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Ahsoka Tano

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Ahsoka Tano is an alien from Star Wars.
Call me Snips

Ahsoka Tano, a young female alien of some kind, is a Jedi Padawan (in other words, a Jedi apprentice). Ahsoka has access to a transforming starfighter just like other known Jedi.



Star Wars Transformers

During the Clone Wars, Ahsoka destroyed a droid factory on a remote planet.[1]



“I am no Jedi.”
  • Ahsoka Tano to Jedi Starfighter (2009)
    • Accessories: 2 hyperdrive ring parts, 2 hyperdrive engines/missile launchers, engine/ship mount, 2 lightsabers/missiles
Released in the fourth wave of Crossovers figures, Ahsoka's toy is a retool of Crossovers Anakin Skywalker, which in turn was a retool of Saesee Tiin. She transforms into a dark burgundy and white Delta-7B interceptor and is equipped with two green lightsabers that can be either handheld or fired as missiles from the starship's "hyperdrive ring" engines. The cockpit opens up to fit a single Star Wars Transformers mini-figure, although Ahsoka, like all Crossovers toys, does not come with one. She comes with the non-removable astromech droid R7-A7.
This version of the mold was also used to make Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan Kenobi, while the Saesee Tiin version was used for Obi-Wan and Plo Koon.


  • Shizuka Itō voices Ahsoka Tano in the Japanese release of the franchise.


  1. Crossovers Ahsoka Tano to Jedi Starfighter toy bio

External links

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