s refugee crisis. The concept is descriptive of the challenges emerged for the European countries in connection with the penetration of hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants in Europe, from the Middle East and Africa. Within the European Union has already a clash of “civilizations” which is close to the conception of Samuel Huntington. If we refer to the conclusions of Samuel Huntington, today Europe is on the verge of a clash of civilizations of the West and the Islam, caused by migrant and refugee flow. This give rise to the revival of national-populist parties in the member states, which itself manifests as a clash between nation states in the European Union, found expression in their contrary views and positions to the presence of the Muslim communities across the continent.
Tolerance as a condition of reconciliation, showing signs of both patience and support, understan... more Tolerance as a condition of reconciliation, showing signs of both patience and support, understanding those who differ from us in attributes such as opinions, actions and practices, race, religion, nationality and so forth, and nationalism as a political ideology that offers a description of the existing reality of the society, stressing emphatically the national supremacy over the other components building a society, both phenomena find a point of contact in this article. The principles of liberal democracy, which according to the "The End of History and the Last Man" by Francis Fukuyama, is a final stage of social development, comprise tolerance and pluralism, both political and religious. Given the comprehension of Samuel Huntington about what the civilization is, the liberal democracy itself is civilizational tolerant as well. This creates challenges for the societies in which there have been set political systems of liberal democracies and which are currently facing migration, which in turn creates prerequisites for the resurgence of the extreme forms of nationalism in Europe.
Национализъм и интеграция в Латинска Америка. Nationalism and Integration in Latin America. Natsionalizam i integratsia v Latinska Amerika, 2015
Nationalism and integration, both phenomena exist in Europe and Latin America, but there are diff... more Nationalism and integration, both phenomena exist in Europe and Latin America, but there are differences in their manifestations. The reasons for the creation of regional communities in Europe and in Latin America are also differentthe overcoming of long standing contradictions between the countries in Europe, and following the successful model of European integration in latin аmerican continent. The results of the processes in the different political systems of both continents are determined as well on the course and the progress of integration processes which in turn depend on national identities.
VII. International Applied Social Sciences Congress - (C-IASOS – 2023) Valletta –Malta, 13-15 November 2023, Dec 31, 2023
Introduction: The application of artificial intelligence (AI) has been steadily increasing in div... more Introduction: The application of artificial intelligence (AI) has been steadily increasing in diverse spheres of life, such as technologies, economics, education, art and culture, even in politics and others. What is more, the everyday life has been deeply impacted by the development of the AI. As AI is possibly to become integrated into the operations of state governments worldwide, ethical concerns emerge, regarding the extent of AI's autonomy in decision-making and action execution. This research article, therefore, delves into the ethical dimensions of AI deployment within the context of state government and public relations, focusing on two distinct usage scenarios. In the first scenario, AI serves as a tool for information analysis and recommendation without executing decisions or actions autonomously. The second scenario involves AI systems with the authority to independently execute decisions and actions that require the imperative human oversight. Human involvement is essential to ensure that decisions made by AI align with societal values, uphold legal and ethical standards, and safeguard against unforeseen consequences. This dual-tier approach, combining AI's capabilities with human confirmation, strikes a balance between technological advancement and ethical responsibility.
Aim: This study aims to provide certain guidelines for policymakers and technologists in navigating the ethical complexities of AI implementation in the public sector.
Methods: The study employs a comparative analysis approach to assess the ethical considerations surrounding AI's autonomy in state government and public relations. It examines the differing needs of AI systems in two distinct scenarios, offering insights into the balance between AI autonomy and human oversight.
Findings: The research findings emphasize the importance of a dual-tier approach in state government AI deployment.
Originality and value: This research contributes to the emerging field of AI ethics by specifically addressing the ethical challenges posed by AI in state government and public relations. The value of the research is set to outline the framework of future solutions and it puts forth the question of the influence of the AI regarding state governments and policymakers, thus focusing on the ethical implications of AI integration.
Papers by Rumyana Popova
The development and dynamics of contemporary international relations creates prerequisites and co... more The development and dynamics of contemporary international relations creates prerequisites and conditions for manifestation of the varieties of nationalism as a belief, sentiment, duty and behavior on the one hand, and on the other handas a reactionary ideology and politics stimulating and evoking feelings and attitude of superiority of one nation over others, or negative feelings between them. Keywords
Publications by Rumyana Popova
The contemporary international system is comprised of modern nation-states. This is precisely why the phenomenon and concept of “nation” are of a major significance. Clarifying the nature of the nation is essential for defining the nationalism as a term, ideology and phenomenon, especially today. The scope of the concept of nation is both broad and controversial, and is associated with terms such as people, ethnicity, race, state, modern nationstate, etc. The introduction of the various perspectives on the nation as a concept enables the comprehension of its nature, particular features and characteristics, and influence in the contemporary world.
Aim: This study aims to provide certain guidelines for policymakers and technologists in navigating the ethical complexities of AI implementation in the public sector.
Methods: The study employs a comparative analysis approach to assess the ethical considerations surrounding AI's autonomy in state government and public relations. It examines the differing needs of AI systems in two distinct scenarios, offering insights into the balance between AI autonomy and human oversight.
Findings: The research findings emphasize the importance of a dual-tier approach in state government AI deployment.
Originality and value: This research contributes to the emerging field of AI ethics by specifically addressing the ethical challenges posed by AI in state government and public relations. The value of the research is set to outline the framework of future solutions and it puts forth the question of the influence of the AI regarding state governments and policymakers, thus focusing on the ethical implications of AI integration.
Papers by Rumyana Popova
The contemporary international system is comprised of modern nation-states. This is precisely why the phenomenon and concept of “nation” are of a major significance. Clarifying the nature of the nation is essential for defining the nationalism as a term, ideology and phenomenon, especially today. The scope of the concept of nation is both broad and controversial, and is associated with terms such as people, ethnicity, race, state, modern nationstate, etc. The introduction of the various perspectives on the nation as a concept enables the comprehension of its nature, particular features and characteristics, and influence in the contemporary world.
Aim: This study aims to provide certain guidelines for policymakers and technologists in navigating the ethical complexities of AI implementation in the public sector.
Methods: The study employs a comparative analysis approach to assess the ethical considerations surrounding AI's autonomy in state government and public relations. It examines the differing needs of AI systems in two distinct scenarios, offering insights into the balance between AI autonomy and human oversight.
Findings: The research findings emphasize the importance of a dual-tier approach in state government AI deployment.
Originality and value: This research contributes to the emerging field of AI ethics by specifically addressing the ethical challenges posed by AI in state government and public relations. The value of the research is set to outline the framework of future solutions and it puts forth the question of the influence of the AI regarding state governments and policymakers, thus focusing on the ethical implications of AI integration.