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Autobot boot camp

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AA Autobot Boot Camp Exterior.jpg

Cybertronians who wish to become cogs in the great Autobot machine must first attend the Autobot boot camp. There, under an assigned drill sergeant, they learn the skills a good Autobot needs to know. For some, success in this training facility leads to the prestigious Autobot Academy, with the ultimate goal being a place among the Cybertron Elite Guard.

Known attendees:


Animated cartoon

Events from IDW Publishing or Fun Publications books are in italics.

Long before the great war, Impactor gave Ultra his name at boot camp.

Millions of years later, Kup Minor was an instructor at Autobot boot camp. He is known to have taught and named at least two classes, one of which consisted of Optimus, Elita-1 and Sentinel, the other of which included Skram, Blaster, Hot Rod and Quickslinger. The AllSpark Almanac II

Bumblebee attended the camp along with Bulkhead and several others, all (cept Bulky) hoping to one day rise to the ranks of the Elite Guard. Sadly, they had Sentinel Minor as an instructor. Autoboot Camp

See also

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