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Amy (RB)

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The name or term "Amy" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Amy (disambiguation).
Amy is a human from the Rescue Bots cartoon portion of the Aligned continuity family.
White and nerdy.

Amy is a young engineer who recently moved to Griffin Rock. She has a pet monkey named Tesla.


Rescue Bots cartoon

Voice actor: Hynden Walch (English)

After moving to Griffin Rock, Amy was at the community pool for the unveiling of a new crazy slide. She enthused about it to its designer, Graham Burns, but left when he became tongue tied. She later encountered him again when the rescue team caught Tesla playing in traffic, and was bemused by his hope that Tesla get loose again. Later still, she encountered him acting oddly at the cafe, and made a hasty exit. Finally she was again at the community pool when it was attacked by mutant army ants, and assisted in the evacuation. Instilled with confidence, Graham invited her to look at the blueprints for the crazy slide. Bugs in the System

When Doc Greene's latest invention caused everyone to sing, Amy broke out into the Thriller dance. I Have Heard the Robots Singing Amy helped keep the forcefield dome working by pedaling an exercise cycle, but conked out along with most of the rest of town. Today and Forever

Amy was among the townsfolk who met to decide the future of the Rescue Bots after it was revealed that they were actually aliens. Bridge Building She helped with preparations for All Spark Day, but was forced to flee when a giant CeCe Greene appeared. She later took part in the celebrations. All Spark Day She attended a Brash Ball game in the town's new Insta-adium, only for the game to be cut short when the stadium deflated. Part-Time Heroes She attended the Pizza Pi Party which ended after a mound of dough grew out of control, Pizza Pi Party and was among the disgruntled townsfolk who attended a town meeting. She was later part of a small crowd which gathered to greet Chief after the policeman was discharged from hospital. Family Business

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