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Barithunder is an Autobot-allied Cyclone Mini-Con from the Adventure portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Who's that Pokémon? It's Electabuzz!

Barithunder (バリサンダー Barisandā) has the power to control electricity, being able to call down lightning from the heavens and shape it into electric weapons and armor for his larger partner, Sideswipe. Wearing armor created by Barithunder increases Sideswipe's speed and strength threefold.




  • Barithunder & Sideswipe Thunder Armor (Mini-Con Battle Pack, 2016)
  • ID Number: TAV43
A redeco of Anvil, Barithunder transforms from a spiked spheroid into a winged gargoyle-like robot. As a Cyclone Mini-Con, he is designed to be launched from the Deployer Crazybolt and Overload toys. He has multiple indents that look for all the world like Mini-Con armor attachment points, but he does not actually come with any armor (same as his mold predecessor).
He was only available in a two-pack with the basic-sized "Thunder Armor" Sideswipe.

  • Bumblebee & Sideswipe Supreme Armor set (Multi-pack, 2016)
  • ID Number: TAV44
"Supreme Power Barithunder" was sold in a four-pack with Sideswipe, Bumblebee, and Ironjam. This version of Barithunder is redecoed in the same red and black colors as Sideswipe.


  • The first part of Barithunder's name probably comes from "baribari" (バリバリ), Japanese onomatopoeia for the crackling of electricity.
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